New Here, May Relocate


jack of all trades
I live in Hickory Hills and it's a very safe neighborhood. It's going to show up as being in Great Mills (post office), but geographically, it's California, MD (used to have a California, MD address...).

Anyway, as far as the "bad" areas, they are no where near what I've seen in California (the State).


New Member
Thanks, once again! If anyone happens to see my "dream home" which happens to be an old home (think of the house from "It's A Wonderful Life") without having to auction the kids off, please let me know.


Set Trippin
Originally posted by newcomer
Thanks, once again! If anyone happens to see my "dream home" which happens to be an old home (think of the house from "It's A Wonderful Life") without having to auction the kids off, please let me know.
Mary Bailey? :confused:


Time for a nap
Originally posted by USNavyWife
One More Question....

If we relocate to VA Beach, we will be able to afford renting a 4 bedroom house. What are the chances of that in S. MD?

I grew up in Va. Beach, and lived in Southern Maryland for four LONG years.

IF YOU HAVE A CHOICE, there is no question here--buy a house in Va. Beach and move there. Southern Maryland is the epitome of a one-horse town that couldn't handle the growth. 235 has become one big traffic jam (I was just down there last week and waited half an hour to get from Starbucks to Gate 1).

IMHO, Va. Beach has many communities in many price ranges, and has a lot more to offer than Southern Maryland. Good Luck!


New Member
You guys are making MD sound better and better. I'm not worried about the traffic, like I said before, it is HORRIFIC in California, so that is not an issue to us. What we want is...

A place where we will have a big yard for our children to play in (can't get a yard here unless you are a millionaire).
A place where we don't have to call the cops on our neighbors every night for partying.
A place with low crime.
A place where we can relax and enjoy life without the overwhelming feeling of being in a huge city.
A place that has a good school system for my kids.
A place where the weather does not get terrible.
A place that has that small town kind of feel, yet is civilized. I don't want to have my neighbors be a mile down the road, or feel like I'm living in the 1800's.
A place where we can afford a nice place on BAH (about $1200).
A place where the people are all nice.
A place where we will make FRIENDS. We don't know very many people here.

Is Pax River the place for us?


New Member

About VA Beach, I have been reading a lot about the high crime there, and it is kinda scary. Also, what are the towns that are nice and quiet?


Originally posted by USNavyWife
You guys are making MD sound better and better. I'm not worried about the traffic, like I said before, it is HORRIFIC in California, so that is not an issue to us. What we want is...

A place where we will have a big yard for our children to play in (can't get a yard here unless you are a millionaire).
A place where we don't have to call the cops on our neighbors every night for partying.
A place with low crime.
A place where we can relax and enjoy life without the overwhelming feeling of being in a huge city.
A place that has a good school system for my kids.
A place where the weather does not get terrible.
A place that has that small town kind of feel, yet is civilized. I don't want to have my neighbors be a mile down the road, or feel like I'm living in the 1800's.
A place where we can afford a nice place on BAH (about $1200).
A place where the people are all nice.
A place where we will make FRIENDS. We don't know very many people here.

Is Pax River the place for us?


New Member
ok, so if I were to do some research on some Pax River areas, just to see some photos, and what it's like there, what do you suggest looking up?


Originally posted by USNavyWife
ok, so if I were to do some research on some Pax River areas, just to see some photos, and what it's like there, what do you suggest looking up?
I am sure some of the net nerds have tons of links. I don't. I just moved here in June and love it. I live in hollywood, 9 miles from the base and 4 miles to the school. I did a ton of research from links they provided and on this site. State school rankings, and such. I like the Leonardtown area. Housing in St Mary's is tight, Calvert is easier.


Football season!
Originally posted by USNavyWife
You guys are making MD sound better and better. I'm not worried about the traffic, like I said before, it is HORRIFIC in California, so that is not an issue to us. What we want is...

A place where we will have a big yard for our children to play in (can't get a yard here unless you are a millionaire).
A place where we don't have to call the cops on our neighbors every night for partying.
A place with low crime.
A place where we can relax and enjoy life without the overwhelming feeling of being in a huge city.
A place that has a good school system for my kids.
A place where the weather does not get terrible.
A place that has that small town kind of feel, yet is civilized. I don't want to have my neighbors be a mile down the road, or feel like I'm living in the 1800's.
A place where we can afford a nice place on BAH (about $1200).
A place where the people are all nice.
A place where we will make FRIENDS. We don't know very many people here.

