NYC / NY Cesspool


PREMO Member

Mayor Adams likens white woman to slave owner as he flips out over question on rising rent in NYC

In footage from the meeting, Adams can be heard asking the woman to stand up after she interrupts him to call out that he “raised the rent.”

“I’m the mayor of this city and treat me with the respect that would deserve to be treated,” Adams admonished.

“Don’t stand in front like you treated someone that’s on the plantation that you own.”

That woman was identified at Jeanie Dubnau, an assistant professor of biology at Rutgers University who has lived in the city for over 50 years.

A longtime public housing advocate, Adams isn’t the only NYC mayor that Dubnau has publicly taken to task.



PREMO Member

Shoplifting in NYC is so bad supermarkets are locking up, installing anti-theft devices on $6 ice cream: ‘This is the age we live in now’

The Fairway supermarket on the Upper West Side is guarding $6 cartons of Häagen-Dazs with bolted plastic tops — which can only be removed with a device at the register — as other shops padlocked freezers of the treats.

A sign at Fairway gives shoppers the scoop on why there’s now a barrier on the popular summertime sweets.

“To help maintain the lowest possible cost, a protective lock has been placed on some units of ice cream,” it reads.

“This lock will be removed at checkout by a store associate. We apologize for any inconvenience.”

Customers at the store, at Broadway and 74th Street, called the goodie-guarding gadget a sign of the times.


PREMO Member
Reps. Stefanik, Malliotakis urge Hochul to veto housing bills they say would destablize market

“While this matter may seem narrow in scope, making this policy retroactive will have a wide-ranging and immediate impact on the residential real estate industry, housing stock, the regional banking sector and the broader economy while ‘benefitting’ mostly affluent tenants predominantly in core Manhattan neighborhoods,” Stefanik (R-Plattsburgh) and Malliotakis (R-Staten Island/Brooklyn) said in a joint letter sent to Hochul.

“This legislation would enable class action lawyers and professional activists to challenge the rent levels of regulated apartments that have already undergone years of litigation and administrative orders, including periods of deregulation when tenants agreed to higher rent levels.”

The bills address two conflicting court rulings regarding rent-regulated and deregulated apartments and the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019, which restricted landlords’ ability to jack up rents.

Hochul’s office had no immediate comment.

The two bills Assembly 4047/Senate 2943B and Assembly 6216B/Senate 2980C have yet to be sent to the governor for action.


PREMO Member

NYC Dept. of Health backs reparations to boost health for black New Yorkers

Mayor Eric Adams’ administration is promoting reparations in a bid to curb health and wealth disparities of black New Yorkers — but the effort is being met with accusations that it’s “sowing racial divisiveness,” The Post has learned.

The proposal for federal reparations is spelled out in a bombshell report from the city’s Department of Health and the Federal Reserve Bank entitled “Analyzing the Racial Wealth Gap and Implications for Health Equity.”

“The goal of a [federal] reparations program would be to seek acknowledgment, redress, and closure for America’s complicity in federal, state, and local policies … that have deprived black Americans of equitable access to wealth and wealth-building opportunities,” the report said.

The city’s Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan and his team offered three key recommendations including: a fresh approach to public health policy, how to improve data collections on wealth and health outcomes and getting the community more involved with health care decisions.

But moderate and conservative politicians opposed to reparations accused Adams’ health minions of turning into ideologues and social justice activists instead of doing their jobs.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member

NYC Dept. of Health backs reparations to boost health for black New Yorkers

Mayor Eric Adams’ administration is promoting reparations in a bid to curb health and wealth disparities of black New Yorkers — but the effort is being met with accusations that it’s “sowing racial divisiveness,” The Post has learned.

The proposal for federal reparations is spelled out in a bombshell report from the city’s Department of Health and the Federal Reserve Bank entitled “Analyzing the Racial Wealth Gap and Implications for Health Equity.”

“The goal of a [federal] reparations program would be to seek acknowledgment, redress, and closure for America’s complicity in federal, state, and local policies … that have deprived black Americans of equitable access to wealth and wealth-building opportunities,” the report said.

The city’s Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan and his team offered three key recommendations including: a fresh approach to public health policy, how to improve data collections on wealth and health outcomes and getting the community more involved with health care decisions.

But moderate and conservative politicians opposed to reparations accused Adams’ health minions of turning into ideologues and social justice activists instead of doing their jobs.
You know the best way to improve the health of city dwellers, get them out of the cities. People were never meant to be stacked and racked like that and it makes them crazy.


