Obama and Clark


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Funny story time.

I was a newly minted Chief and I was sent to a meeting at Lockheed-Martin in Eagan MN for a new weapons system. Lockheed-Martin has contracts with all services and the Army was at a meeting next door. During a break an Army captain kept looking at me and finally on the 3rd break he came over and asked me "what are you" while he examined my collar devices to which I replied "a Navy Chief". he then asked "Well what is that exactly" and I said "a Chief :shrug: He said "No no, if you were in the Army what would you be?" to which I said "Probably a friggin General" :lmao:

Did he get it? Eh, probably not! (but that sounds like a Chief answer :lol:)


No Use for Donk Twits
Funny story time.

I was a newly minted Chief and I was sent to a meeting at Lockheed-Martin in Eagan MN for a new weapons system. Lockheed-Martin has contracts with all services and the Army was at a meeting next door. During a break an Army captain kept looking at me and finally on the 3rd break he came over and asked me "what are you" while he examined my collar devices to which I replied "a Navy Chief". he then asked "Well what is that exactly" and I said "a Chief :shrug: He said "No no, if you were in the Army what would you be?" to which I said "Probably a friggin General" :lmao:



No Use for Donk Twits
Trying telephoning the Air Force Base where your little brother is an AF captain and you're the Chief and vice versa. :howdy:


As usual... you guys are so busy acting like Clintonites that you can't see the forest for the trees. :killingme Why, in this political era, does a guy stand by his allegation even after attack after attack on him? How about because his story is true and he knows he's right? Wesley Clark was a general, and he knows that failing at an entry-level management job (which being a unit commander is) does not qualify you to be POTUS. I also imagine that given his position and background, Clark knows all about McCain's piss-poor conduct as a POW and he's just itching to make it all public knowledge. I hope the McCainiacs overplay this card just as they do every other card, and the more they deny and attack, the more the MSM will dig into McCain's sordid history.

And who's rushing to McCain's defense? Why none other than professional McCain defender, lawyer, and business partner George "Bud" Day. As soon as this story broke, there was Bud giving input to the media about what a fantastic guy McCain is... just like he has every other time McCain is attacked on his record. McCain was released with what... 500+ other POWs, and no one but Bud ever comes to his defense??? And how about all his fellow sailors who monitored his captivity from DC... oh wait... these were the same guys who denied McCain his automatic promotion while a POW. Other POWs were automatically promoted when their time came, but the Navy declined to promote McCain. Hmmm... he went in a LCDR and should have come out a captain... instead he came out a LCDR. Hmmmm. So I wonder what's going to happen when the dam breaks and all the facts come out, and Bud Day is still the only guy rushing to McCain's defense?

And how funny is it that McCain has become the 9/11 Widows club for men? He is wrapping himself in the infallibility shield and anyone who dares to challenge him on what he says is attacked. "How dare you question McCain's accounting? He was in the Navy! He was a POW! He's a war hero!" Ann Coulter sure denounced the whole infallibility defense when the Democrats did it, but now that Republicans are doing it... it's okay!

The only thing I find funnier is watching you guys contort yourself to try to make the case that since McCain was an officer and served in combat that he must be believed, but a guy who was all that and accomplished much, much, more, Clark, is just a liar, a Clinton synchophant, should be silenced, etc. If being an officer, commanding officer, and decorated veteran means you must be believed, yet you discount everything Clark says, then the determining factor isn't is you're an officer, commanding officer, and decorated veteran, it's just if you're a Republican or Democrat. :killingme You all have such credibility... not!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
As usual... you guys are so busy acting like Clintonites that you can't see the forest for the trees. :killingme Why, in this political era, does a guy stand by his allegation even after attack after attack on him? How about because his story is true and he knows he's right? Wesley Clark was a general, and he knows that failing at an entry-level management job (which being a unit commander is) does not qualify you to be POTUS. I also imagine that given his position and background, Clark knows all about McCain's piss-poor conduct as a POW and he's just itching to make it all public knowledge. I hope the McCainiacs overplay this card just as they do every other card, and the more they deny and attack, the more the MSM will dig into McCain's sordid history.

And who's rushing to McCain's defense? Why none other than professional McCain defender, lawyer, and business partner George "Bud" Day. As soon as this story broke, there was Bud giving input to the media about what a fantastic guy McCain is... just like he has every other time McCain is attacked on his record. McCain was released with what... 500+ other POWs, and no one but Bud ever comes to his defense??? And how about all his fellow sailors who monitored his captivity from DC... oh wait... these were the same guys who denied McCain his automatic promotion while a POW. Other POWs were automatically promoted when their time came, but the Navy declined to promote McCain. Hmmm... he went in a LCDR and should have come out a captain... instead he came out a LCDR. Hmmmm. So I wonder what's going to happen when the dam breaks and all the facts come out, and Bud Day is still the only guy rushing to McCain's defense?

