NYC / NY Cesspool


PREMO Member

Mara Gay’s unreal demand for NYC to do more for migrants

She slams him for supposedly ignoring the city’s rich immigrant history, assailing his failure to provide more than basic services — and that only “grudgingly.”

He’s not “putting the country’s largest municipal government to work helping them build new lives,” and even did flyers telling them not to come!

Hel-lo: Past migrant waves got the sink-or-swim treatment, not free housing and meals, let alone flat-screen TVs, PlayStation and Xbox games.

Yes, they could work legally, but then again they’d arrived legally, not exploiting loopholes in asylum law.

No one put any of them up in $400-a-night luxury hotel rooms.

Gay and her progressive cohort won’t be satisfied until taxpayers cover stays in every hotel, and every public space is given over to shelters.

She wants more public money to feed the gaping maw of the city’s vast nonprofit-industrial complex, no matter its decades-long failure to reduce Gotham’s “native” poverty.


Well-Known Member
Next time Middle Eastern religious nuts want to fly planes into something, I have a few suggestions for them.

Oh, wait. They already f*cked that up, didn't they?

Maybe Russia, Russia, Russia will oblige. It'll be Trump's fault, regardless, so why not?


PREMO Member

Why Heastie & Co. are so proud of blocking new housing for desperate NYers

And Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie last week doubled down on his opposition.

“You have to come up with a statewide plan. But I also think we have to come up with a plan that works for everybody,” he huffed.

Then he explained that he wants more money guaranteed for unions.

“We still think that a larger, more inclusive plan has to happen, including discussion of union wages,” Heastie said. “So, we’re not going to be able to do a statewide plan in that way.”

Unions fund his (and other Dems’) campaigns, you see.

He and state Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins are also demanding more “protections” for tenants — that is, measures that would make it harder for landlords to evict those who fail to pay their rent and so earn enough income to keep up with their bills and keep their properties in good shape.

Heastie and Stewart-Cousins surely know that higher costs due to higher wages and lower revenue for builders and landlords will only discourage investment and development of new housing.

They just don’t care. The special interests come first.

The whole point of the 421-a tax break lawmakers let expire last year was to encourage housing development by offsetting outrageous property taxes and making investments economically viable.

Yet radical progressives objected to any breaks, and labor leaders insisted on higher wages for construction workers.

So Heastie & Co. were fine with letting the break expire — even if it meant strangling new construction.

True, Hochul’s housing plan wasn’t perfect; towns across the state objected to its attempt to override local zoning plans.


Power with Control
Jane Fonda Oscars GIF by The Academy Awards


PREMO Member

NYC Mayor Eric Adams says migrant crisis could cost the city $12 BILLION as more are bussed to the Roosevelt Hotel from Texas - as he calls on Biden to declare state of emergency

  • Mayor Eric Adams called on President Joe Biden to declare a state of emergency in the state in a news conference on Wednesday
  • He said he expects the city to spend nearly $12billion trying to house the thousands of migrants who have already arrived in New York City
  • More were seen being bused into the Big Apple on Wednesday morning


PREMO Member

Second migrant part of Adams' resettlement program charged with sexually assaulting woman

Erie County officials said that a third party contracted by New York City to handle the migrant hotel operation might have obstructed local police’s investigations into the assaults and are demanding that the Biden administration and Congress act at the federal level to properly address the crisis.

At a press conference Saturday, Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz, a Democrat, said no more asylum seekers would be sent from New York City until security measures with regard to the migrants could improve. He said New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, a fellow Democrat, agreed to place National Guard members at each of the hotels that are housing asylum seekers to act as a "stabilizing presence."

Poloncarz joined Cheektowaga Chief of Police Brian Gould in calling for the immediate discontinued use of the Best Western hotel on Dingens Street to house asylum seekers.


PREMO Member

Shake Shack Founder Shutters Two Manhattan Restaurants after Hotel Converted to Migrant Shelter

“As tenants of the Redbury, our two restaurants, which occupy the lobby floor, have been eagerly anticipating the hotel’s full post-pandemic reopening. Now, as the Redbury partners with the City to house asylum seekers, it’s become clear that the timeline for that reopening has been extended indefinitely,” a spokeswoman representing Meyer’s company, Union Square Hospitality Group, told Eater: New York, in an official statement.

