"My Ring is Bigger than Yours"


Well-Known Member
wkndbeacher said:
Thanks for the correction...Im used to short word because I text alot for work sorry if it annoyed you.

:lol: I text too, but I still type everything out. I don't like to make my recipients cross their eyes trying to read something. :huggy:


Im On 1.
lets stop with the Miss America answers already :rolleyes:


nobody is gonna go "WOW" at a 1/2 carat zirconia, a gold band from Wal-Mart or a peice of String around your finger until he can afford something better.

The ring symbolizes his love for you - not all of it but some of it. The time, the thought process of choosing the right one just for the lady he wants to spend the rest of his life with shows he loves you....the price tag on the ring shows how much he loves you.

If your man has no problem spending $$$$ on electronics, hunting trips, strip clubs, beer parties & weed (whatever his fetish is)...he should have no problem spending that dough when it comes to the lady he chooses to die with.

After I was proposed to, I went to the store to get it appraised and make sure it was real....U NEVER KNOW...


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
wkndbeacher said:
Thanks for the correction...Im used to short word because I text alot for work sorry if it annoyed you.
Ooh, I want a job texting!!! :howdy:


Well-Known Member
Qurious said:
lets stop with the Miss America answers already :rolleyes:


nobody is gonna go "WOW" at a 1/2 carat zirconia, a gold band from Wal-Mart or a peice of String around your finger until he can afford something better.

The ring symbolizes his love for you - not all of it but some of it. The time, the thought process of choosing the right one just for the lady he wants to spend the rest of his life with shows he loves you....the price tag on the ring shows how much he loves you.

If your man has no problem spending $$$$ on electronics, hunting trips, strip clubs, beer parties & weed (whatever his fetish is)...he should have no problem spending that dough when it comes to the lady he chooses to die with.

After I was proposed to, I went to the store to get it appraised and make sure it was real....U NEVER KNOW...

Oh STFU already. :rolleyes:
Qurious said:
lets stop with the Miss America answers already :rolleyes:

Not true. I picked out my engagement ring and I picked a diamond chip because him and I were saving for a down payment on a house.

Once married and established, he bought me lovely jewerly sets for Christmases or birthdays or such and I thanked him and then took them back to the jewelers because I knew I wouldn't wear them. He's learned and has since stopped buying me jewelry and I'm cool with that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Qurious said:
they are lying.
Just because you're shallow and materialistic doesn't mean everyone is.

So you were going to marry this guy, eh? What if, when you got the rock appraised, it would have come back as a CZ? Would you have suddenly fallen out of love?


Im On 1.
kwillia said:
Not true. I picked out my engagement ring and I picked a diamond chip because him and I were saving for a down payment on a house.

Once married and established, he bought me lovely jewerly sets for Christmases or birthdays or such and I thanked him and then took them back to the jewelers because I knew I wouldn't wear them. He's learned and has since stopped buying me jewelry and I'm cool with that.

Mistake #1. A woman should never do this.

Did u ask him to marry you?


Im On 1.
vraiblonde said:
Just because you're shallow and materialistic doesn't mean everyone is.

So you were going to marry this guy, eh? What if, when you got the rock appraised, it would have come back as a CZ? Would you have suddenly fallen out of love?

I would not suddenly fall out of love (the heart doesn't work that way) but I would DEFINETLY question the relationship and put it on hold.

most definetly.
Qurious said:
Mistake #1. A woman should never do this.

Did u ask him to marry you?
How is that a mistake? :lol: We had a 1 1/2 year engagement and have been married for over 16 years now.

No, I did not ask him to marry me. There is no mandatory rule stating a ring must be present at the time of the proposal. We went to the jeweler's two weeks after I accepted his proposal.


Salt Life
kwillia said:
He's learned and has since stopped buying me jewelry and I'm cool with that.
I engraved this into day from day 1. I'm NOT a jewelry person. I wear my engagement ring and wedding band, a watch that I've had for 10 years and simple, small hoops everyday. Sometimes I'll throw in a necklace that cost under $10. Jewelry is nice and a wonderful gift...for someone other than myself. :lol: