NYC / NY Cesspool


PREMO Member

NYC migrant shelter neighbor says he’s ‘a prisoner in my own neighborhood,’ after cops install surveillance cameras outside his house

Scott Herkert, 53, told The Post he was baffled as he watched city workers install surveillance cameras outside his house Tuesday — rather than the shelter at the former St. John Villa Academy in Arrochar that has already sent hundreds of ticked-off locals to the street in protest.

“I’m in a fishbowl,” he said.

“I don’t recognize my country anymore. They’re doing things in secret, and now I’m the one under a microscope for standing up for what I worked hard for.”

“I’m a prisoner in my own neighborhood now,” Herkert added.

“This is not just me. This is a neighborhood fighting for its survival. They’re dropping a bomb on this neighborhood.”

As many as 400 enraged protesters rallied outside the converted school on Monday in the latest show of opposition to Mayor Eric Adams’ decision to open the newest migrant shelter there without warning.


PREMO Member

New York's Migrant Situation Is So Out of Control, Biden Wants to Send People to New Jersey

New York City, which once used to boast about its status as a sanctuary city, is now struggling with all of the migrants that have come pouring through as a result. The city has been begging the federal government for help, which appears to have led to a blame game of sorts, as The New York Times covered earlier this week. When it comes to helping out New York City, though, the Biden administration has responded by offering up the involvement of another state entirely as a place to house migrants, New Jersey.

According to a Bloomberg report from Wednesday, the administration has suggested a list of sites to house migrants, which includes the Atlantic City International Airport:

The Biden administration has some suggestions for where New York City can house some of the 60,000 asylum seekers who recently arrived: a remote facility closer to Montreal than Manhattan, a tax office on Long Island and Atlantic City International Airport.
The sites are on a list of 11 federally owned facilities that US Department of Homeland Security officials sent to Mayor Eric Adams this week as possible locations to relocate migrants, according to a person with knowledge of the discussions who asked not to be identified.
Most of the sites are outside of the city, including Stewart International Airport, a small Hudson Valley facility frequently used by private jet owners. The Atlantic City location is even in another state, New Jersey.



PREMO Member

New York police will use drones to monitor backyard parties this weekend, spurring privacy concerns

“If a caller states there’s a large crowd, a large party in a backyard, we’re going to be utilizing our assets to go up and go check on the party,” Kaz Daughtry, the assistant NYPD Commissioner, said at a press conference.

The plan drew immediate backlash from privacy and civil liberties advocates, raising questions about whether such drone use violated existing laws for police surveillance

“It’s a troubling announcement and it flies in the face of the POST Act,” said Daniel Schwarz, a privacy and technology strategist at the New York Civil Liberties Union, referring to a 2020 city law that requires the NYPD to disclose its surveillance tactics. “Deploying drones in this way is a sci-fi inspired scenario.”


PREMO Member
🔥 New York Mayor Eric Adams, a longtime “sanctuary city advocate,” had a near meltdown yesterday when he told commissioners in no uncertain terms that illegal immigrants would destroy New York City.

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At least they’re not wearing masks.

Texans could not be reached for comment, because they were too busy fending off even more illegal aliens than New York City. But New York has a painful, monkeypox-like problem the Texans don’t have. I will explain.

First, the Big Apple’s pro-jab mayor said for the first time in his life, he has finally confronted a tragic-comic problem that he can’t handle:

“Let me tell you something, New Yorkers. Never in my life have I had a problem that I didn’t see an ending to. I don’t see an ending to this. I don’t see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City. DESTROY New York City. We getting TEN THOUSAND MIGRANTS a month. One time we were just getting Venezuela, now we getting Ecuador, now we getting Russian-speaking coming through Mexico, now we getting Western Africa, now we getting people from all over the globe have made their minds up that they gonna come through the southern part of the border and come to New York City.
And everybody’s saying it’s New York City’s problem.
We have a 12-billion dollar deficit that we’re going to have to cut every service in this City is going to be impacted. All of us.”

Haha! Citizens, who pay the extraordinarily-high taxes in the City, won’t be getting services. Illegal aliens will be getting the services. Checkmate!

The big problem is that New York City once passed a law requiring it to provide shelter and services to illegal aliens, as part of its celebrated “sanctuary city” program. Adams has already been to court several times recently trying to thwart the rule, but has gone down in flames every single time. The courts are saying, don’t put this on us, you need to change that law.

But New York’s yellow-bellied, lily-livered, chicken-hearted officials are too spineless to change it. I have nothing but contempt for them. As Monty Python famously said, I pass gas in their general direction.

Mayor Adam’s concerns are relatively newly-discovered. In related news, ABC-7 ran a story earlier this year in April headlined:

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It was the Mayor. The story began like this:

The Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs kicked off Immigrant Heritage week by launching the "We Love Immigrant NYC" Campaign. "Our campaign, 'We Love Immigrant New York,' looks to affirm and celebrate the contribution of all of our immigrant communities and our status as the ultimate City of immigrants," said Commissioner Manuel Castro.

Chickens, roosts, coming home, you know how it goes. New Yorkers, it’s up to you now. If you don’t like it, do something.

