No more smoking in bars in St. Mary's County


professional daydreamer
Larry Gude said:
...and forefinger and spread them as far apart as you can get them. There you go.

Every bit of 50", maybe more.

We're not only mesmerized by the size of ours, we're amazed at how clear everything is in HD.

I thought I spent too much time in front of the television before. :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh yeah...

elaine said:
We're not only mesmerized by the size of ours, we're amazed at how clear everything is in HD.

I thought I spent too much time in front of the television before. :lmao:

...the TV, right.


No Longer the Kid
Larry Gude said:
...has been reported to the proper authorities.

Is it any wonder people don't know their neighbors anymore? Everyone wants to sue and ban what everyone else does. Not exactly the best way to find common interests.


If everyone is a lawyer...


:lol: but its coming, it has to be, they are trying to ban everything else, and golf for the average person also includes drinking and foul language, and a good amount of golfers smoke, and now, we can't have those 3 go together... thats a :nono: And sports talk, which can also be found in a "sports bar" can also have drinking, smoking and foul language involved..

I think at the next meeting, I'mma go ahead and propose these things to be banned.


No Longer the Kid
No more smoking in bars... 03-02-2007 08:32 AM Since you gave me red karma, back at ya!

I haven't given any red in this thread :confused: oh well

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Softballkid said:
:lol: but its coming, it has to be, they are trying to ban everything else, and golf for the average person also includes drinking and foul language, and a good amount of golfers smoke, and now, we can't have those 3 go together... thats a :nono: And sports talk, which can also be found in a "sports bar" can also have drinking, smoking and foul language involved..

I think at the next meeting, I'mma go ahead and propose these things to be banned. don't know the half of it. Golf courses waste fertilizer. They waste water. They may exploit illegal immigrants. They cater to mostly white males who have money of dubious origin. The balls are white with a very small minority of other colors allowed. The thing you're trying to get to is ringed in white paint and is suggestive of male dominance. They take up prime real estate where poor people could be living.

Is any of that good for society, as a whole?


No Longer the Kid
No more smoking in bars... 03-02-2007 09:24 AM Your smoke from the bar drifts into the restaurant!

So what you are telling me is: I smoke, come into a resturant, you can smell it.. right...

So when you ask say 50 people to smoke outside the bar, when they all come back into the bar, the smell won't be there :confused:

Is that what your saying?


No Longer the Kid
Larry Gude said: don't know the half of it. Golf courses waste fertilizer. They waste water. They may exploit illegal immigrants. They cater to mostly white males who have money of dubious origin. The balls are white with a very small minority of other colors allowed. The thing you're trying to get to is ringed in white paint and is suggestive of male dominance. They take up prime real estate where poor people could be living.

Is any of that good for society, as a whole?

It gives me somewhere else to smoke, drink, and cuss :shrug:


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm a...

CrunchTime said:
I quit smoking four years ago. Now I can't stand the smell. :barf: Anyone else here a quitter? :patriot:

...a quiter. 6 years this fall. Don't miss them one tiny bit. Not after coffee, not after sex, along or otherwise, not after eating. Nothing.

I can't stand them anymore, unless I'm in a bar.


Super Genius
Larry Gude said: don't know the half of it. Golf courses waste fertilizer. They waste water. They may exploit illegal immigrants. They cater to mostly white males who have money of dubious origin. The balls are white with a very small minority of other colors allowed. The thing you're trying to get to is ringed in white paint and is suggestive of male dominance. They take up prime real estate where poor people could be living.

Is any of that good for society, as a whole?
"Country clubs and cemeteries are the biggest wasters of prime real estate! Dead people? They don't want to be buried nowadays. Ecology, right? Ask Wang. He'll tell you. We just bought property behind the Great Wall. On the good side!"


New Member
St. Mary's Smoking

While I do enjoy going to bars while at school and not coming home smelling like smoke. I feel that appropriate incentives should be given to owners of the bars.

In pg county a particular bar has had they sale go down 40% since the smoking ban. Is this solely due to the ban probably not but it has effected business.

Maybe tax incentives for owners who ban smoking. Make it worth their while.

Government should work to help the all people, smoking or not.


Super Genius
male20674 said:
While I do enjoy going to bars while at school and not coming home smelling like smoke. I feel that appropriate incentives should be given to owners of the bars.

In pg county a particular bar has had they sale go down 40% since the smoking ban. Is this solely due to the ban probably not but it has effected business.

Maybe tax incentives for owners who ban smoking. Make it worth their while.

Government should work to help the all people, smoking or not.
I disagree. This is not the purpose of government.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Now see...

ylexot said:
"Country clubs and cemeteries are the biggest wasters of prime real estate! Dead people? They don't want to be buried nowadays. Ecology, right? Ask Wang. He'll tell you. We just bought property behind the Great Wall. On the good side!"

...that's a great point. Every time I see a grave yard, I see what should be a golf course. Beautiful, unused space. It's already quiet. If there's a funeral, they can just let people play through. Head stones can double as t markers and ob stakes. There's already cart paths, a few ponds, greens keepers...


Super Genius
_MightyMouse_ said:
All of Hollywood's Finest! Otherwise, the ladies would be very upset if I didn't show my face :larry:
BTW, I think you should sue those women for exposing you to hazardous material...