Is Pax River the place for us?

Maybe you should try fantasy land? :confused:


Lookin for Margaritaville
Originally posted by USNavyWife
You guys are making MD sound better and better. I'm not worried about the traffic, like I said before, it is HORRIFIC in California, so that is not an issue to us. What we want is...

A place where the weather does not get terrible.

Is Pax River the place for us?

hmmm... USNavyWife... depending how long you've lived in CA and how much you enjoy the climate there AND if you like cold climates you may be in for some climate shock ... did you mention in your first post that you have family in NY ? if so ... maybe you will enjoy the climate here ... my hubby retired from the USN almost 2 yrs ago and was offered a great job here in PAX river, he had been stationed in Florida since '86 so it has not been easy to get used to having cold weather more than 6 months out of the year, if and when a job opening comes available anywhere south of here we will bid somd goodbye ! Don't get me wrong , we have enjoyed it here as much as possible , last June was the first summer vacation we ever took where we didnt need a/c ( Deep Creek Lake - NW maryland ) but I suppose we lived in Florida so long - we enjoy the outdoors and being able to wear t shirts and shorts almost year round - that we have decided we are definitely southerners at heart :smile: I could go on and on about other things we have experienced since moving here - some good, some not so good , being military all my life I have learned to roll with the punches ... you'll learn a lot here on this forum... feel free to pm me if you have any questions ...

I wish you and your family the best of luck and hope your move here is smooth.


New Member
I too spent most of my life in Southern California, and you would be surprised by the number of ex-patriot SoCal's here in southern Maryland. Part of me misses the lifestyle I had in San Diego, but if I were to go back, I would only find that the lifestyle I had was in the past.

Believe it or not, the jobs pay much better here in the Pax River area, and while the schools are not up to say, Poway standards, they far surpass San Diego Unified. I retired from the Navy in 2001, and I haven't been out of work a single day since I got out. My friends who elected to stay in SD cannot say that.

You can get property close to the bay reasonably, while (after a quick visit home to SD) $700K only gets you 1200 square feet in a 40 year old fixer-upper in San Diego. While my friends and I do miss SoCal, we've got no intention of going back, except for a visit (like OMBAC OTL!)

Yeah the lifestyle is a little slower, and instead of Disneyland, you have living American History all around from the Revolution and Civil War, to the present day. DC is not an overly taxing drive, and while the weather can be somewhat unpredictable, you do get the four seasons.

That being said, it is getting pricier here. 2 years ago you could build a home in Mariners Cove starting at $140K, now they start at $250K, and only six lots are left! I guess it is all of us SoCal refugee's driving the prices up!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by newcomer
Thanks for the ballet info! Does she specialized just in ballet or offer other types of dance?
YW. They also do some jazz and modern dance, but I don't think they offer tap.


New Member

You mentioned Mariner's Cove in particular. I'm one of those people who have been looking at the remaining lots. Is Mariner's Cove the same as Cedar Cove because I noticed another thread that talked about Section 8 housing going up adjacent to it? Thanks for your help! Long-distance house hunting is definitely a least the internet helps!:rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by newcomer

You mentioned Mariner's Cove in particular. I'm one of those people who have been looking at the remaining lots. Is Mariner's Cove the same as Cedar Cove because I noticed another thread that talked about Section 8 housing going up adjacent to it? Thanks for your help! Long-distance house hunting is definitely a least the internet helps!:rolleyes:

Mariner's Cove is all the way down Long Lane, a little over 2 miles from the proposed "Section 8" housing development. At least that is what I measured using my car's odometer. Of course, in my opinion that will be preferrable to some of the tornado magnets (trailers) I see along Hermanville Road and in some other housing developments in the area.

What area are you coming from in SoCal? I used to live in the Scripps Ranch/Poway area, and you will find this area to have roughly a third of the cost of property as San Diego. With interest rates in the 5-6% range, you can get an awful lot for your money. Plus like I did, (even in San Diego) while my active BAQ/BAH never covered my mortgage payment, I made it up in my tax refund, plus you are building equity. I took the advice of my Dad to buy as much home as I could afford, and that has out-performed my stock investments, my 401K, and with NAVAIR ain't gonna get cheaper around here anytime soon!