NYC / NY Cesspool


..if momma ain't happy...
For all her love of the Democrat party, I would NOT want illegals in my 71 yr old SIL's spare bedrooms.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't NYC have a very large contingent of empty apartments and condos that are being held as investment properties by wealthy owners? Seems to me that these should be first on the list for this initiative :yay:


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday, the New York Post ran a laughable story headlined, “Adams Floats Idea of New Yorkers Housing Migrants in ‘Private Residences’.”

New York Mayor Eric Adams and his super-diverse cabinet
To give you an idea of the scale of the problem, the Post reported that over 72,000 people have flooded into New York City this year, with over 45,000 currently enjoying accommodations in 160 taxpayer-funded emergency shelters and luxury hotels. The problem is, the aliens are coming in faster than the City can find new places to stuff them.

So the Mayor of New York had a massive brainstorm that didn’t even hurt very much. Eureka! He conceived the astounding idea of turning illegal aliens into roommates, thereby creating additional migrant storage capacity:

“There are [New York State] residents who are suffering right now because of economic challenges. They have spare rooms. They have locales,” the mayor said, arguing his private residence proposal could put money back in the pockets of taxpayers. “It’s cheaper and it’s a good investment for us to go to a family and assist them instead of placing people in large congregate settings or in these emergency hotels.”​

Adams also announced the City plans to pay churches to house illegal aliens at a rate of $125 per night. Apparently there are already a bunch of liberal churches eager to sign up.

The Post helpfully pointed out the $125 per night rate for housing illegal aliens is more than three times more than the $40 per night rate that New York pays foster families for housing orphaned American kids.

Hey, come on now, you must have priorities.

My clients who sell things to K-12 schools are required to background-check every single American worker who enters a school. How does NYC proposed to background check the undocumented illegal aliens it wants to housed in churches (near kids) and even in people’s homes (with kids)?

And, who exactly will compensate the victims of inevitable crimes?

Before you conclude that no one in their right mind would take the City up on its new roommate offer, just wait. Before you know it, banks will be offering their foreclosure homes to “help with the crisis,” and investment giants like Blackrock will be negotiating sweet deals from the City to house aliens in their residential properties.

New York property owners better get organized, and quick, or they’re likely to be living next door to a crack house faster than you can say ‘Spicy Tamale.’



PREMO Member
As the owner of a Manhattan small business, Tiffany Keriakos realizes the city isn’t for the meek.

But rampant crime, merciless hackers and a looming federal lawsuit are pushing her luxury consignment shop to the brink.

Keriakos sells preowned luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Dolce & Gabbana and Burberry at Designer Revival on the Upper East Side.

This month a shoplifter stole three bags valued at a total value of $8,000 from the E81st Street store.

Then she was sued over a claim her website isn’t accessible to blind people — a shakedown by legal means, says Keriakos.

It is the latest in a string of thefts, credit card fraud and insurance woes since she bought the boutique in 2015.

Keriakos revealed in The Post in April last year how burglars stole more than $100,000 in merchandise from Designer Revival in the span of one month, leaving her little time to focus on growing her brand.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
As the owner of a Manhattan small business, Tiffany Keriakos realizes the city isn’t for the meek.

But rampant crime, merciless hackers and a looming federal lawsuit are pushing her luxury consignment shop to the brink.

Keriakos sells preowned luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Dolce & Gabbana and Burberry at Designer Revival on the Upper East Side.

This month a shoplifter stole three bags valued at a total value of $8,000 from the E81st Street store.

Then she was sued over a claim her website isn’t accessible to blind people — a shakedown by legal means, says Keriakos.

It is the latest in a string of thefts, credit card fraud and insurance woes since she bought the boutique in 2015.

Keriakos revealed in The Post in April last year how burglars stole more than $100,000 in merchandise from Designer Revival in the span of one month, leaving her little time to focus on growing her brand.

Is this website accessible to the blind?


PREMO Member

New York official slams woke Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg for indictment of ex-Marine Daniel Penny over Jordan Neely's subway chokehold death: 'It defies logic that he's being prosecuted'

  • Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman spoke out on 'Fox & Friends' on Thursday claiming that 'there's something rotten about this prosecution'
  • Penny was indicted for allegedly killing homeless man Jordan Neely on the subway during the May 1st confrontation
  • The former infantry squadman is set to be arraigned in Manhattan Supreme Court on June 28

'There's something rotten about this prosecution, just like there was something rotten about the prosecution of Joseph Alba, the bodega store worker who was defending himself,' Blakeman said.

Blakeman said: 'People who criticize me for speaking out about Daniel Penny, I looked them in the eye and I said, 'let me ask you a question. Would you want Daniel Penny on a subway with your daughter or would you want Jordan Neely?'

He continued: 'And that shuts them up right away because people with common sense, Good Samaritans, they realize that we want people to take action when someone is doing something that could be harmful to others.'

The schizophrenic Neely had a history of arrests. Blakeman pointed out Neely had been 'arrested 42 times [and] allegedly punched a 62-year-old woman in the eye, and broke her eye socket.'


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
The Marines will need to stop teaching that choke hold in Basic Training (if they haven't already).


PREMO Member

Mayor Adams says God told him he’d lead NYC, asked him to publicly proclaim faith

“Thirty something years ago I woke up, out of my sleep in a cold sweat. God spoke to my heart and said, ‘You are going to be the mayor January 1, 2022,” Adams described the divine encounter during a Father’s Day mass at the Lenox Road Baptist Church on Nostrand Avenue in Brooklyn on Sunday.

“God stated, ‘You cannot be silent. You must tell everyone you know!’”

“And I [would] go around the city…and I would tell everybody, ‘I’m going to be mayor January 1, 2022. People used to think I was on medication!” he recalled.

Adams made waves earlier this year when he decried the separation of church and state, then defended his comments, explaining it’s tough for him to split his faith from his government job.


PREMO Member

NYC Milestone: Migrants Outnumber New Yorkers in Homeless Shelters

According to NBC New York, the city’s homeless shelters are filled more with newly arrived border crossers and illegal aliens than New Yorkers, the latest figures reveal.

“The tipping point took place Sunday, when 50,000 migrants were in the City’s care, outnumbering the 49,700 local shelter residents,” NBC New York reports:

Among the takeaways: the NYC shelter system has essentially doubled in size, due to the influx, mostly from Latin American countries including Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia. [Emphasis added]

As Breitbart News reported, more than 6-in-10 of border crossers and illegal aliens who have arrived in New York City since the spring of last year are living off local taxpayers in subsidized housing and shelters — including luxury hotels like the Roosevelt Hotel.

The sheer volume of border crossers and illegal aliens staying in shelters has increased the system’s population by more than 110 percent since Adams took office. To afford subsidizing new arrivals, Adams has said New Yorkers will see public services like meals for senior citizens and library hours cut.