It saddens me to read this entire thread. The humane's society has a ton of pets that are looking for homes.
It saddens me to read this entire thread. The humane's society has a ton of pets that are looking for homes.
so you took what I was saying wrong. It has nothing to do with value of the dog. I know many dogs reg. that are so poorly breed and with so many health issues due to over breeding because of ignorance.
That is the point... he was not educated of the health issues the dogs could have and pass on because of poor breeding. Labs are close to the number one dogs that get turned into rescues because of over breeding, and family not understanding the breed they have decided on.
Most people think its as simple as just letting the dog get prego, have pups, and they are easy to get rid of. I know someone right now who "accidently" had a litter of pup and the female passed away a week after having a litter of 8-9 pups. WOW NEWS FLASH.... now you have to bottle feed them every two hours and play mom. They are making due but has been very hard adjustment on the family. He has said he will never go thru that again and will make sure it does not happen again. He is finding out that its not cheap, and its not going to be easy to place the puppies.
Genetics is a crazy thing.... even the well breed dogs are not guaranteed free of health issues but careful breeding cuts down on it. Its common sense :shrug:
Not Zach, the dog.Too young for me.
But the dog's cute.
Not sure if it is the same dog, but he did visit Mr. Stuff-It.Is that the Major's dog from SOAP.![]()
Of course, in Suz's defense, let me point out that many of the problems facing pure breed dogs today are due to narrowing of the genetic pool, and this is mainly due to the fact that breeders gravitate toward a select few award winning dogs and their bloodlines.
But not everyone wants a shelter dog. Some people want a particular breed, that fits into their lifestyle and circumstances.
Not at all a proper intro, but I wanted to jump in on Turbo's comment. She hit the nail on the head here. We were stationed in Germany for the last 3 years and I desperately wanted to buy some beautiful dogs from a couple of different breeds and bring them back to add some diversity to the genetics.
However, the German breeders are very hesitant to sell to Americans bacause of our indiscriminate breeding practices and the immense stray population we have. Oh, and my beloved husband said no way to the fees (you know: vet checks, verify heritage, pet passports - yep pets have to have them in Europe to travel around, flight costs when we moved back, American vet checks, and all the other necessary needs).
Unfortunately we are no doggie-less since March and I miss my girlie! But that's another story.
OK, back to lurking.
I think Turbo is a![]()
True, but everyone deserves a chance.
But not everyone wants a shelter dog. Some people want a particular breed, that fits into their lifestyle and circumstances.
Yes, I'm an a-hole. More importantly hoever, I'm a he.![]()
thats just retarded, the reason we have the pelthora of dog types today is because of "mixed" breeding, and many of the health issues we see in pure breeds is directly related to poor breeding practices and limited gene pools.
my mutts have been some of the best and healthiest dogs i have ever owned, and the one i got as "pick of the litter" when my sister bred her stud is one of 11 pups that all found paying customers that are completely in love with their designer mutts.
I know you are of the male species![]()
What I said : I think Turbo is a
Now, had I said I think Turbo is ANit might have been logical to assume I meant A$$hole.
Has he been neutered?
Close but no cigar! The breeds we have today are the result of careful, planned breeding in order to create a dog for a certain job, look, etc. Breeds are not the result of random breeding, they are the result of breeding for specific traits, and careful planning to fix those traits genetically.
Each breed, as opposed to mix or mutt, if mated to one of it's own breed, will have pups that fit the breed type, IE two GSD's that meet the breed standard will result in pups that are unmistakably GSDs. However, if you mate a GSD and a Beagle, all the puppies will be different proportions of each, and if they mate, people will be scratching their heads trying to figure out what's in them... How will you know which will likely be good at ground scent and game tracking, and which will be good for LEO work and chem/LHS detection? Chances are, none of the pups will excel at either. Try taking a LabXGSD and getting a Mondioring title, without having your first 100 attempts resulting in your dog blowing his anal glands in fear and running off the field.
Too many people have forgotten that dogs once not only mooched off of us, but actually contributed their part. Dogs had jobs once upon a time. This is why they were bred for type, why we have dogs like the GSD, Doberman, American Bulldog, Greyhound, Lab, Chessie, Aussie, Border Collie, Chihuahua, JRT... They were bred the way they were so they would excel at specific jobs.
Now we breed purely for aesthetics. Schnoodles? Labradoodles? Puggles? WTF!!! If you want a hypoallergenic dog just get a damned Poodle, they already come in a variety of sizes!! Heck the 'designer' breeds aren't even breeds, because they have no genetic type. What can they do, other than not make you sneeze? Can they hunt? Man track? Herd? Guard? Handler protection? Pull sleds? And can they do so better than established breeds?
Designer 'breeds' only exist to fill wallets. Notice they all have cutesie names? Other than that, they have no purpose. Soon enough, they will fall prey to the same problems as every other breed, once they have been inbred enough or fade from popularity. Then I guess it's one to the next...
What exactly were American Bulldogs bred to do?