However, through the spokeswoman, Meyer – who is a prominent Democratic Party donor – reaffirmed his support for the migrant housing policies New York City has been forced to enact as it grapples with accommodating tens-of-thousands of illegal migrants. “While we admire and respect the Redbury’s decision, the viability of our business relies significantly on hotel-related F&B operations, including event venues and the lobby bar, spaces that are now unavailable for our use.”

A survey taken in July indicates that there are over 100,000 people were reliant on New York City shelters, forcing city officials to commandeer hotels and other commercial spaces. The Adams administration estimates that the strain of housing migrants could cost as much as $4.3 billion by the end of the year.


PREMO Member

SUNY Buffalo State booting migrants from dorms over student safety concerns, critic rips move as prejudiced

SUNY Buffalo State University is evicting 44 migrants from its dorms after parents raised concerns over student safety — but an asylum-seeker advocate claims the move smacks of prejudice.

Officials at the state university abruptly canceled an agreement with a local community group that placed dozens of migrants at the upstate school in May — citing parental worries in the wake of separate sex-assault charges against two migrants bused north from New York City, Buffalo News reported.

“As we are welcoming our students back to campus Tuesday, we wanted to ensure the best possible learning environment for our students and smooth functioning of our university operations,” interim school President Bonia Durand said in a statement, according to the outlet.


PREMO Member
🔥 New York’s City Journal ran a story Friday headlined, “Empire Snub.” The sub-headline provided more context: “New York State’s governor joins President Biden in making it clear to New York City: you’re on your own.”

That doesn’t sound too good.

The problem appears to be that New York City is now hosting — at taxpayer expense — over 110,000 illegal aliens, with +2,700 more arriving every week. The City’s woke, virtue-signaling homeless advocacy system was only meant to be a way to distribute largesse, and was never actually supposed to deal with homelessness per se.

Now the City’s homeless “system” — if you can call it that — is buckling under the strain and nearing its final, indescribably shameful collapse.

Woke, diverse, inarticulate New York Mayor Eric Adams has been begging the federal government for help — but to no avail. Why? One possibility is the feds’ hands are tied. If the feds send New York City money for illegal aliens, then Texas could sue them and get a whole lot more money. Not to mention every other red state afflicted with the same curse.

Or maybe it’s playing out just as intended.

Residents, however, are decidedly uncomfortable with the direction things are going. Even though the City Journal is a reliably leftwing outlet, it stopped covering for the liberal city government and accurately described the crisis — and described the apocalyptic hellhole that New York City is rapidly becoming, after having to deal with the strain of only a relative few non-paying citizens soaking up the creaking welfare resources.

The City Journal didn’t sugar coat the problem: Eric Adams is a feckless numbskull who might be diverse but has no idea how to handle the problem. It seems to be a completely alien idea to the City Journal that diversity is not the same as competence:

With no end in sight to the migrant wave, the mayor lacks any plan to deal with the crisis—other than to keep asking Washington and Albany for billions of dollars to secure yet more hotel rooms and erect more tent cities … It’s clear that Adams has reached the end of this game. The White House is not going to help him, and Albany is not going to help him… It’s becoming obvious—if it wasn’t already—that it was a spectacularly bad idea to convert large-scale Midtown hotels into migrant shelters for the foreseeable future. The problems mount. The loss of hotels harms the city’s struggling post-Covid tourism industry, and it pushes up apartment-rental prices, as visitors priced out of hotels turn to apartments permanently converted into illegal Airbnb rentals. Migrant men working for food-delivery apps such as UberEats and Grubhub also have begun to store dozens of mopeds, motorcycles, and e-bikes haphazardly around the streets and sidewalks of Midtown hotels, creating an eyesore. Migrant women and children illegally vend fruit, sodas, and other wares in Times Square and Central Park, competing with legally licensed vendors, most of them immigrants themselves. And when the city isn’t renting entire hotels or blocks of rooms, it is taking over community recreation facilities, including soccer fields used by public-school children.

So the controlled demolition of New York City continues at a furious pace. Somewhere in Hell, Cloward and Piven are having a laugh together.



Well-Known Member

SUNY Buffalo State booting migrants from dorms over student safety concerns, critic rips move as prejudiced

SUNY Buffalo State University is evicting 44 migrants from its dorms after parents raised concerns over student safety — but an asylum-seeker advocate claims the move smacks of prejudice.

