Obama slips on TV: 'My Muslim faith'


Harley Rider
There are tapes of the American hating, "the white man hating", politics and discussions that have no place in a house of worship in any religion......
Exactly. Or maybe it really ISN'T a house of worship. Many people go to church to hear what their itching ears want to hear (2 Timothy 4 v 3 & 4).
you obviously didn't hear the interview or read the transcript.
i'm not going to explain how idiotic and bigoted you look because i enjoy watching you spout your hatefilled, but ignorant drivel.
Obama attended the "Church of Christ" for the last ten or so years. i dotn know how you could consider him anything other than a christian.
so what would jesus do, turn his back on a convert or judge him they way you are without any evidence of your claims?
TJ, stay out of theological discussions. You have no idea what you're talking about and I don't need to explain "how idiotic and bigoted YOU look.... spouting your ignorant drivel". If you choose to follow the devil and so choose to be led astray, fine but don't lead others astray. (Not that anyone agrees with you here). You have ZERO idea what the Church of Christ teaches but they are close, if not right there, to being a cult. I won't even go into their many false teachings. You look them up and see. You are very ill equipped to be in a theological discussion but it is a free forum so "spout" on.


New Member
Exactly. Or maybe it really ISN'T a house of worship. Many people go to church to hear what their itching ears want to hear (2 Timothy 4 v 3 & 4).

TJ, stay out of theological discussions. You have no idea what you're talking about and I don't need to explain "how idiotic and bigoted YOU look.... spouting your ignorant drivel". If you choose to follow the devil and so choose to be led astray, fine but don't lead others astray. (Not that anyone agrees with you here). You have ZERO idea what the Church of Christ teaches but they are close, if not right there, to being a cult. I won't even go into their many false teachings. You look them up and see. You are very ill equipped to be in a theological discussion but it is a free forum so "spout" on.

they may be a cult, but they are a cult that believes that jesus christ is/was god/god's son. THAT MAKES THEM CHRISTIAN, just like baptist, catholics and mormons.

you can judge them and say they don't represent YOUR idea of christianity, but they are certainly all christians, as misguided as they may be.

and your retarded devil comments are hilarious, keep um coming.



I can say some words in russian perfectly .... I MUST BE A COMMUNIST?!>!?2

also, I can pronounce several words properly in french, spanish, latin, japanese, and even english!

You should be ashamed of your stupidity.

I'm not ashamed about my observation of "johnny smooth talker".. I spent a year in the sand box & the only ones who could pronounce arabic words correctly were those of arabic/mooslum backgrounds, the ones that had proper hocking/tongue skills.

I can pronounce Chinese words correctly. And French and German. We don't accuse German-speaking Americans of being Nazis. Oh, and not all Muslims speak Arabic. Iranians sure don't, and neither do Pakistanis.

Also, Arabic isn't even the language of Indonesia, as far as I know, which is the predominantly Muslim country he lived in briefly, so he probably just actually bothered to look up the pronunciation of the words before saying them in nationally viewed speeches. Novel concept, I know.

I call a duck a duck when it quacks like one, even though it claims to not be a duck..


New Member
nice evidence .... oh wait, you didn't have any .... ha ha at you my foolish fellow forumite.

proper use and pronunciation doesn't a bad person make.


Dancing Up A Storm
I'm not ashamed about my observation of "johnny smooth talker".. I spent a year in the sand box & the only ones who could pronounce arabic words correctly were those of arabic/mooslum backgrounds, the ones that had proper hocking/tongue skills.

I call a duck a duck when it quacks like one, even though it claims to not be a duck..

THAT right there might be the most telling statement of the day. Bravo! :patriot:

Sums it up, in a nucklesack, er, nutshell! :killingme


I spent a year in the sand box & the only ones who could pronounce arabic words correctly were those of arabic/mooslum backgrounds, the ones that had proper hocking/tongue skills.

Well, he did live in a Muslim country, but they didn't speak Arabic there.

I'm not even sure what correct pronunciations of Arabic people are referring to. That he says "Ih-rahk" instead of "Eye-rack?" Or "Al Qai-dah" instead of "Al Kay-duh?" 'Cause McCain does that too. Cheney does when he speaks about it.

I call a duck a duck when it quacks like one, even though it claims to not be a duck..

