Nikki Haley


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I'm more interested in what you're going to do when you don't have Trump to cry about.

Do you have a Meltdown Register that you can post so we'll know the next name?
Did I miss DeSantis' announcement to run?


Well-Known Member
What are you guys going to do when Desantis gets the nomination and Trump spends the rest of his life screaming about stolen nominations and rigged elections processes?

Will you then realize he's been lying about everything ? Or will you conveniently forget you supported him and swear your allegiance to Desantis?
we wont have to worry about that only you worry about stuff like that and probably wet wipes and adult diapers and tucks medicated pads.


Well-Known Member
we wont have to worry about that only you worry about stuff like that and probably wet wipes and adult diapers and tucks medicated pads.

Well you should worry about that since it will prove you've been had by a conman. But you are not morally or even logically consistent so it wont matter.


Well-Known Member
Saint Mary...
I will look forward to your succinct analysis of President Bidens State if the Union Address Tuesday night.
Please be prompt and highlight the key points.

Thank you in advance.

black dog

Free America
My wife and I are NRA Lifers, since before LaPierre. However, for more effective legal fights, donate to GOA, 2ndA Foundation and other such.
I think Wayne has worked for The NRA since the late 70's or so. My gfather bought me my LM as a kid in elementary school.
I did the same with my kid.


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
I think Wayne has worked for The NRA since the late 70's or so. My gfather bought me my LM as a kid in elementary school.
I did the same with my kid.
He has been there a long time, became CEO/Executive VP (?) in 1991. With him, it's been the frog in the pot slow boil since...
I got the Life Memberships shortly after the Mrs. and I wed in 1982.