Obama and Clark


Well-Known Member
...me or you?

If current headlines serve, we're dealing with a resurgence of AQ in Afghanistan.

The "problem we were addressing" is global terror. It is not synonymous with al-Qaeda.

Is it AQ that is resurgent in Afghanistan - or the Taliban?


Well-Known Member
He is the global leader, both spiritually and inspirationally and strategically, for fundamentalist Islam that says the West is killing their way of life and that they are just in fighting back.

So when he drops dead from kidney disease in the next year - all our terrorist fears will melt away. No planes flying into buildings, no dirty bombs - everything will be fine.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

The "problem we were addressing" is global terror. It is not synonymous with al-Qaeda.

Is it AQ that is resurgent in Afghanistan - or the Taliban?

...world have you been living on the last 15 years?

I concede that it is probably much more accurate to say it is the Taliban growing in strength, at least tactically. If you don' think our good friend and his deep Saudi pockets are a key part of their resurgence, we disagree.


Well-Known Member
You should get a job with the Bush administration. They seem to think like you do, that OBL is just another psycho in a robe.

You may be right, because even though they've made this point crystal clear a dozen times - that they regard OBL as a big player in a more serious world problem - y'all seem to think that he IS the problem that once eliminated stops global terror. And thus anything apart from getting him is "a distration".

See, dangerous fruitcakes like Jong Il who have nuclear weapons? He's not a threat because he doesn't work for OBL, because all terror roads lead to OBL.

OBL caused 9/11. Why go into Iraq? OBL isn't there. And they weren't working with him.

Yeah, I must think like them, because unless the world is a James Bond or Austin Powers movie, it makes more sense that way.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

So when he drops dead from kidney disease in the next year - all our terrorist fears will melt away. No planes flying into buildings, no dirty bombs - everything will be fine.


...absurd and you really should get a job with Bush; that's how they think; zero sum.

We would have been far, far better off to have gotten him long ago both in terms of simple justice, US public support and international perception.

He drops dead tomorrow he still stood down the US of A and held us at bay. Allah took him, not the Great Satan. If you don't see a profound difference between the two, we differ.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

You may be right, because even though they've made this point crystal clear a dozen times - that they regard OBL as a big player in a more serious world problem - y'all seem to think that he IS the problem that once eliminated stops global terror. And thus anything apart from getting him is "a distration".

See, dangerous fruitcakes like Jong Il who have nuclear weapons? He's not a threat because he doesn't work for OBL, because all terror roads lead to OBL.

OBL caused 9/11. Why go into Iraq? OBL isn't there. And they weren't working with him.

Yeah, I must think like them, because unless the world is a James Bond or Austin Powers movie, it makes more sense that way.

...that was certainly...entertaining.


Well-Known Member
What world have you been living on the last 15 years?

The same as you. You think they're the only ones out there slaughtering innocent people? Or just the biggest player out there targeting US?

And I don't know they're behind the Taliban's resurgence, suspicions be damned because they're not facts. One thing that can be substantiated is that bin Laden's pockets aren't anywhere near as deep as they used to be.


Well-Known Member
...absurd and you really should get a job with Bush; that's how they think; zero sum.

We would have been far, far better off to have gotten him long ago both in terms of simple justice, US public support and international perception.

He drops dead tomorrow he still stood down the US of A and held us at bay. Allah took him, not the Great Satan. If you don't see a profound difference between the two, we differ.

So what? My point is that if he drops dead, it's a drop in the bucket against global terror. al-Qaeda dries up completely, it does nothing for the threat from Iran, North Korea or any of their surrogates. It's not as though if the North Koreans had a nice dirty bomb, the only man able to deliver is OBL. No, I don't think they have him on speed dial.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This may...

So what? My point is that if he drops dead, it's a drop in the bucket against global terror. al-Qaeda dries up completely, it does nothing for the threat from Iran, North Korea or any of their surrogates. It's not as though if the North Koreans had a nice dirty bomb, the only man able to deliver is OBL. No, I don't think they have him on speed dial.

...be pointless at this point, but, you'll notice that, other than our military presence in their backyard, Iran has had little or no issues with us and certainly not any attack of any kind since 1979.

If you get you a map, you'll also see that China has far more to worry about in terms of North Korea than we do. It is in their interest to keep tabs on him to keep us chilled out. I've yet to hear anything about North Korea attacking us.

However, I did provide a list of violence against us over the last 15 years and it has a common, sole thread.

Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

The same as you. You think they're the only ones out there slaughtering innocent people? Or just the biggest player out there targeting US?

And I don't know they're behind the Taliban's resurgence, suspicions be damned because they're not facts. One thing that can be substantiated is that bin Laden's pockets aren't anywhere near as deep as they used to be.

We have a winner! Anything from the bottom shelf is yours.

I do not give a #### about any other nation than ours. Since WWII, everything we touch in terms of playing policeman and moral cop has turned to ####.

Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan. How are things in the Balkans? Have out national interests been served? Have we done well for the American people and the ideas of the US of A?

If you read OBL's little fatwahs, you'll see his PRIMARY anger at us is our support for corrupt monarchs and our military presence in his holy lands.

We need to mind our business a damn sight more.