New Vision Trash Service?


New Member

there's not much i can add that hasn't already been said. i too am another New Vision sucker, excuse me, "customer".

this Sebastian cat came cold-calling through my neighborhood (in LaPlata) last June/early July and gave my wife and me the pitch. we didn't sign up right away. slept on it a night or two, and checked google for reports on this company. at that time, the worst i could find was a few NoVA residents complaining about their trucks speeding through their neighborhoods. i didn't check the BBB.

we figured we'd give it a try, since it would be saving us nearly 50% on our trash bills. seems we all know how this went from there. funny thing is this thread was started several weeks after we started with NV. if only i had waited!

at any rate, fast-forward to today. today is supposed to be the first day Affordable Refuse picks up my garbage. i have high hopes, as i've seen their trucks constantly in my neighborhood over the years. my renewal was supposed to be up with NV 1 July. i sent my invoice back to them with 'Cancel my service. You guys suck.' hand-written across the invoice. i also told them by my count, they owe me $33 since they halved my service without my consent. i told them they can either give me $33 or else i keep their bin. their choice (Affordable charges for a bin, so if i can abscond with this one, it'll be a bonus) we'll see how that works out.

i still see NV trucks driving up and down MD 210 (as recently as this AM), so i think reports of their demise are greatly exaggerated at this time. however, i gotta think this company is on life support. i can only hope.

finally, i have a web hosting company i run outside of my paying job, and i have registered . i haven't decided what to do with it yet, but when i get a breather in a week or to i will wire it up with some basic info. i certainly don't want to hijack the community here and this epic thread, but i plan on allowing comments and sharing of your story, etc. so i will be back with some more info on how to participate. (if the mods here don't appreciate me mentioning this, kindly let me know and i'll edit it out)

so anyway, this is my first post here. name IRL is John. add me to the NV body count.

happy to make your acquaintance. peace.
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Uncle Charlie

Beer is Good!!!!
I am speaking to an attorney about New Vision

I too have had it with New Vision. It took 3 weeks to get our bin and for them to pick up our trash when we signed up, but they gave us no credit. They missed multiple pick up dates and again no credit.

Then, they stop coming twice a week and I am not sure what days they are coming now. They used to come on Monday and Thursday in Leonardtown area. Then it was only Thursdays.

This week, they came yesterday, dumped one can and left two others sitting there full.

I am going to speak to an attorney. ALL of us are owed refunds by this compnay, yet you cannot get through on the phone, "box is full" and letters and e-mails go unanswered.

I believe an attorney would be more than glad to go after them, representing all of us together, asking for refunds for service we are not getting and that they just arbitrarily changed with no rate adjustment. I also believe an attorney would do it for a contingency fee.

Ther are HUNDREDS of us that have been screwed by this company. If 200 households are owed an average of $40, that would be $8,000 PLUS attorney's fees. And I am sure there are more than 200 of us upset.

I'll let you know what I find out.


New Member
trash in charles

Does anyone have any experience with New Vision Trash Service? I found a paper flyer for them tucked in my front door. Their price is reasonable and it appears to be a company that's been around for a while in other states. I'm wondering if anyone else in St. Mary's Co. is pleased with their service? Thanks!

my neighbor uses them. we all used to have southern md then these newer companies came around. a large group of families on our court went with another company who was cheaper. think the name is evergreen. i can get u more info if you like - just let me know.


New Member
I'd recommend that everyone who has an account with NV print this thread and file it for future reference.

Good idea just in case we ever need to prove the situation with this incompetent company and all the troubles they have caused the people of SoMD! They came to US asking for our business but then they did NOT do what they SAID THEY WOULD!


New Member
I got service Jan 6 i believe. I got my can April 1 when i was moving out of my house. I had service i think 1 time since living in my new place. During the first 3 month they missed a pick up at least 2x a month. When the snow storms came i think they came 1 time during that. So actually they missed a!

Ancient One

New Member
Been searching... Finally have a lead......