And how funny is it that McCain has become the 9/11 Widows club for men? He is wrapping himself in the infallibility shield and anyone who dares to challenge him on what he says is attacked. "How dare you question McCain's accounting? He was in the Navy! He was a POW! He's a war hero!" Ann Coulter sure denounced the whole infallibility defense when the Democrats did it, but now that Republicans are doing it... it's okay!

The only thing I find funnier is watching you guys contort yourself to try to make the case that since McCain was an officer and served in combat that he must be believed, but a guy who was all that and accomplished much, much, more, Clark, is just a liar, a Clinton synchophant, should be silenced, etc. If being an officer, commanding officer, and decorated veteran means you must be believed, yet you discount everything Clark says, then the determining factor isn't is you're an officer, commanding officer, and decorated veteran, it's just if you're a Republican or Democrat. :killingme You all have such credibility... not!

The way you re-write history, one would think you were writing a military spy novel or something. :lmao:


Lem Putt

Your hero Obama says Clark was out of line. Why don't you believe your hero?

This thread is about Obamalama's response to Clark, not McCain's response. Are you unable to stick to the topic?

By the way, is it true that you hate McCain because he reminds you that you failed to make rate? That you couldn't even make first class in ten years?


New Member


As usual... you guys are so busy acting like Clintonites that you can't see the forest for the trees. :killingme Why, in this political era, does a guy stand by his allegation even after attack after attack on him? How about because his story is true and he knows he's right? Wesley Clark was a general, and he knows that failing at an entry-level management job (which being a unit commander is) does not qualify you to be POTUS. I also imagine that given his position and background, Clark knows all about McCain's piss-poor conduct as a POW and he's just itching to make it all public knowledge. I hope the McCainiacs overplay this card just as they do every other card, and the more they deny and attack, the more the MSM will dig into McCain's sordid history.

And who's rushing to McCain's defense? Why none other than professional McCain defender, lawyer, and business partner George "Bud" Day. As soon as this story broke, there was Bud giving input to the media about what a fantastic guy McCain is... just like he has every other time McCain is attacked on his record. McCain was released with what... 500+ other POWs, and no one but Bud ever comes to his defense??? And how about all his fellow sailors who monitored his captivity from DC... oh wait... these were the same guys who denied McCain his automatic promotion while a POW. Other POWs were automatically promoted when their time came, but the Navy declined to promote McCain. Hmmm... he went in a LCDR and should have come out a captain... instead he came out a LCDR. Hmmmm. So I wonder what's going to happen when the dam breaks and all the facts come out, and Bud Day is still the only guy rushing to McCain's defense?

And how funny is it that McCain has become the 9/11 Widows club for men? He is wrapping himself in the infallibility shield and anyone who dares to challenge him on what he says is attacked. "How dare you question McCain's accounting? He was in the Navy! He was a POW! He's a war hero!" Ann Coulter sure denounced the whole infallibility defense when the Democrats did it, but now that Republicans are doing it... it's okay!

The only thing I find funnier is watching you guys contort yourself to try to make the case that since McCain was an officer and served in combat that he must be believed, but a guy who was all that and accomplished much, much, more, Clark, is just a liar, a Clinton synchophant, should be silenced, etc. If being an officer, commanding officer, and decorated veteran means you must be believed, yet you discount everything Clark says, then the determining factor isn't is you're an officer, commanding officer, and decorated veteran, it's just if you're a Republican or Democrat. :killingme You all have such credibility... not!
You must stop talking. Obama has refuted you and Wesley.


Saddam Hussein attacked us on 9-11?

You righties never cease to amaze me. Even George Bush says Saddam Hussein didn't attack us on 9-11. :duh:

I bring up the fact that the war in Afghanistan is going worse now than ever, and that we still haven't caught the people who attacked us on 9-11 and you send me the IWR.

Effing incredible. :killingme:killingme:killingme

I think you should enlist and go straighten them out. :yay:


Well-Known Member
You righties never cease to amaze me. Even George Bush says Saddam Hussein didn't attack us on 9-11.

So? You're jumping to conclusions that the poster is insisting he did.

You're using the argument that going into Iraq was a pointless war and suggesting that it deflected attention from the "real" enemy.

The "real" enemy is global terrorism. You can kill al-Qaeda to the last man, but as long as there are well-funded groups that export global terror - and states willing to supply them - there'll be more 9-11's. If Bush did nothing else, he recognized this fact after 9-11. We just can't say we got the bastards in Afghanistan, so we're ok. You have to kill it at the source. He addressed this in his speech then - that we're not going to tolerate state support of terror. Saddam was one of them, and we'd tolerated his own brand for far too long.

You can't shut down gang violence in LA just by getting the biggest gang. You have to get them all. If we'd gotten bin Laden years ago, it wouldn't have stopped the problem we were addressing. It just would have made people feel good about it.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Saddam Hussein attacked us on 9-11?

