New Relationship and the Bathroom


devilvice said:
I cant wait till monday, I do it everyday and I told him about this and he said I was physco, he said it was natural. But I can't even go around my friends and I dont like people going around me. Yes we can do the bumpity bump all the time but I find ways to get rid of him so I can go. I can even fart around him, I go outside or something like hide in a corner.
He will giggle when he hears the first nugget hit the water, no way to get around it. :ohwell:


Enjoying the Beach
devilvice said:
I cant wait till monday, I do it everyday and I told him about this and he said I was physco, he said it was natural. But I can't even go around my friends and I dont like people going around me. Yes we can do the bumpity bump all the time but I find ways to get rid of him so I can go. I can even fart around him, I go outside or something like hide in a corner.
What are you gonna do when he farts or has to go poo? :lmao:


well he has fart twice around me, yes i counted it, and I just looked at him and was like cant you do that somewhere else... and he is a truck driver so he sees lots of toilets. He has no problem with it but I think I will bring lysol.


Pete said:
He will giggle when he hears the first nugget hit the water, no way to get around it. :ohwell:
You might make a little TP raft and have it floating around to catch the first nugget so it doesn't splash. Drawback is elevated out of the water it will smell worse. You have to weigh your options.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Pete said:
You might make a little TP raft and have it floating around to catch the first nugget so it doesn't splash. Drawback is elevated out of the water it will smell worse. You have to weigh your options.
Pete has been experimenting in the bathroom again. :lmao:


New Member
Pete said:
You might make a little TP raft and have it floating around to catch the first nugget so it doesn't splash. Drawback is elevated out of the water it will smell worse. You have to weigh your options.

Any advice on how to aim?


You're all F'in Mad...
Don't ask me - I have yet to date or marry a chick who isn't full of gas or crap... :ohwell:


24/7 Single Dad
Used to date a chic with this phobia. I'd say "Give me a big hug" and when she's squeeze me, I rip off a big fart. When she's excuse her self to go to the bathroom, I'd lean over and wisper "We could hear you" when she came back.

We're no longer dating :lol: bit that's OK. She had hairy nipples.


OZ - its ok I work by a girl that has bad gas and likes to blow up the bathroom all time and I have to wait to go in there


You're all F'in Mad...
devilvice said:
OZ - its ok I work by a girl that has bad gas and likes to blow up the bathroom all time and I have to wait to go in there

Holy crap!