Officials at the state university abruptly canceled an agreement with a local community group that placed dozens of migrants at the upstate school in May — citing parental worries in the wake of separate sex-assault charges against two migrants bused north from New York City, Buffalo News reported.

“As we are welcoming our students back to campus Tuesday, we wanted to ensure the best possible learning environment for our students and smooth functioning of our university operations,” interim school President Bonia Durand said in a statement, according to the outlet.

Surprised there isn't an Onion article about SUNY not having enough rapists on their lacrosse team to compete with Duke so they are importing more.


PREMO Member

New York loses $1 trillion in Wall Street business as firms flee the city: report

A giant, sucking sound is coming out of Wall Street — and it’s siphoning staggering sums of money out of the Big Apple while handing business to Florida and other states farther south.

Nearly 160 Wall Street firms have moved their headquarters out of New York since the end of 2019, taking nearly $1 trillion — yes, that’s trillion with a “T” — in assets under management with them, according to data from 17,000 companies compiled by Bloomberg.

Looking to dodge rampant crime, stiff taxes and an increasingly exorbitant cost of living, 158 fed-up financial firms representing a whopping $993 billion in assets have packed up and left the Big Apple, taking thousands of high-paid employees with them, the data shows.


In all, 56 of the New York firms have decamped to Florida, while most of those remaining also headed to warmer states such as Texas and the Carolinas, according to the report. New York isn’t the only major loser, with California also having lost $1 trillion in financial assets under management to Florida, Texas and other lower-cost states.


Well-Known Member

New York loses $1 trillion in Wall Street business as firms flee the city: report

A giant, sucking sound is coming out of Wall Street — and it’s siphoning staggering sums of money out of the Big Apple while handing business to Florida and other states farther south.

Nearly 160 Wall Street firms have moved their headquarters out of New York since the end of 2019, taking nearly $1 trillion — yes, that’s trillion with a “T” — in assets under management with them, according to data from 17,000 companies compiled by Bloomberg.

Looking to dodge rampant crime, stiff taxes and an increasingly exorbitant cost of living, 158 fed-up financial firms representing a whopping $993 billion in assets have packed up and left the Big Apple, taking thousands of high-paid employees with them, the data shows.


In all, 56 of the New York firms have decamped to Florida, while most of those remaining also headed to warmer states such as Texas and the Carolinas, according to the report. New York isn’t the only major loser, with California also having lost $1 trillion in financial assets under management to Florida, Texas and other lower-cost states.

Businesses are leaving, makes sense. This headline does not. Assets under management have virtually no impact. Unlike wages physically earned within the state, capital gains and dividend income is "earned" where the person lives. That's why if you have a citibank account you aren't paying NY state taxes, or OH taxes if you use TD Ameritrade.

So the impact is really limited to the wages of the employees (which are surely higher than burger flippers) and whatever minimal business taxes were being paid. Property taxes probably being the largest.

So not nothing, but definitely not A TRILLION DOLLARS leaving the state.


PREMO Member
Felon Rudy Garcia, 48, became agitated when 25-year-old EMT Julia Fatum "asked [him] to stop" after he "threw a gum wrapper" at her when the ambulance pulled into the Mount Sinai West Hospital bay around 8:20 p.m. on July 19, Bragg's office said in a press release.

Garcia allegedly screamed "f--- you!' before he "pulled a large knife out of his sock and stabbed [Fatum]" once in her left forearm, once on the left side of her chest and four times to her left thigh, prosecutor Joseph Abrams wrote in his now-unsealed indictment.

The ambulance driver was unable to help his fellow EMT – she had the keys locking the back portion of the vehicle from the cab.

When Fatum stumbled out of the vehicle to escape and the attack spilled outside, an onlooker captured the dramatic incident on footage obtained by the New York Post.

"I don't know what happened," Garcia could be heard saying as first responders told him to "back off" after the senseless assault.



PREMO Member

Adams demands Hochul use emergency powers to force all of NY to accept migrants

Hizzoner went so far as to recommend several state-controlled locations for new temporary shelters in Brentwood, Newburgh, King Parks, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island.

“The scale of the crisis … demands State leadership of a statewide solution,” wrote NYC’s Law Department.

The extensive list includes the Pilgrim Psychiatric Facility, Kings Park Psychiatric Center, the Stewart Air National Guard Base, the Javits Center, Aqueduct Racetrack, a second hanger at JFK International, the Staten Island Armory, and some dormitories at State University of New York campuses.

