Obama and Clark


How they served does matter - but not in an election.

The swift boat ads were total :bs: because Bush was clearly behind them, and the only people who deny it are the neocons here at the RU. When one candidate's team attacks another when they've never been to a warzone themselves - it's :bs:. Kerry might've shot himself in Vietnam to get a purple heart (or maybe to get out:duh:), but he actually went over there which is more than Bush ever did.

Same here, Clark's a Democrat who's obviously going to vote for Obama (unless he writes-in for Shrillary). McCain served in the military. McCain's been a part of foriegn-policy decisions in Congress. And Obama hasn't done jackshiat.

Clark's comments are unfair, just as the Swift Boat ads were.

Here comes another election being run on what happened in the 1960s. :rolleyes:

Tell me, oh wise one, what's questioning McCain or Kerry's military service going to do to lower gas prices? What's questioning McCain or Kerry's military serivice going to do to fix this economy. I'd rather hear about the candidates on drilling for oil, finding alternative sources of energy, cutting our nation's debt, strengthening the American Economy.

Just STFU you moron. How can you crawl up on your horse and say "How they served does matter - but not in an election." then turn around and say "but he actually went over there which is more than Bush ever did." aren't you doing exactly what you claim makes you angry? Your mouth flops open and total crap just shoots out like a Pez dispenser.

Of course how someone acts and their record throughout years leads to conclusions of character. Would you be happy voting for Ted Kennedy only to find out after you helped elect him he was a hopeless drunk who ran off the road and allowed a woman to drown and sneaked back to his house to avoid a DUI?

So tell me how exactly doe s president set gas prices? Does he make an executive order that commodity brokers must buy and sell at cost? I know, he will sign an EO saying Exxon must sell gas at a loss. Perhaps he could invade all the OPEC nations, corner the market and extort the rest of the world.

I have an alert for you, get ready, are you sitting down? Might want to grab a tissue, Our national debt will NEVER be cut and it will NEVER go away EVER EVER EVER! There has been a national debt since George Washington borrowed to pay the revolutionary war soldiers. Our economy waxes and wanes and aside from the dollar being weak right now nearly the rest of our economic problems are directly related to us, the citizens being stupid and buying 4X the house they could afford on a 80/20 interest only ARM, or thinking that we were going to keep getting fuel at 1/4 the price the rest of the world gets it.

I am amazed at the width and breadth of your negativity and whining. At 20 years old, shacked up with your mommy and daddy you have NOT YET BEGUN TO SUFFER! It is a fact and if this current set of circumstances bothers you that much you should go directly to the 301 bridge and swan dive from the highest point because despite how much MSNBC keeps telling you how horrible you have it, it has been before, and will be MUCH worse in your lifetime.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

There has been a national debt since George Washington borrowed to pay the revolutionary war soldiers. .

...I just leart this myself; Andrew Jackson is the only potus in our history who actually paid of the debt and had us at zero for a little while.

This fact of the day brought to you by flowers.


New Member
At 20 years old, shacked up with your mommy and daddy you have NOT YET BEGUN TO SUFFER! It is a fact and if this current set of circumstances bothers you that much you should go directly to the 301 bridge and swan dive from the highest point because despite how much MSNBC keeps telling you how horrible you have it, it has been before, and will be MUCH worse in your lifetime.
You know nothing about me or my life. :rolleyes:

All you know is what you see on SOMD Forums.

And you righties don't even realize that America is rejecting your principles in large numbers. There is an America beyond Lexington Park.

Yeah, I know, you're all afraid of big bad Waldorf. :rolleyes:


You know nothing about me or my life. :rolleyes:

All you know is what you see on SOMD Forums.

And you righties don't even realize that America is rejecting your principles in large numbers. There is an America beyond Lexington Park.

Yeah, I know, you're all afraid of big bad Waldorf. :rolleyes:

You are a stooge. I have lived and traveled all over this country and the world for 43 years and followed politics for nearly that long. I remember the Nixon, Carter, Reagan years, the gas lines, mortgage interest rates in the teens, the stock market doubling, falling and doubling again, the cold war, booming economic growth, tough times, the farm set aside, the dairy glut, the fall of the steel industry, when GM and Ford ruled, and the predictions of swine flu, bird flu and west Nile epidemics and legionnaires disease that was going to kill us all. You just keep rocking your head back and shooting out stupid nuggets based on your 5 years of cognitive thought boy.
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Well-Known Member
And then there are people who are otherwise Conservative who want to speculate for months why John McCain never made admiral.

