New Relationship and the Bathroom


You're all F'in Mad...
devilvice said:
thanks for all the advice... never got to go in the hotel but I made it through in the empty bathroom stalls at some places we went.. and we went to a lot of stores and he never knew

Now that you're past the whole bathroom thing, where does the Grumpy Munchkin stand in your relationship?


In My Opinion
rule number 173 in a new relationship.
page 220
paragraph 3


During the course of every new relationship, the moment will arise that one or possible both parties in question will need to use the bathroom for personal relief reasons.

As everyone is familiar with the use of the bathroom, It should be noted that common practices such as lid position, sprinkle wipe up and towel/soap placement should always be observed in order to leave the bathroom in a suitable fashion for the other person.

But what do we do about the sometimes pungent aroma that can be left after a release of the bowels contents? It should be stated in no uncertain terms that this odor should not be allowed to enter the other persons nose.

On the market are several sprays designed to cover up various household odors that work well in masking the stench that can sometimes be left behind. The problem is that the smell can signal a danger sign to the other person that you may have problems that could be an issue later in the relationship.

The reasonable way to keep this problem from arising is to excuse yourself from the room, and go to the closest service station and foul their air.
If that is not a realistic approach, you must at all cost pinch the loaf until the other person uses the rest room first. Upon their exit from the facilities, you can feel confident that with the aid of the exhaust fan your release will be cleared before the next time the door has to be opened.

If it looks as though you might be caught with an early entrance to the bathroom by the other party, you MUST make an excuse for the lingering odor before they enter, giving them the chance to either hold it, hold their nose, or go to the nearest service station and use their facilities.
The only excuse that works at this point is to claim an upset stomach, most likely caused by something you ate earlier, but not something your partner cooked. Tell them that your stomach has been upset and that you have fouled the air. Apologize and offer to drive them to the nearest service station, resturant, store or where ever you might find a more fragrant place for them to releive themselves.

One method that has worked many times is to suggest going out for a walk, or dinner, or to a store etc.. prior to using the bathroom. Once the other person is walking to the door to leave, run in quickly and proceed to power poo then go out the door with them.
