How has the NRA made it easy for underage foreign born students to obtain ILLEGAL weapons?forestal said:It's valid leverage to use. The good-ole boy, card carrying NRA gun nut is also known to be xenophobic. If I can show that the NRA's policies allow non-resident south koreans to buy guns and shoot our students, maybe the cogs in their brains might turn one clink and realize that the NRA has gone too far.
Of course many non-resident students were also killed...
aps45819 said:When will you answer it?
Your ignorance is astounding. The NRA has NEVER promoted ownership of weapons for minors. They DO provide safety classes for our young people that teach responsible handling and marksmanship.
It's still illegal to buy pistol ammunition if you're underage.forestal said:Sure they have. It's completely legal for a minor in VA to buy a fire-arm from a family member.
The state does restrict people convicted of felony crimes from possessing firearms, and forbids giving or selling handguns to minors under 18, except from one family member to another.
forestal said:Sure they have. It's completely legal for a minor in VA to buy a fire-arm from a family member.
So how does that apply to this case Inspector Clouseau? Do you have knowledge that the shooter got the weapons from a family member?forestal said:Sure they have. It's completely legal for a minor in VA to buy a fire-arm from a family member.
The state does restrict people convicted of felony crimes from possessing firearms, and forbids giving or selling handguns to minors under 18, except from one family member to another.But selling rifles and shotguns to children over 12 is permitted.
I got a buck that says he didn't "purchase" the firearms legally.forestal said:Okay, so do you think the 2nd amendment extends to non-residents? Do you wonder how non-citizens are allowed to purchase firearms?
You probably don't, or care much either.
aps45819 said:Long guns only, not pistols.
How has the NRA made it easy for underage foreign born students to obtain ILLEGAL weapons?
Pete said:I got a buck that says he didn't "purchase" the firearms.
The NRA doesn't control gun showsforestal said:By allowing guns to be sold at gun shows.
Toxick said:Ah - so you're saying that the gunman got the firearm from a relative.
If I lose I will happily give you the dollar in person.forestal said:Oh, right, gun crimes aren't committed by people who purchase their own firearms.
You're on!
You going to pay him in lead?Pete said:If I lose I will happily give you the dollar in person.![]()
How does a state law morph into "The NRA has made it easy for an illegal alien to obtain an illegal weapon." ??forestal said:Sure they have. It's completely legal for a minor in VA to buy a fire-arm from a family member.
The state does restrict people convicted of felony crimes from possessing firearms, and forbids giving or selling handguns to minors under 18, except from one family member to another.But selling rifles and shotguns to children over 12 is permitted.
Nucklesack said:It’s funny, because all of you Liberal koolaid drinking jizzmers are forever whining and screeching about “Constitutional violations” when the government tracks the phone calls of known terrorists, something that there is not a comma in the Constitution prohibiting, but when it comes to the 2nd Amendment and what it actually says, you seem to have a blind spot. Wonder why that is?
Mikeinsmd said:How does a state law morph into "The NRA has made it easy for an illegal alien to obtain an illegal weapon." ??
You have no self esteem. You like it when we beat you up dontcha?![]()
Pete said:If I lose I will happily give you the dollar in person.![]()
forestal said:Actually the 2nd amendment is only for members of a well regulated militia.
Go back and read your Constitution Sooper Patriot.
No that would be a felony.Ken King said:You going to pay him in lead?![]()