Nikki Haley


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
You don't have to like a person to do the right thing for the better outcome of a whole country.
That is true and I said way back in the beginning "I'm a true I, I'm going to vote for who, in my opinion, is best for the job, not for an R or D." Meaning that if the choice is Joe or Trump, it's definitely going to be Trump. I don't think that's going to be the match up though, I think we're going to see Haley, Disantis, Hogan, Cruz, Youngkin, Noem and Sununu going against Harris, Newsome, Buttigeig. My guess is it comes down to Younkin v. Newsome.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
hold a grudge

What "grudge"? I met that guy one time, briefly, and have no personal relationship with him.

  • My "grudge" is that he's a Democrat stooge who used Marylanders' tax money to buy crap from his wife's foreign buddies.
  • Locking down Maryland over "covid" was pure bullshit.
  • I'm also unhappy that he sold the marijuana licenses to whoever would line his pockets instead of going by merit or capability.
  • Any politician who uses the words "Trump" and "Russian collusion" in the same sentence is a non-starter.
  • As Governor he pushed highway and construction projects that directly impacted land that he owns and made himself a bundle ($2.4 million, to be semi exact).
  • He supports corrupt POS Democrats instead of candidates in his own party.
  • Including Joe ****ing Biden.
  • He's a "climate change" psycho.
  • He's also a gun grabber.
  • And a "hate crime" nut.
  • His irrational hatred of Trump - you have to ask yourself why. Never-Trumpers are typically cronyied up and on the take.
  • He started out on the wrong foot by lying about his cancer diagnosis.
  • He blames Trump for Jan 6, which is ridiculous and speaks volumes about his complete lack of character.

There's more but those are just off the top of my head. I'm surprised that you indicate character is important to you when choosing a President, and yet you like Larry Hogan for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Haley... all foriegn policy, now on the other side, I think we've already seen the first puffs of smoke out of the M. Obama locomotive, next part of the big plan...she will be the Democratic candidate for 24...


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
What "grudge"? I met that guy one time, briefly, and have no personal relationship with him.

  • We My "grudge" is that he's a Democrat stooge who used Marylanders' tax money to buy crap from his wife's foreign buddies.
  • Locking down Maryland over "covid" was pure bullshit.
  • I'm also unhappy that he sold the marijuana licenses to whoever would line his pockets instead of going by merit or capability.
  • Any politician who uses the words "Trump" and "Russian collusion" in the same sentence is a non-starter.
  • As Governor he pushed highway and construction projects that directly impacted land that he owns and made himself a bundle ($2.4 million, to be semi exact).
  • He supports corrupt POS Democrats instead of candidates in his own party.
  • Including Joe ****ing Biden.
  • He's a "climate change" psycho.
  • He's also a gun grabber.
  • And a "hate crime" nut.
  • His irrational hatred of Trump - you have to ask yourself why. Never-Trumpers are typically cronyied up and on the take.
  • He started out on the wrong foot by lying about his cancer diagnosis.
  • He blames Trump for Jan 6, which is ridiculous and speaks volumes about his complete lack of character.

There's more but those are just off the top of my head. I'm surprised that you indicate character is important to you when choosing a President, and yet you like Larry Hogan for some reason.
Another one that's got an anti following here, Fat Larry. Yes he's an R in a D state, but what has he done that that makes him unelectable?
I asked a question about him, I didn’t endorse him and this right here is what I asked about. If this had been the first response the entire thread would have been done in a half page.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I wasn't asked for Biden's character flaws, just Trumps.
Oh really?...Wanna go back to MY post #14? chose to ONLY point out Trump's flaws...while dodging Joe's flaws with your BS policy answer.
But you do this quite often here...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I asked a question about him, I didn’t endorse him and this right here is what I asked about. If this had been the first response the entire thread would have been done in a half page.

What fun would that be?

But you better not ask again or I'ma give you a virtual noogie. That happens all the time - some dipwad asks what I like about Trump and I take the time to put forth a list of the whats and whys, only to have it ignored and a month or so later that same dipwad asks me the exact same question.

Don't be a dipwad. :bonk:


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
What fun would that be?

But you better not ask again or I'ma give you a virtual noogie. That happens all the time - some dipwad asks what I like about Trump and I take the time to put forth a list of the whats and whys, only to have it ignored and a month or so later that same dipwad asks me the exact same question.

Don't be a dipwad. :bonk:
See you did the same thing with the list of faults, I know that’s at least the third time I’ve written it up.


Well-Known Member
What fun would that be?

But you better not ask again or I'ma give you a virtual noogie. That happens all the time - some dipwad asks what I like about Trump and I take the time to put forth a list of the whats and whys, only to have it ignored and a month or so later that same dipwad asks me the exact same question.

Don't be a dipwad. :bonk:
As the site admin you should be very efficient at typing!!:roflmao:


Well-Known Member
He is rude and a bit of a blowhard. Might be acceptable in a leader, but I sure as hell wouldn't want a friend like that. Unless of coarse they are rich and like to pick up the bar tab.
Rude is what we need not some soft spoken fool who is afraid to call a spade a spade


Well-Known Member
Rude is what we need not some soft spoken fool who is afraid to call a spade a spade
That is neither here nor there. The question was whether or not he has character flaws. Being rude and being a braggart are generally considered flaws even if they might be helpful in a leader. Being a sociopath might make you an excellent businessman, but it's still considered a character flaw.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
That is neither here nor there. The question was whether or not he has character flaws. Being rude and being a braggart are generally considered flaws even if they might be helpful in a leader. Being a sociopath might make you an excellent businessman, but it's still considered a character flaw.
This is 100% true. I was speaking more of his moral character, but you have a very good point that some character flaws could be a plus in the right position. Kind of like Dexter being a sociopath makes his working with death seem normal.


Well-Known Member
A woman who's own party is so racist she has to go by Nikki instead of her real name Nimrata because they would think she was a muslim.


Well-Known Member
A woman who's own party is so racist she has to go by Nikki instead of her real name Nimrata because they would think she was a muslim.
She is not a Democrap you know the ones who wanted to keep slaves and then started the KKK and still keep blacks down today with their welfare programs