PREMO Member

Hochul facing criticism over new health care program for sex workers: ‘Magnet for more prostitutes’

Gov. Kathy Hochul’s administration is going to bat for the “world’s oldest profession” by launching a free health care program for sex workers — a move critics are slamming as encouraging a campaign to decriminalize prostitution, The Post has learned.

The state Health Department of Health has awarded $1 million in public funds combined over two years to two contractors as part of the new “sex worker health pilot program.”

Under the initiative, sex workers in New York City and western New York will be provided with primary, sexual and behavioral health care, as well as dental care.

But some rapped the Hochul administration over the taxpayer-funded program — which is launching without approval of the state Legislature — saying it encourages vice.

“The Democrats in New York are pushing everything that is antithetical to the norms of society,” said state Assemblyman Sam Pirozzolo (R-Staten Island).

“What are they going to have, a prostitution card? This is a 100 percent step in the direction to decriminalize prostitution,” said Pirozzolo, adding the goal should be to discourage, not encourage, prostitution.


PREMO Member

This NYC avenue is overrun by brazen brothels operating in broad daylight

As police enforcement wanes and immigration surges, nearly a dozen brothels have set up shop along Roosevelt Avenue near Junction Boulevard.

On a recent weekday in broad daylight, scores of scantily-clad streetwalkers brazenly solicited passersby — including a Post reporter — as sidewalks teemed with kids and legitimate shoppers and merchants.

One sex worker offered a “happy ending” massage for $40 and another offered “full-body massages” for $80.

The women loiter in front of pool halls, dentist shops and massage parlors day and night, and even recruit neighborhood children to hand out their X-rated business cards, concerned moms told The Post.

“How do they have this f–king going on in broad daylight?” one police source asked after seeing photos of the women in the street.

“They’re not allowed to arrest prostitutes anymore, supposedly. But they gotta figure something out.”


PREMO Member

Mayor Eric Adams gets only insults from Mayorkas over NYC migrant crisis

What an insult.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams trekked down to DC Thursday to meet with DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about migrants from the border overwhelming the city.

Mayorkas promised to . . . send a federal staffer.

He’s got to be kidding.

To do what, exactly?

Keep a seat warm in City Hall?

This, despite the growing calls from Democrats for real action by the White House on the border.

Adams was joined by New York progressive power players Rep. Hakeem Jeffries and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer; it shows President Joe Biden so committed to letting these migrants in that he’ll spit in the faces of powerful party mates.

New York doesn’t need a mid-level career bureaucrat beholden to President Biden’s point man on border erosion.

The city needs money, and a closure of the border, as his fellow Democrats demand.

The feds, after all, have signed off on a measly $104.6 million in relief aid to the city.


PREMO Member

Big Apple Boondoggle: Mayor Eric Adams Awards Millions to Medical Company to Bus Border Crossers Out of NYC

A report from the New York Times details how a medical company called DocGo was awarded more than $400 million in local taxpayer dollars by Adams’ office to bus border crossers and illegal aliens out of New York City to other towns in the state.

The Times reports:

More than 1,500 migrants have been sent to places as far as Buffalo, with more on the way. But many of the migrants have been greeted by protests at their new homes, as well as mistreatment and the false hope of jobs. [Emphasis added]
Behind the broken promises is a medical services company, DocGo, that once contracted with the city to provide Covid testing and vaccination services, but pivoted to migrant care as the pandemic waned and a new crisis emerged. [Emphasis added]
The city awarded DocGo a $432 million contract, which took effect in early May, without subjecting it to competitive bidding. The contract called for DocGo to house migrants and provide them with services including case management, medical care, food, transportation, lodging and round-the-clock security. [Emphasis added]


PREMO Member

Hochul’s back to signing poorly vetted deals using ‘emergency’ powers

No sooner did the COVID “emergency” fade than Gov. Kathy Hochul, in May, declared yet another one — this time for the flood of migrants swamping New York.

And now she’s once again using the powers that come with such a declaration, issuing contracts without the state comptroller’s advance OK.

The amounts in two contracts are stunning, totaling $1.6 billion for migrant housing services, to be provided over five years by two Texas firms.

It’s a dangerous practice, to say the least.

The state requires the comptroller to review contracts in advance for a good reason: to ensure New Yorkers get good services for their money and aren’t on the hook for more than necessary.

Recall what happened the last time Hochul used her “emergency” powers, during COVID, to sidestep advance review? Taxpayers wound up paying nearly double for COVID test kits, thanks to $637 million in no-bid state contracts.

Those contracts, by the way, went to Hochul campaign donor, Charles Tebele, raising questions of whether any play-for-play schemes were in the works.