You righties never cease to amaze me. Even George Bush says Saddam Hussein didn't attack us on 9-11. :duh:

I bring up the fact that the war in Afghanistan is going worse now than ever, and that we still haven't caught the people who attacked us on 9-11 and you send me the IWR.

Effing incredible. :killingme:killingme:killingme

Stick it up your you know what and rotate on it. Grow up, little boy.


New Member
So? You're jumping to conclusions that the poster is insisting he did.

You're using the argument that going into Iraq was a pointless war and suggesting that it deflected attention from the "real" enemy.

The "real" enemy is global terrorism. You can kill al-Qaeda to the last man, but as long as there are well-funded groups that export global terror - and states willing to supply them - there'll be more 9-11's. If Bush did nothing else, he recognized this fact after 9-11. We just can't say we got the bastards in Afghanistan, so we're ok. You have to kill it at the source. He addressed this in his speech then - that we're not going to tolerate state support of terror. Saddam was one of them, and we'd tolerated his own brand for far too long.

You can't shut down gang violence in LA just by getting the biggest gang. You have to get them all. If we'd gotten bin Laden years ago, it wouldn't have stopped the problem we were addressing. It just would have made people feel good about it.
Yes, yes I am. :diva:

I spoke about 9-11 and the fact that al-Qaida is, according to intelligence reports from the region, as strong as ever. Bann refuted me by posting the IRAQ War Resolution.

Even Bushie has said Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. :yay:

Saddam sucked, yes. He was a horrible human being, and he deserves his own special place in hell. But, it's not our role to play God. We shoud be on the offensive against those who attacked us, not against those who were minding their own damn business for five, ten years.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Yes, yes I am. :diva:

I spoke about 9-11 and the fact that al-Qaida is, according to intelligence reports from the region, as strong as ever. Bann refuted me by posting the IRAQ War Resolution.

Even Bushie has said Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. :yay:

Saddam sucked, yes. He was a horrible human being, and he deserves his own special place in hell. But, it's not our role to play God. We shoud be on the offensive against those who attacked us, not against those who were minding their own damn business for five, ten years.

I'd say you're not getting your money's worth out of college and should ask for a refund. You have a problem with reading comprehension.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The hell...

You can't shut down gang violence in LA just by getting the biggest gang. You have to get them all. If we'd gotten bin Laden years ago, it wouldn't have stopped the problem we were addressing. It just would have made people feel good about it.

...it wouldn't. Leaders are symbols as much as anything, especially in ideological movements. Hitler WAS Nazi Germany. Mao WAS communist China. OBL IS Al Queda.

We made a huge mistake getting distracted with the much lesser issue of what to do about Iraq and OBL got away. He is the face of 9/11. Simple common sense and justice demands that we got the bad guy a long, long time ago.


Well-Known Member
...it wouldn't. Leaders are symbols as much as anything, especially in ideological movements. Hitler WAS Nazi Germany. Mao WAS communist China. OBL IS Al Queda.

We made a huge mistake getting distracted with the much lesser issue of what to do about Iraq and OBL got away. He is the face of 9/11. Simple common sense and justice demands that we got the bad guy a long, long time ago.

Dude, you sometimes have a serious problem with reading comprehension. Of course killing bin Laden would have seriously put a stake in the heart of al-Qaeda. I never said otherwise or even implied it.

al-Qaeda is not "global terrorism". It's a big global terror organization, but as I pointed out and have pointed out repeatedly, the war on terror is a fight against global terror - not al-Qaeda.

Thinking that getting bin Laden ends global terror is like thinking, in the 80's, getting Qaddafy would end terror. Getting Al Capone didn't end the mob. It doesn't work that way.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Is it...

Dude, you sometimes have a serious problem with reading comprehension. Of course killing bin Laden would have seriously put a stake in the heart of al-Qaeda. I never said otherwise or even implied it.


You have to get them all. If we'd gotten bin Laden years ago, it wouldn't have stopped the problem we were addressing.

...me or you?

If current headlines serve, we're dealing with a resurgence of AQ in Afghanistan.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

al-Qaeda is not "global terrorism". It's a big global terror organization, but as I pointed out and have pointed out repeatedly, the war on terror is a fight against global terror - not al-Qaeda.

Thinking that getting bin Laden ends global terror is like thinking, in the 80's, getting Qaddafy would end terror. Getting Al Capone didn't end the mob. It doesn't work that way.

...should get a job with the Bush administration. They seem to think like you do, that OBL is just another psycho in a robe.

1993 WTC attack Al queda
US Embassies Al queda
Mogadishu Al queda
USS Cole Al queda

He is the global leader, both spiritually and inspirationally and strategically, for fundamentalist Islam that says the West is killing their way of life and that they are just in fighting back. Let's not pretend we're facing a bunch of mafioso just trying to make a buck, OK? That's what we've tried replacing him with in A'stan and Iraq.