The 13-page document solidifies the deepening divide between City Hall and Albany over how best to handle the more than 100,000 asylum-seekers who have arrived in the five boroughs since Spring 2022.


PREMO Member

Hochul blames migrant crisis on Biden — demands federal work authorizations, funding

Gov. Kathy Hochul demanded President Biden step up and take action to address the surge of migrants flooding into New York — in her first public appeal to the White House since the crisis began in Spring 2022.

The fiery comments from the governor, who has previously opted to try to work behind closed doors on the migrant issue, blamed the Biden administration for the unmanageable influx and urged the president to take ownership.

“This crisis originated with the federal government, and it must be resolved through the federal government,” Hochul said Thursday afternoon at an Albany address, where she announced the demands were sent to the president in a letter.

“I’m confident if the federal government steps up and does its part, we will see this crisis through,” she added.

The new tone by the governor sounded more akin to the pleas of Mayor Adams, who hasn’t pulled many punches with the White House, calling on Biden to act more than three dozen times.


Well-Known Member

Hochul blames migrant crisis on Biden — demands federal work authorizations, funding

Gov. Kathy Hochul demanded President Biden step up and take action to address the surge of migrants flooding into New York — in her first public appeal to the White House since the crisis began in Spring 2022.

The fiery comments from the governor, who has previously opted to try to work behind closed doors on the migrant issue, blamed the Biden administration for the unmanageable influx and urged the president to take ownership.

“This crisis originated with the federal government, and it must be resolved through the federal government,” Hochul said Thursday afternoon at an Albany address, where she announced the demands were sent to the president in a letter.

“I’m confident if the federal government steps up and does its part, we will see this crisis through,” she added.

The new tone by the governor sounded more akin to the pleas of Mayor Adams, who hasn’t pulled many punches with the White House, calling on Biden to act more than three dozen times.

So they finally realized DeSantis wasn't the only one sending migrants. His were only a few hundred, not a hundred thousand.


PREMO Member

Times Square back to the bad old days: ‘It’s a sh-thole’

You’re not in Disney anymore.

Times Square is looking a lot like its bad old self, with vagrants, boozy migrants, junkies, and scofflaws making the Crossroads of the World look more like the third world, infuriating those who played an important role in its cleanup.

On three separate days over the past week, The Post saw junkies brazenly smoking crack pipes on West 43rd Street, drug dealers peddling their wares within eyeshot of cops, hobos conked out wherever they can find a spot, and scores of aimless migrants loitering the day away.

“A lot of people are worried about [Times Square] collapsing. And unless they start getting it together for a rebuild, it might actually collapse,” said William Bratton, the NYPD commissioner who helped then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani clean up the area in the 1990s.

“We had a lot more to work with than the current commissioner and the mayor have in 2023,” Bratton added. “There was a lot more of a criminal justice system back then. The courts, district attorneys, and the police were pretty much united about doing something about crime in Times Square. So you had a collaboration that is not in place today.”


PREMO Member

Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul still clueless about the ongoing migrant crisis rocking NYC

The sheer numbers are swamping the bureaucracy and budget and riling inundated neighborhoods.

Seen in relation to each other, the waves of departures and arrivals illustrate a rapid shift in the city’s population and tax base.

They also sound a warning that Gotham’s already-serious decline in public safety and order is likely to accelerate.

These dramatic changes serve as a backdrop for understanding Gov. Hochul’s belated and misguided plea for the White House to rescue New York from the asylum-seeker crisis.

Mayor Adams, who initially touted the city’s sanctuary status and arranged bus transportation for some border-crossers from Texas, was slow to understand the enormous burden he was committing to and the impact on city residents.

He now estimates the price tag for housing, feeding, transporting, educating and providing health care for the new immigrants will be an astonishing $12 billion over three years.


PREMO Member

Man Lights Newspapers on Fire in NYC Subway, Throws Them at Random Strangers — Even Kids

The video was taken at the 33rd Street subway station on Monday at around 5:30 p.m. when many people use the subway to get home from work.

A group of teenage students can be seen on the platform as a flaming newspaper burns by their feet.

The person filming the video walks towards the man burning papers, who appears to be smoking a cigar as he does it.

Officers responded to the platform, but the man had already fled in an unknown direction, according to a report from Fox News.

The fire was considered “under control” by 7 p.m.