But … New Yorkers are resilient! They are making the most of the Big Apple’s controlled demolition. Another headline, also probably totally unrelated, who knows, I’m sure it has nothing to do with reduced services, was this week’s headline from Not the Bee:

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Oh, rats!

It shouldn’t be “the Big Apple.” It should be: the Rotting, Rat-Infested Apple.

And, I tried my level best, honestly I did, but I finally couldn’t resist adding this final ratty headline from March’s edition of the American Society for Microbiology:

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I. Just. Can’t. Even.

It’s mind-boggling. Would a rat jab mandate be inhumane? Would it violate furry rights? What would the SPCA say?

So many questions, so little time.



Well-Known Member

NYC migrant shelter neighbor says he’s ‘a prisoner in my own neighborhood,’ after cops install surveillance cameras outside his house

Scott Herkert, 53, told The Post he was baffled as he watched city workers install surveillance cameras outside his house Tuesday — rather than the shelter at the former St. John Villa Academy in Arrochar that has already sent hundreds of ticked-off locals to the street in protest.

“I’m in a fishbowl,” he said.

“I don’t recognize my country anymore. They’re doing things in secret, and now I’m the one under a microscope for standing up for what I worked hard for.”

“I’m a prisoner in my own neighborhood now,” Herkert added.

“This is not just me. This is a neighborhood fighting for its survival. They’re dropping a bomb on this neighborhood.”

As many as 400 enraged protesters rallied outside the converted school on Monday in the latest show of opposition to Mayor Eric Adams’ decision to open the newest migrant shelter there without warning.
Elections have consequences


PREMO Member

NYC's $4.7BN migrant bill is equal to cost of critical services like sanitation, parks and fire department COMBINED - as Mayor Eric Adams warns crisis will destroy the city, with schools already overwhelmed

  • Despite mayor Adams' cries for help from the state and federal government, the city has not received aid to cover the extra costs
  • Over 110,000 asylum seekers have arrived since the spring of 2022, with over currently 10,000 arriving every month, and about 1,000 every single day
  • There are now nearly 60,000 migrants in the city's care, with about 21,000 new migrant children starting school this year


PREMO Member

'My Worst Nightmare': Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Flood NYC Schools on First Day

On Thursday, the line to get inside Newcomers High School in Long Island City wrapped around the block and forced some students to a facility across the street because the building’s max capacity had been reached.

“They should have worked this out two days ago!” a frustrated teacher told the New York Post.

One student, 14-year-old George Kara Lekas, talked to the Post about the chaotic scene as he and his classmates had to wait for a principal to usher them across the street since the school was inundated with illegal immigrants.

“They gave us crap! No information!” Lekas said. “I’m getting a late start and I left early! I’m two subway stops away. I mean, look at this? I’m going to try and transfer into the Academy of American Studies, like as soon as I can!”

Another 14-year-old student, Alex Gonzalez, said this was his "worst nightmare."


Just sneakin' around....
With Starlink, my PoP is in NYC, so when I stream, I get NY commercials.

Now getting a whole series of how bad and dirty oil and propane heating is, and you should be buying "cold climate" heat pumps. A couple playing ping pong with dark stains on the wall where the oil furnace was. Kids camping out eating smores (not sure what the correlation there is...)


PREMO Member

New York City Considering Removing Statues of George Washington, Others

According to a list found in New York City’s council agenda for Tuesday, September 19, officials will consider a bill that would:

…require the Public Design Commission (PDC) to publish a plan to remove works of art on City property that depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefitted economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity.

Under this criteria, the Father of the Nation’s depictions could get the boot, including the famous statue in Union Square Park.

Other statues, including that of Christopher Columbus, would also be subjected to this measure.

According to the bill, if the PDC opts not to remove a work of art of an individual who fits the criteria, it would be required to “include in the plan steps it will take to install an explanatory plaque next to the work of art.”

“This bill would also require the Department of Transportation to consult with the Department of Education to install plaques on sidewalks or other public space adjacent to schools that are named after a person that fits the criteria,” a summary of the measure adds.

Other items on the agenda include bills to “require the Commission on Racial Equity to establish a Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation process in connection with the City’s historic involvement in slavery” and “require the Chief Equity Officer to create an anti-racism training for employees of human services contractors.”


PREMO Member

Socialists want to hit New Yorkers with new ‘Migrant Taxes’

“We should increase taxes because it’s economically just policy to offset all costs for our state to function,” said state Sen. Julia Salazar (D-Brooklyn).

“I’d say that even if our city and state hadn’t seen an increase in migrants seeking asylum, this moment makes it all the more important for the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes.”

Salazar noted that in 2021 the state passed a slew of tax increases on high earners — which she lamented would sunset instead of becoming permanent.

Her tax-happy sentiments were echoed by Senate comrade Jabari Brisport (D-Brooklyn).

“We’re still organizing to tax the rich through the same revenue-raising bills we’ve been fighting for for years,” he said.