Well good luck with that philosophy. See, unlike ducks, people have languages and to communicate with each other properly sometimes we use different ones to get our point across. It was embarrassing on an international scale to hear our news correspondents not even attempt to say "ni hao" correctly and butcher the Chinese athletes' names they were interviewing. And that's just a sporting event, not even political. Have fun quacking with the ducks in their universal language all you want, I'd rather be able to correctly speak about names of the groups and countries we're trying to ally with or war with.


Dancing Up A Storm
bravo that he's an idiot ....

I'm not so sure. In the upcoming days and weeks, we just MIGHT be hearing more about what he alludes to.

I could be wrong, but Obama and Biden are "slipping up", here and there. The MSM is airing these gaffes, more than just occasionally.

Are they beginning to "wise up"?


nice evidence .... oh wait, you didn't have any .... ha ha at you my foolish fellow forumite.

proper use and pronunciation doesn't a bad person make.

:) That's Yoda tongue. As a test, have people of all nationalities say the word Yoda. I bet ya arabic-tongued-mooslum people won't say it w/ conviction like b-o does, not that I've ever heard him say the word "Yoda"..

As far as the evidence goes, I'm not chasing down youtube clips of bo "quacking" on all the networks. I saw what I saw & I heard what I heard & simply gave my observation..

For a dude to claim to not be a follower of, he sure says their words correctly..
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New Member
:) That's Yoda tongue. As a test, have people of all nationalities say the word Yoda. I bet ya arabic-tongued-mooslum people won't say it w/ conviction like b-o does, not that I've ever heard him say the word "Yoda"..

As far as the evidence goes, I'm not chasing down youtube clips of bo "quacking" on all the networks. I saw what I saw & I heard what I heard & simply gave my observation..

For a dude to claim to not be a follower of, he sure says their words correctly..


do you know any foreign languages?


Harley Rider
they may be a cult, but they are a cult that believes that jesus christ is/was god/god's son. THAT MAKES THEM CHRISTIAN, just like baptist, catholics and mormons.
you can judge them and say they don't represent YOUR idea of christianity, but they are certainly all christians, as misguided as they may be.
You just keep proving my case for me TJ. Just acknowledging that Jesus is the Son of God DOES NOT make one a Christian. The devil acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God and he isn't a Christian! Read the rest of the Book, it will fill in the missing parts of your statements.
You've fallen for the same trap that Vrai did (with Ron Paul)
You, myself and others jump all over Forestal/Nono/NHboy for exactly this kind of regurgitation
Why dont you gather all the information, actually read the transcript and make your OWN opinion, instead of just relying on what Hannity and Rush tell you Obama stated?
If you read Obama's comments in context, you'd have learned that he wasnt making a statement that he had Muslim Faith.
1) I did not fall for the same stuff; with Ron Paul???
2) I do not read transcripts because they are sometimes doctored up. I listen to what the person says and make a decision from it.
3) I do not listen to Rush or Hannity.
4) You have fallen for the lie that he ISN'T a Muslim. No Christian takes a pro choice, pro gay stance at ANYTIME! (Heck, even Muslims are anti gay so what is he)? He is a liar and a deceiver just as the devil is. He will lean toward whatever side he needs to to get elected.
A spirit of discernment shows the things that the eyes can't see and ears can't hear. He repeatedly misquotes the Bible and I'm sure you heard it.
Obama is a lying, waffling fake who says one thing and stands for another. He can't keep up the lies and word twisting for too long without being found out and now it's happening. I've followed his speeches and have seen one underlying thing throughout them: He stands for change but the only change is that he changes his words, he tries to explain away what other say that he said and he contradicts himself regularly. That's the only thing that WON'T change about him.


A spirit of discernment shows the things that the eyes can't see and ears can't hear. He repeatedly misquotes the Bible and I'm sure you heard it.
Obama is a lying, waffling fake who says one thing and stands for another. He can't keep up the lies and word twisting for too long without being found out and now it's happening. I've followed his speeches and have seen one underlying thing throughout them: He stands for change but the only change is that he changes his words, he tries to explain away what other say that he said and he contradicts himself regularly. That's the only thing that WON'T change about him.

Well, okay. But that doesn't mean he's Muslim. Those are reasons to dislike him and his politics. Just because someone doesn't follow your particular brand of Christianity doesn't mean they're Muslim. Sure, maybe he's a false Christian in your eyes. But as you said, devout Muslims are also anti-choice and anti-gay, which disproves that particular point (in any case, Obama is against gay marriage, just for civil unions). But in my mind misquoting the Bible is a dumb reason not to vote for someone, and not only have certain GOP candidates misquoted the Bible but claimed to have studied it and then not remembered jack squat. I digress. So you have valid political points that you don't like about him. Fine. But why say, "I don't like him, so he must be Muslim"? This isn't Battlestar Galactica, for crying out loud. Not everyone is a Cylon.



