No more smoking in bars in St. Mary's County


New Member
ylexot said:
I don't understand your argument. Since not everyone who enjoys drinking and socializing needs to smoke, nobody is allowed to? Is that your argument? If it is, that's just f'ing :dork:

HELLO?!? It imposes on those around you. Stop being so self-centered and inconsiderate. :smack:


New Member
ylexot said:
So, you imposing your wishes on others is not self-centered and inconsiderate? :rolleyes:

Yeah, pretty much. I'm not saying they can't smoke. They just can't smoke where it affects me.


b*tch rocket
MDChick said:
HELLO?!? It imposes on those around you. Stop being so self-centered and inconsiderate. :smack:

Quite frankly, I think that people out drinking at bars are much more of a health hazard to us all than some second hand smoke.

I mean seriously, how idiotic is the argument that bars should ban smoking because it subjects non-smokers to "deadly" second hand smoke. What about the non-smoking drunk that leaves the bar and drives down the road while I'm on the road with my kids?

The sole purpose of a bar is to serve alcohol, and I'll bet you a pack of smokes that at least 75% of the people leaving a bar are legally over the limit.

We should just shut down all bars due to the health risk. :drama:

The anti-smoking nazis have just become absolutely ridiculous and completely and hysterically out of hand.


b*tch rocket
AND.... the exhaust coming out of the ten gazillion vehicles out on the road is far more noxious and deadly than any friggin second hand smoke, why aren't the crybaby, fresh air breathers screaming about that? I'll tell you why, they'd go into hysterics if they had to walk more than ten feet.

I figure if you want to keep deadly toxins from being breathed in, stop driving your damn car, or at make clean breathing zones, where cars are not allowed. :shrug:


Super Genius
MDChick said:
They just can't smoke where it affects me.
How is this not self-centered?

Main Entry: self-cen·tered
Pronunciation: -'sen-t&rd
Function: adjective
1 : independent of outside force or influence : SELF-SUFFICIENT
2 : concerned solely with one's own desires, needs, or interests


New Member
ylexot said:
How is this not self-centered?

Main Entry: self-cen·tered
Pronunciation: -'sen-t&rd
Function: adjective
1 : independent of outside force or influence : SELF-SUFFICIENT
2 : concerned solely with one's own desires, needs, or interests

Exactly my point. Self-centered and inconsiderate is being so caught up with your own addiction (desire, need, interest) that you don't care how what you're doing affects those around you. How about the next time you're shopping at the supermarket, I'll stroll by and spit in your face - just because I happen to enjoy spitting...

But I don't expect you to understand. Your thoughts and actions are dictated by a plant. I'm done with you. :howdy:
MDChick said:
Yeah, pretty much. I'm not saying they can't smoke. They just can't smoke where it affects me.

So, none of us civilians are to be where you are, because you do not want smoke to affect you? How about not going to the places that you think you will have this problem with...smoking has been around for decades, and not a single soul had problems with this...this has now become a political correct issue, they don't care about the people it affects, they only care about what they think is right. I can understand not smoking in restaurants, because i do not like that myself while trying to eat. Little by little this gov't. is taking our rights away and before you know it, we will not even have freedom of speech, which actually has become a minor problem in this world.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
MDChick said:
Exactly my point. Self-centered and inconsiderate is being so caught up with your own addiction (desire, need, interest) that you don't care how what you're doing affects those around you. How about the next time you're shopping at the supermarket, I'll stroll by and spit in your face - just because I happen to enjoy spitting...

That is the sound of a point flying right over your head.

What you're saying is that you should be able to go anywhere and do anything without being inconvenienced by the habits of others. It's not enough that there are a multitude of places you can go and enjoy yourself, completely avoiding these reprehensible smokers. You are insisting that ALL public places accommodate you and to hell with what anyone else might want.

THAT, my dear, is self-centered.

And your spitting analogy is stupid.


New Member
I think smoking needs to be ban period... :larry: That is the most disgusting thing a person can do.. Now maybe I can go to the bars without having to inhale the smoke. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
baseballmom said:
I think smoking needs to be ban period... :larry: That is the most disgusting thing a person can do.. Now maybe I can go to the bars without having to inhale the smoke. :yay:
I think baseball needs to be banned. It's the most disgusting thing, all these idiots running around trying to hit a ball with a stick. I'd like to be able to go to a bar without having to see baseball on the TV.

And I'd like to be able to go to a park without having to listen to a bunch of screaming kids playing this game. MAN, do I hate screaming kids. We should ban screaming kids - I don't know why their self-centered parents think they can just take these screaming kids out in public and inflict them of the rest of us. If I wanted to listen to screaming kids, I'd have some of my own.


Super Genius
No more smoking in bars... 03-03-2007 09:42 AM Self-Centered Spazz - SMIB sucks
1) How can it possibly be construed as self-centered that I am interested in the freedoms of others? (I'm not a smoker)
2) I'm not a SMIB :shrug:


New Member
I understand you have your rights. :yay: But what about my right and my health. Why when I want to go to a bar I have to suffer?? :smack:


Super Genius
baseballmom said:
I understand you have your rights. :yay: But what about my right and my health. Why when I want to go to a bar I have to suffer?? :smack:
Because you choose to go to a bar that allows smoking.


New Member
Here's my take on it. There are tons of other habits that other people do in this world that bother me. :yay: If I don't like it I go away from it. Instead of pizz and moan about it, I change my actions because Lord knows you can't change others. :yay: We are all here on God's green earth together, try to make the best of it instead of quibbing over the small stuff.

Oh and for whoever posted saying they didn't like a "fireworks display" on their hood from lit butts, maybe you shouldn't follow so close to another moving vehicle. Sometimes, I light a ciggerette and smoke it just for intentionally throwing it at a tailgaiter behind me (but never if someone is on a motorcycle thats just dangerous and rude.) I give myself 50 points if it lands on the hood, 25 if it just bounces off the road and 100 points if I get the tailgaiter to pass me while giving me the finger :yay: :)sarcasm:) Rude and obnoxious people that expect other people to change for THEM are part of the reason I do smoke. It gives me tolerance.