There's a blurb in a Wiki article that says he was offered a Rear Admiral position which he turned down claiming he could "do more good" in Congress.

It also says that he'd been passed over previously due to his failing a flight physical.


There's a blurb in a Wiki article that says he was offered a Rear Admiral position which he turned down claiming he could "do more good" in Congress.

It also says that he'd been passed over previously due to his failing a flight physical.

That doesn't sound right. You are not "offered" rear admiral, there are selection boards and you are selected or not.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

That doesn't sound right. You are not "offered" rear admiral, there are selection boards and you are selected or not.

...seriously. I took the ASVAB in 1981 and they asked me if I wanted to be admiral. They didn't ask you? Huh.



...seriously. I took the ASVAB in 1981 and they asked me if I wanted to be admiral. They didn't ask you? Huh.


No but the Army offered me General, I wanted to go in the Navy and they made me a Chief which is the same thing as an Army General so it was a wash. :yay:


Lem Putt
No but the Army offered me General, I wanted to go in the Navy and they made me a Chief which is the same thing as an Army General so it was a wash. :yay:

The Marines offered me General, but once I told them I was straight they said I wasn't qualified.


...so, you played for the Indians, eh?

Funny story time.

I was a newly minted Chief and I was sent to a meeting at Lockheed-Martin in Eagan MN for a new weapons system. Lockheed-Martin has contracts with all services and the Army was at a meeting next door. During a break an Army captain kept looking at me and finally on the 3rd break he came over and asked me "what are you" while he examined my collar devices to which I replied "a Navy Chief". he then asked "Well what is that exactly" and I said "a Chief :shrug: He said "No no, if you were in the Army what would you be?" to which I said "Probably a friggin General" :lmao:


New Member
I looked it up and that came from SECNAV Lehman so I believe it. Of course Bruzilla will come in and say it is a conspiracy to prop up the fatally flawed McCain and that he was not on the Rear Admiral list he was actually being given an article 32 hearing for banging sheep.
And he'll also tell us it was impossible because McCain wasn't qualified because his toenail was a half-millimeter too long.


And he'll also tell us it was impossible because McCain wasn't qualified because his toenail was a half-millimeter too long.

and that demerits he had from the Naval Academy were still in his record and were preventing him from being promoted.


His Grandfather's ghost visited Lehman and threatened to kill him if he didn't promote his grandson.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I called :bs: on the Swift Boat ads in 2004, simply because I thought it was as dirty as politics can get. I'm saying the same about General Clark in 2008.

Those Swift Boat veterans had a good reason to go after Kerry. HE was running on his record, such as it was. There was a world of difference between his embellished military hero status and McCain's story. Be that as it may - Kerry came home from Vietnam and ripped his military to shreds - sold his soul to the devil, basically.

Off topic, but true Story - one of my dad's childhood buddies was a member of the Swift Boat Veterans. And he was on a SwiftBoat commercial.

My dad had talked about him many times, when I was younger, and my dad wore his POW bracelet at one time.

My dad had passed away 1-2 years before these commercials started coming out. (I can't remember when the first one came out) When one of the first ones came out, I first heard only the audio - on Rush Limbaugh's show. It gave me shivers because I just felt some kind of connection to the guy. I couldn't figure out why, either. I also remember thinking very vividly of my father that day during Rush's show. Later that evening, when I saw the TV commercial, and saw the name of the man in it, I immediately went to call my aunt to find out if this was the same guy my dad talked about. Sure enough, that was my dad's friend.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
...your mind; either how you served matters or just that you showed up matters.

By your definition Bush 'deserves the utmost respect' because he served, yet he is less than Kerry because Kerry was there and W wasn't. So, how does 'how one served' come into play? The Swifites pointed out that Kerry is full of #### about a good many things, a good many important things. Kerry has a record of being a political opportunist and it figures to the picture they painted of him in Vietnam.

How one served is ALL that matters. Kerry fudging things to build a political resume is not my idea of serving the nation well.

He came back to the United States of America and TESTIFIED against his own military in front of CONGRESS!

That is more than fudging thing to build a political resume.

Quit trying to re-write history, Bud.

And Bush was not "behind" the Swift Boat Veterans. FYI, Bush was NOT a "Swift Boat Veteran" because he did not serve on a Swift Boat.