Harley Rider
Well, okay. But that doesn't mean he's Muslim. Those are reasons to dislike him and his politics. Just because someone doesn't follow your particular brand of Christianity doesn't mean they're Muslim. Sure, maybe he's a false Christian in your eyes. But as you said, devout Muslims are also anti-choice and anti-gay, which disproves that particular point (in any case, Obama is against gay marriage, just for civil unions). But in my mind misquoting the Bible is a dumb reason not to vote for someone, and not only have certain GOP candidates misquoted the Bible but claimed to have studied it and then not remembered jack squat. I digress. So you have valid political points that you don't like about him. Fine. But why say, "I don't like him, so he must be Muslim"? This isn't Battlestar Galactica, for crying out loud. Not everyone is a Cylon.LOLZ.
You must be a Democrat right? How else could my words be so twisted by you? Where did I ever say I don't like him so he must be a Muslim?
You said: "...Obama is against gay marriage, just for civil unions." Do you ever listen to yourself and think for yourself? Can you really NOT see this deception? There is NO difference but your party wants you to think there is, so you do! God is against them both and so am I. It's my job to point out false teachings like these and to speak out against them.
I didn't say that he was a Muslim because of any of the above reasons. Many of the "signs" just point to that fact. If you honestly followed what he has said and unsaid in his speeches, you'd easily see this and never vote for him. His misquoting the Bible is just one of his MANY flaws that cause me to question his "Christianity".


You must be a Democrat right? How else could my words be so twisted by you? Where did I ever say I don't like him so he must be a Muslim?
You said: "...Obama is against gay marriage, just for civil unions." Do you ever listen to yourself and think for yourself? Can you really NOT see this deception? There is NO difference but your party wants you to think there is, so you do! God is against them both and so am I. It's my job to point out false teachings like these and to speak out against them.
I didn't say that he was a Muslim because of any of the above reasons. Many of the "signs" just point to that fact. If you honestly followed what he has said and unsaid in his speeches, you'd easily see this and never vote for him. His misquoting the Bible is just one of his MANY flaws that cause me to question his "Christianity".

I'm not here to debate Obama's political points. You and others came into the thread to question something unrelated to his politics - specifically to say that he was some kind of secret ninja Muslim because he misquotes the Bible, has a Muslim background, etc. etc. When prompted for evidence as to his secret ninja Muslim-ness, you and others responded with reasons you don't like his politics. Disagreeing with his politics doesn't make him a Muslim. That's all I'm saying. Apologies for kind of responding generally to people, the things I said weren't specifically directed at you and your arguments, but at things others posted as well.

"Repeatedly misquoting the Bible" is not a political talking point I'm particularly worried about. The rumors that he is sneakily hiding his true faith are just as nasty as the unfounded stories about McCain "cruelly" dumping his first wife (which isn't true, they ended mutually and had not a lot in common anymore, simple as that) or Palin passing off her daughter's baby as her own (absurd). And they're just as unfounded. And just as irrelevant.
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Harley Rider
Nucklesack & Tiny Dancer I see your points but only after having watched & listened to Obama's speeches have I come to my conclusions. The problem is that the entire media is dishonest.
I normally listen to the actual words people say instead of using written transcripts because writings can be "doctored up". Now, if you watched the interview with Charles whomever last night and Sarah Palin, you see that even TV interviews are doctored up by the biased media libs. They edited out many of her words in the interview. I saw her head position and expression change due to editing and it looked pretty shady so I know how important it is to only listen to credible sources for our news reporting.
Having said that, I still see too many signs that Obama has dangerous leanings to the Muslim side. How could he sit under the "Rev" Wrong for so long? Look at the Nation of Islam and their radical racial agenda. And the Freudian slip: "my Muslin faith" just doesn't sit well with me for any reason. I didn't sit in a congregation for 20 years that called out the racial shortcomings of black people nor would I. It all works together to make my "spider senses" go off if you know what I mean.


Dancing Up A Storm
You don't seem to know what that means ....

perhaps it doesn't sit well with you because you are a fool.

That is what's known as a "reflexive statement". Look it up, or just Google it.

I am quite sure you'll agree with the meaning.......