BTW, the Logitech Revue does 1080p, costs $100, and you can add a video camera if you really want to video chat. The big advantage that I see for the Samsung is that it runs Android 2.3 which means that there are a sh!tload of apps available for it. The Revue uses a heavily modified version of Android 3.0 and there are very few apps available for it...unless you sideload.
I have a digital video camera somewhere.
I know that will work with the TV. I also have a desktop 'puter; prob'ly in the same place as my vid storage, that just might work with the TV too. :shrug: I just have to find 'em. The problem with the 'puter and the camera is, they are both USB, but the TV a PC input jack.....welll, look here:
VGA cable connection for PC.
b Digital audio output jack
Digital audio output to home theaters and other digital audio
c Component 1 video and audio input jack
Video input from analog devices such as DVD, receiver, game
console, etc. This connector is used with audio input.
d Antenna input jack
Signal input from an antenna, cable or satellite.
e USB terminal
Data input from USB storage devices or to connect the supplied
USB wireless LAN adapter. Do not connect any other device to
this terminal such as; digital camera, keyboard, mouse, etc.
f Ethernet port
For internet connection using an Ethernet cable with a RJ-45
g HDMI 4 input jack
Fourth HDMI in connector.
Digital audio and video input from high definition digital devices
such as Blu-ray players.
h HDMI 3 input jack
Third HDMI in connector.
i HDMI 2 input jack
Second HDMI in connector.
j HDMI 1 input jack
First HDMI in connector.
k Audio input jack for HDMI 1 and PC
l Component 2 video / composite video and audio input jack
Video input from analog devices such as DVD, receiver, game
console, etc. This connector is used with audio input.only has one USB port.
The computer doesn't have HDMI but I was thinking I could still hook up my home computer and vid cam; using the TV as a 40" monitor.
That's possible, right?