Well-Known Member
You're very good at repeating things I've disputed.i'd say it has a lot to do with discussing religion. If your religion states that man was created 6000 years ago and two people throguh a process of insectual relations populated the entire world, but there is scienitfic evidence that man evolved from a lesser species over a longer period of time, i think it is a worth while discussion.
MY religion - indeed, the vast majority of Christians' beliefs - does not believe this 6000 year thing. Insects had nothing to do with populating the world with people, I have no idea what you're trying to say with that. There is no evidence mankind evolved from a lesser species, or there'd be a missing link to that lesser species - there's a theory. And, even if evolution were a fact for mankind, in what way does that dispute the basic premise that a God created life? As you've said, evolution supposes life exists, it speaks nothing to how it happened. So, where is the assertion in religion that mankind, as created, was EXACTLY mankind as it exists today? Seriously, how is evolution a challenge to religion?