The renewed tax fever comes after Mayor Adams last week ordered that all city agencies must slash their budgets by 5%, and possibly by up to 15% in the future, to help accommodate the migrant surge.

Adams has said that caring for migrants will cost $12 billion over the next three years.


PREMO Member

A shockingly small number of migrants — less than 2% — have filed for work visas in NYC in bureaucratic bungle that’s cost taxpayers millions

Fewer than 2% of the tens of thousands of migrants overwhelming New York City have applied for work authorizations — while no one even knows how many more are eligible to apply, The Post has learned.

Roughly about 800 adult migrants in the Big Apple have filed the proper paperwork to start earning a legal paycheck after nearly 18 months of a border crisis that left the city swamped with a wave of asylum seekers, according to data provided by City Hall.

And while the city knows there are about 40,000 adult migrants in its care, the number who are work-eligible is actually a mystery as neither the city, state or feds have properly tracked the migrants after crossing the border, the data shows.

Obtaining work authorizations for asylum seekers has been at the center of Mayor Eric Adams’s months-long push to relieve the expected $12 billion financial burden on the Big Apple, but the new snippet of data reveals how little progress has been made in getting them to work.


PREMO Member

Ten Arrested after New York Anti-Illegal Immigrant Protest Leads to Skirmish with Police

During the protest, people attempted to block a bus carrying illegal immigrants from arriving at the former Midland Beach assisted-living facility, which was recently converted into a migrant shelter, video of the protest shows. Dozens of officers arrived and put several people in handcuffs, the video shows.

Police confirmed Wednesday that ten people were taken into custody. Nine of them were issued summonses for disorderly conduct.

Staten Island resident Vadim Dlyakov, who injured an officer’s knee while resisting arrest, was charged with assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest, and obstructing government administration, according to news reports.

The protesters shouted at the immigrants, telling them to “move back,” and that “you’re not welcome” and “you are illegal,” the New York Post reported. Some of the protesters banged on the bus windows to stop the migrants from exiting the bus and entering the shelter.


PREMO Member
When the Democrat leaders in big cities made a big deal of saying they would welcome illegal aliens with open arms, I don’t recall hearing any of them put a number on their offer to accept everyone, regardless of immigration status. It looks like Hochul and NYC Mayor Eric Adams meant that all illegal aliens are welcome until they take them up on the offer. No sympathy from me. They asked for it.

Buses left from Del Rio and Eagle Pass Friday headed to New York City. Other sanctuary cities can expect new arrivals soon, too. The flood of illegal aliens has exploded again. The international bridge in Eagle Pass now looks like the bridge in Del Rio in past months with thousands of illegals seeking shelter. Let the buses roll.

One eye witness said about three dozen illegals boarded the bus in Eagle Pass bound for NYC. That number tracks with previous bus loads. Another bus left for Chicago on Friday. Get those tent camps ready, Mayor Johnson.

They said: “There were at least six young children, including an infant with a yellow onesie who boarded. They said it would be a long bus ride, and will take around two and half days to reach New York City.”
Another bus left from the town bound for Chicago. On Friday Gov. Abbott announced he would be providing more buses from Eagle Pass to destinations across the US for migrants.
He also announced he would start to bus people out of El Paso, a Democrat-controlled city which has long resisted allowing the governor to run buses, but which is also overwhelmed.

Governor Abbott’s press secretary noted the hypocrisy of Governor Hochul. She cries foul in New York while the real crisis is along the southern border. It is unsustainable for Texas and Arizona to bear the burden of the Biden border crisis. It’s past time for cities elsewhere that virtue signal everyone else to make good on their promises.



PREMO Member

Governor Hochul Deploys National Guard to Assist with New York Migrant Crisis

New York governor Kathy Hochul announced Monday that she will deploy additional National Guardsmen to help manage the migrant crisis overwhelming New York City and much of the surrounding area.

An additional 150 National Guardsmen will be mobilized to help process the massive number of migrants entering the state each week, bringing the total number of guardsmen assigned to work on New York’s migrant crisis to 2,200.

Hochul said 250 National Guard members will be tasked solely with case management, much of which will focus on helping eligible Venezuelans apply for Temporary Protected Status and work authorization.


PREMO Member

Gov. Hochul cowardly backpedals on criticizing Joe Biden’s border

Sunday, Gov. Hochul delivered a spot-on explanation for New York’s current dilemma — for how it came to be stuffed full of penniless border-hoppers.

The problem, she said, is the border itself: As in, “It’s too open right now.”

Which it obviously is. The consequences — societal, fiscal and cultural — also are obvious, and becoming more so.

But Hochul’s candor — aimed squarely at Washington, and at Joe Biden in particular — clearly has had consequences too.

On Monday, she was warbling a different — far more deferential — tune. To wit:

“With respect to what was said about the border, I have called for a more thoughtful, balanced national immigration — federal — immigration policy.”

Translation: “Oops, I sure stepped in it this time. Please don’t hurt me.”

Ah, but Gov. Flippity-Flop needn’t worry. She’s too compliant to be of concern, especially after re-embracing the orthodoxy — and, in the process, making sure that nobody ever again takes seriously a word she says.