:howdy:Residing in the Newburg area our choices for trash pick seem to be few. I have called 6 different companies including Reliable and Goode, both with high recomendations. They do not serice our area. However, "Newburg Trash" (duh) :doh: trash does service our area. On one hand they are more expensive, by $44 per quater. For peace of mind I think it may be worth the extra $. They come once a week. You have to supply your own cans, up to three.:1bdz:

My questions: "Has anyone dealt with them before?" Does anyone have a personal experience with them so as to make a recomendation?

Sort of gun shy at this point.:rolleyes:


New Member
:confused: And you are?????

Good question Ancient One!

JOHN: Are you a trash business? Or are you someone who can help with this New Vision company???

A few details would be greatly appreciated even though we have already started service with Goode and so far they have done what they said they would!


New Member
Good question Ancient One!

JOHN: Are you a trash business? Or are you someone who can help with this New Vision company???

A few details would be greatly appreciated even though we have already started service with Goode and so far they have done what they said they would!

I can help.....i if u like


Salt Life
Ther are HUNDREDS of us that have been screwed by this company. If 200 households are owed an average of $40, that would be $8,000 PLUS attorney's fees. And I am sure there are more than 200 of us upset.
You're going after a company for $40? Really?? Want me to write you a check?


New Member
I can help.....i if u like

Sorry to sound negative, but with things the way they are, people who take advantage of others, or are not honest, I really need more info about just who you are before I even think of calling! I am NOT saying that you are any of the above, but there are those out in the general public who are. I like to err on the side of caution!

Thanks for the offer but unless I know more about you, thanks but no thanks!


Well-Known Member
Someone in Fairfax posted in the BayNet that they are officially going out of business, don't know how true this is, heard this a couple of times in the past 2 months. What a mess they stirred up. My neighbor switched to Goode, 8 bucks more than NV for twice a week, I got their number on standby.


New Member
Switch also

We switch to Evergreen last week , New Vision will not answer their phone, I will not keep their trash bin in my yard for long


Well-Known Member
We switch to Evergreen last week , New Vision will not answer their phone, I will not keep their trash bin in my yard for long

In St Mary's off Chancellors they picked up my trash one day late the last 2 weeks and this week picked it up on time Wednesday, I must be one of the lucky ones.


New Member
We switch to Evergreen last week , New Vision will not answer their phone, I will not keep their trash bin in my yard for long

That has been happening for several weeks now. This week I am writing sa letter demanding the refund of my money since I have not had service during this quarter that I PAID for and also stating that I will see them in small claims court if they do not refund it promptly. And that I will get enough people to have it a class action lawsuit to boot!

I have a lot of documentation against this company. And a lot of friends who also switched to them when they solicited new customers in SoMD last year.


Well-Known Member
That has been happening for several weeks now. This week I am writing sa letter demanding the refund of my money since I have not had service during this quarter that I PAID for and also stating that I will see them in small claims court if they do not refund it promptly. And that I will get enough people to have it a class action lawsuit to boot!

I have a lot of documentation against this company. And a lot of friends who also switched to them when they solicited new customers in SoMD last year.

Why write a letter, just drive to their office, do you really think they are going to respond to your letter if no one can barely get them on the phone, figure the odds. I wonder what NV management thinks when they read this post, everyone must have seen this huge post by now. But yet they continue to elude their customers, except when some of us got a note in the trash can.
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New Member
That has been happening for several weeks now. This week I am writing sa letter demanding the refund of my money since I have not had service during this quarter that I PAID for and also stating that I will see them in small claims court if they do not refund it promptly. And that I will get enough people to have it a class action lawsuit to boot!

I have a lot of documentation against this company. And a lot of friends who also switched to them when they solicited new customers in SoMD last year.

You can call Evergreen at 240 330 0862...that is who i use, so do my neighbors, my boss, my dentist, my mother-in-law, my friends, ...ask them for the $25/ month ($75/quarter) deal and they are awesome...


New Member
We switch to Evergreen last week , New Vision will not answer their phone, I will not keep their trash bin in my yard for long

You can call Evergreen at 240 330 0862...that is who i use, so do my neighbors, my boss, my dentist, my mother-in-law, my friends, ...ask them for the $25/ month ($75/quarter) deal and they are awesome...