"My Ring is Bigger than Yours"


Cowgirl said:
This ring thing brings up another good question. If you break up before the wedding, do you give the ring back to him?

I say YES, always give it back.


I gave my high quality 1.5ct custom made engagement ring back. Then a few months later my ex gave it back to me. Said he wanted me to keep it :blahblahmushystuffblahblah:
CRoyal said:
It's all about priorities. In many people's head's, things like jewelry should come AFTER stability with a home, car, and other things. I guess your family taught you that jewlery is a priority
Here is the bottom line. YOU are not going to chose a person to marry that EXPECTS you to buy her a bazillion dollar ring, so it's not your issue. Obviously your friend does not have the same issue you do because HE DID chose a person that EXPECTS a chunky rock and he's still planning to wed her. Redskinmama has stated that jewelry is a high priority to her, it's not likely she will have to concern herself with this issue because the odds are she will chose a compatible partner and part of what makes him compatible for her is his willingness to spend big money on jewelry for her.

Get what I'm trying to say...:shrug: There is a seat for every butt. You aren't going to propose to a woman that isn't going to accept what you have to offer... and if it turns out you chose wrong and she shows a side of her you didnt' know... you do not have to marry her.


New Member
CRoyal said:
It's about what it symbolizes. Like Christmas.. totally material now. An engagement ring is about everything but how much and how big. Clearly we have opposite views on the issue. . I just hope your future/current man sees yours so that you get the ring you lust after.

how do you celebrate christmas at your house? does is pizz you off to see it materialized or do you go along with it?


Redskinsmama said:
seriously? why would you care that someone wants a big engagement ring? You don't mind that people buy mansions and drive hummers to show off, but a woman with a big engagement ring means she doesn't take love and commitment seriously? I don't want a huge house...give me enough room to lay my head and i'm set...don't need a new car...just something to get me from point A to B.....but since i've picked a materialistic item that doesn't fit in your realm of what's ok, that's wrong?

So if i get u the ring..and I already have a nice house to live in and buy u nice car to drive...can u im ur pic plz b4 this convo goes futher ;)
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Salt Life
MDTerps said:
"My Ring is Bigger... 08-15-2007 02:40 PM your a ho

I must have more shoes then my karma giver. :lol:
You know that wasn't from me. I would have put "skank" in front of the ho AND I would have spelled "your" as "you're." :huggy:


wkndbeacher said:
So if i get u the ring..and you I already have a nice house to live in and buy u nice car to drive...can u im ur pic plz b4 this convo goes futher ;)

Are you using an iPhone to post?


Chasey_Lane said:
You know that wasn't from me. I would have put "skank" in front of the ho AND I would have spelled "your" as "you're." :huggy:

hmm maybe they gave up school for a materialistic lifestyle...you know life is full of sacrifices :buttkick:


aka Mrs. Giant
Toxick said:
Since women don't have penises, this is what they've settle on to compare sizes amongst themselves to see who is the better person.

That, and who has more shoes.
I need more shoes. Really. You can keep your bling just give me some new shoes. And maybe a purse. With a matching hat.


New Member

wkndbeacher said:
So if i get u the ring..and you I already have a nice house to live in and buy u nice car to drive...can u im ur pic plz b4 this convo goes futher ;)

don't send my pic over the net, but you can meet at blair's jewelers and we can talk....

please tell me you sensed the sarcasm...


Redskinsmama said:

don't send my pic over the net, but you can meet at blair's jewelers and we can talk....

please tell me you sensed the sarcasm...

I know Rayner..will it count if I get the ring at a discounted price :elaine:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Redskinsmama said:
ok i'm just going to say it and take my verbal lashings from the masses...everyone that knows me knows my love of jewerly. i would like to think that if a man was going to propose to me, he would save to make it happen because he knows how much it means to me. I can't tell you honestly what i would say b/c i never felt marriage on the horizon. maybe when i meet the right person, my views on this will completely change and i won't care about the ring.
I don't see what the big deal is about wanting your fiancee to buy you a big ring. It's no different than women who like good looks or nice buns or intelligence or anything else.

"I only like intelligent men who can make me laugh."
So if a guy of average intelligence with a more quiet sense of humor came along and treated you like a queen and would be an excellent father to your children, you'd throw him out?

See what I mean? Everything is shallow, really, if you think about it.


Well-Known Member
wkndbeacher said:
So if i get u the ring..and you I already have a nice house to live in and buy u nice car to drive...can u im ur pic plz b4 this convo goes futher ;)

Unless you're 12 years old you're not allowed to talk/type like that. And even when you're 12 it's annoying. :smack:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"I don't care about looks. I just want a man who loves me for me and treats me like the princess of his dreams."
So you'd go for a 400 lb guy with severe acne and body odor if he loved you and treated you like a princess?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Redskinsmama said:
i would not overlook the man of my dreams, b/c it's not like i have an application that states, "this is what i want, so if you plan on proposing...."
Do you go to the grocery store without a list as well?

There's nothing wrong with wanting what you want.


aka Mrs. Giant
vraiblonde said:
I don't see what the big deal is about wanting your fiancee to buy you a big ring. It's no different than women who like good looks or nice buns or intelligence or anything else.

"I only like intelligent men who can make me laugh."
So if a guy of average intelligence with a more quiet sense of humor came along and treated you like a queen and would be an excellent father to your children, you'd throw him out?

See what I mean? Everything is shallow, really, if you think about it.
I might. :ohwell: He'd have to have a lot more going for him if he doesn't surpass my criteria. I :heart: :nerd:


Cowgirl said:
Unless you're 12 years old you're not allowed to talk/type like that. And even when you're 12 it's annoying. :smack:

Thanks for the correction...Im used to short word because I text alot for work sorry if it annoyed you.