Against MY wishes my (now) Ex decided we were buying a German Bred Rottweiler locally - ok so she was a NICE dog but the contract stated not only did we HAVE to breed her, we had to use the stud of the breeders choice. The breeder was into "line breeding". So 2 years later I find myself taking care of puppies that I did NOT want - AND the breeder was to get the pick of the litter (that ole contract). I did not like any of it but my Ex wasn't INTO rescue like I was.
We kept one of the pups and he was awesome. During his life my Ex wanted to let him breed so bad, yet I was opposed to it and would not agree. He was NOT breed standard - he was gigantic at over 150 lbs. Great dog, then he turned 7 and got sick. $900 later we knew he was dying of Pancreatic Cancer and had to put him out out of his misery. I loved that dog so much but I was embarrassed to admit that I participated in the breeding process knowing how many dogs die in shelters. So ...... I contacted a Rottie Rescue named Roxie's Fund and adopted Quinn. I think I was trying to "make up" for the breeding stuff and he was my special angel.
So people should not be so quick to judge someone who BUYS a pet. There are many things that can lead one to BUY a pet and it doesn't necessarily make them bad. If you want a high quality breed you sometimes do need to buy one.
I have a friend who did Rottie showing/breeding in the past. She has always taken in rescues from the shelter to compensate for her breeding for show. I think that balances it out pretty well that way.
Thank you! I was not aware of this and will refrain from using it.
Again, good info. Thanks! And i do apologize for earlier.
I guess the boards have been so boring some excitement was needed.

OK I once again provided it. Glad to be of service! But the WHOLE intent of this thread was about my 4 month old dog and his habit's at 6 pm
every night. Obviously, that was not made clear. Sorry. And it can be embarrassing.
FYI ALL, all of our previous chows (4) while all were males, we had them neutered at the appropriate age, or they came to us that way. Just to point out to some of you, WE are not the inexperienced Chow owner.
I learned a lot about breeding etc from this thread. I'll continue to learn. And as I said in my last post, who knows, I may decide not to do so.
And yes, WE paid a large sum for Bogart. Because we did not want a 'back yard bred' dog.
Enough said peeps lets all just play nice.