PREMO Member

They Voted for it: Situation in New York City is starting to look apocalyptic…

The scene in New York City is becoming increasingly apocalyptic, with hundreds of illegals sleeping on the streets. Instead of addressing the issue by sending these people back home, because the US is unable to care for then, we are allowing them to take over our cities and sidewalks. Joe Biden’s America and Eric Adams’ New York City are descending into dystopian hellholes.

The New York Post:

Sobering video shows dozens of migrants sleeping on cardboard outside the iconic Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan on Monday morning — as the makeshift processing center for asylum seekers hit capacity this weekend.
The slumbering newly arrived migrants could be seen filling the sidewalks surrounding the historic hotel at 45th Street and Vanderbilt Avenue, stretching from the hotel door up East 47th Street.
The group slept shoulder-to-shoulder across three full blocks while waiting to be processed at the site, which also houses migrant families, as NYPD officers monitored the situation.
Heartbreaking images showed crowd-control ropes separating the migrants from passersby, as those waiting for access to proper shelter huddled under blankets with their belongings alongside them.
“We’re all sleeping on the street,” said Abderahim Mahamat Saleh, a 36-year-old married dad of three from the Central African Republic, to The Post — adding he hasn’t been able to find a bed anywhere since he arrived in the Big Apple eight days ago.
He said he has been waiting outside the Roosevelt now for two days after staff gave him a “general referral form” and placed him in the queue along with dozens of other migrants.
“We don’t have blankets or pillows. They brought in vans for some people to sleep in, but there’s not enough space in the vans,” explained the migrant, who said he left behind his family to escape his country’s militia after they broke two of his ribs and collarbone.


Well-Known Member
“We’re all sleeping on the street,” said Abderahim Mahamat Saleh, a 36-year-old married dad of three from the Central African Republic, to The Post — adding he hasn’t been able to find a bed anywhere since he arrived in the Big Apple eight days ago.
He said he has been waiting outside the Roosevelt now for two days after staff gave him a “general referral form” and placed him in the queue along with dozens of other migrants.
“We don’t have blankets or pillows. They brought in vans for some people to sleep in, but there’s not enough space in the vans,” explained the migrant, who said he left behind his family to escape his country’s militia after they broke two of his ribs and collarbone.

Ran away from his country because it was too dangerous, but left his wife and kids? Somehow managed to bypass multiple other countries while crossing an entire ocean to be a "refugee" in the US and then complains we aren't doing enough to help him?

Drop that POS off half way home with a pair of water wings and a bucket of chum.


Well-Known Member
Ran away from his country because it was too dangerous, but left his wife and kids? Somehow managed to bypass multiple other countries while crossing an entire ocean to be a "refugee" in the US and then complains we aren't doing enough to help him?

Drop that POS off half way home with a pair of water wings and a bucket of chum.
Not the kind of migrant America needs.


PREMO Member

How the Left's obsession with wokery and race is turning New York into a crime-ravaged, drug-infested nightmare

Opponents say it will badly hit the city's already struggling small businesses — particularly its iconic pizzerias — which face paying tens of thousands of dollars to install oven filters that must be regularly inspected.

It may seem like a trivial issue. Yet the video of LoBaido's pie-slinging stunt, in which he tells viewers that 'the woke-a** idiots who run this city are doing everything in their power to destroy it', quickly went viral.

And there is clearly a widespread and growing sense that New York — the Big Apple, the City That Never Sleeps and Capital Of The World — is missing some of its old swagger.


PREMO Member

Hochul’s nuclear chutzpah reveals she’s cowed by climate freaks

Closer to home, Hochul’s been champion Numero Uno of the state’s disastrous climate plan, with its literally impossible-to-fulfill demand that New York go 100% renewable by 2040, its insane embrace of wind and solar as the power sources of the future and its drive to close fossil-fuel electric plants (and stop new oil and gas pipelines).

All that is already slamming New Yorkers right in the power bill, as rates get jacked up to pay for the costly projects the plan demands.

The average Con Ed bill in Gotham is possibly set to double over the next two years.

And those hikes come as experts predict blackouts, as the state foolishly forces current fossil-fuel generating capacity offline in favor of hoped-for renewable capacity.

Adding to the hypocrisy, Empire State climate fanatics (who have Hochul’s ear on these issues) hate nuclear power. Even though it’s the only emissions-free source of energy that actually has a chance of fueling a green transition.

They drove then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo into bullying the Indian Point nuclear plant to close, increasing the state’s reliance on fossil fuels and setting the stage for our current mess, under which taxpayers will be squeezed and squeezed until they’re dead broke.