New Relationship and the Bathroom


:Jeepin' in NC:
Turn on the water and fill up the bath tub, tell him your taking a bath and do what you gotta do!

You could make him pick up dinner everynight and go while hes gone.

OR~ You could just ask him to leave while you do some "things"


Lobster Land
devilvice said:
I need some advice, I am going away with my boyfriend for the first time this weekend and we are going to stay in a hotel room. I have a problem with bodily functions around other people. So what should I do if I have to go number 2 or get gassy? I am kinda worried since we will be staying the weekend together.

Might I suggest buying a fart cushion and spraying it with Lysol. Take it with you and sit on it all the time and laugh. He'll undoubtably do the same. Then just take it into the bathroom with you and he'll never know what you're really doing. Hmmmm, wonder how Adam and Eve handled it? Adam: What was that awful noise? Eve: Weren't me, here eat this apple.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Where have I been all day? :confused:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Bathroom Knocker" border="0"></a> Just don't wait too long.... <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Stinky Bathroom" border="0"></a>

On Monday, we'll read.... <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="He Dumped Me" border="0"></a>

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
virgovictoria said:
Where have I been all day? :confused:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Bathroom Knocker" border="0"></a> Just don't wait too long.... <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Stinky Bathroom" border="0"></a>

On Monday, we'll read.... <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="He Dumped Me" border="0"></a>
"dumped" would be a good word to use. She's going to be irregular by the time she gets home.


thanks for all the advice... never got to go in the hotel but I made it through in the empty bathroom stalls at some places we went.. and we went to a lot of stores and he never knew
oh and mikey.. thanks for the corks... you always know just what to say


I bowl overhand
harleygirl said:
I cannot believe I read this whole thread to find out if she had to use the bathroom or not......... :ohwell:
Well, I was going to suggest that if her boyfriend packed her tight, then this wouldn't be a problem for the week-end, but then I thought that would be tasteless and crude.


100% Goapele Head!
Somdmommy said:
Turn on the water and fill up the bath tub, tell him your taking a bath and do what you gotta do!

You could make him pick up dinner everynight and go while hes gone.

OR~ You could just ask him to leave while you do some "things"

He's gonna be pretty suspicious and probably think she is getting high, serving herself, or the bell person. :yikes:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
devilvice said:
I need some advice, I am going away with my boyfriend for the first time this weekend and we are going to stay in a hotel room. I have a problem with bodily functions around other people. So what should I do if I have to go number 2 or get gassy? I am kinda worried since we will be staying the weekend together.

Light a match.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
devilvice said:
thanks for all the advice... never got to go in the hotel but I made it through in the empty bathroom stalls at some places we went.. and we went to a lot of stores and he never knew
oh and mikey.. thanks for the corks... you always know just what to say
I can't go in public places. I guess I'm worse off than you are.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
I once had a boyfriend who, when we stayed in a hotel, would leave the room to pooh. He'd go use the bathroom in the lobby. I always thought it was ridiculous. :lol:


You're all F'in Mad...
K_Jo said:
I once had a boyfriend who, when we stayed in a hotel, would leave the room to pooh. He'd go use the bathroom in the lobby. I always thought it was ridiculous. :lol:

Yeah, he should have asked you to leave instead... -dur- Lucky for you, you found someone smarter... :cheers:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Oz said:
Yeah, he should have asked you to leave instead... -dur- Lucky for you, you found someone smarter... :cheers:
Toxick has trouble when he posts that he is going to go.
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It's Great to be American
devilvice said:
I need some advice, I am going away with my boyfriend for the first time this weekend and we are going to stay in a hotel room. I have a problem with bodily functions around other people. So what should I do if I have to go number 2 or get gassy? I am kinda worried since we will be staying the weekend together.

If he cares for you, a little gas shouldn't matter. Some people may try to deny it, but gas is something very few people can control. There are products available (Beano etc.) that advertise that they can reduce gas. Another option would be to avoid eating foods that you know give you gas.

As far as the "number 2" problem goes, the best thing to do is to excuse yourself and take care of business.


New Member
sinwagon said:

Yep, good ole matches always do the trick. You could also take a travel candle to keep in the bathroom, so when you're lighting up those matches he'll think you're just lighting the candle.

This thread was too funny! My sister has a real phobia about this and she's been married for over 20 years. She always gets all balled up on vacations :lmao: