Obama slips on TV: 'My Muslim faith'


Lovin' being Texican
If this really a 'so what?' issue...

that sound slike a big "so what" to me. I mean i went to mormon temple more than once as a child, and probably even prayed to the mormon jesus. But i can honestly say that i was never a mormon.

besides, isn't this what all politicains do, accentuate the positive?

...why did he have to lie about it? He could have come out and said (as he did in his book, BTW) that he studied the Koran, was a pretend Muslim as a child. Then he observed no religious faith from age 11 to 38 when he converted to Christian, and that's that.

Instead he took his normal Kabuki and denied he ever said that. Sounds like he's patterning his life after Willie Jeff.
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New Member
...why did he have to lie about it? He could have come out and said (as he did in his book, BTW) that he studied the Koran, was a pretend Muslim as a child. Then he observed no religious faith from age 11 to 38 when he converted to Christian, and that's that.

Instead he took his normal Kabuki and denied he ever said that. Sounds like he's patterning his life after Willie Jeff.

i guess i would have to see where he lied about it if he spelled out in the book exactly what the deal was....

or is this another one of those issues like the one that started this thread?


Dancing Up A Storm
not really, but i can tell you that most men that i know who consider themselves christian dont step into a church other than weddings and funerals......

If Obama is a muslim(as you continue to insist with absolutely no evidence), his "faith" would compell him to bow down to mecca several times a day and to observe many other religious traditions. Where are all of the reports of obama praying to allah? where are the photos of him coming in and out of his mosque?

NICE job of hedging, ie., "spinning" the question! :lmao:

Obama's answer: Once, MAYBE twice a month. He said, also, that he never heard any of Rev. Wright's racist and anti-American diatribes. Ironically, the main reason he attended that church, was to placate his wife, Michelle's desires, that he attend services with her. Isn't it amazing how Michelle has never admitted to hearing Rev. Wright's outrageous sermons, either?

Secondly, if Obama prays to Allah in private, who is going to know about it?
Do you think the MSM is going to televise it? Get real!


New Member
NICE job of hedging, ie., "spinning" the question! :lmao:

Obama's answer: Once, MAYBE twice a month. He said, also, that he never heard any of Rev. Wright's racist and anti-American diatribes. Ironically, the main reason he attended that church, was to placate his wife, Michelle's desires, that he attend services with her. Isn't it amazing how Michelle has never admitted to hearing Rev. Wright's outrageous sermons, either?

Secondly, if Obama prays to Allah in private, who is going to know about it?
Do you think the MSM is going to televise it? Get real!

he has people around him all the time. if he kneals down towards mecca 3 times a day somebody is going to notice. even if it is only that he takes "private time" 3 times a day that just happen to coincide with the times muslims pray....

so you are saying that all the men in america who say they are christian but go to church twice a month or less, usually at the prodding of their wives, are not christians either? probably going to be news to lots of good christians out there :killingme


Dancing Up A Storm
he has people around him all the time. if he kneals down towards mecca 3 times a day somebody is going to notice. even if it is only that he takes "private time" 3 times a day that just happen to coincide with the times muslims pray....

so you are saying that all the men in america who say they are christian but go to church twice a month or less, usually at the prodding of their wives, are not christians either? probably going to be news to lots of good christians out there :killingme

I never said that. :popcorn: But YOU just did! :lmao: Try "spinning" that one! :killingme


New Member
I never said that. :popcorn: But YOU just did! :lmao: Try "spinning" that one! :killingme

well then exactly what was your point when you said
Obama's answer: Once, MAYBE twice a month. He said, also, that he never heard any of Rev. Wright's racist and anti-American diatribes. Ironically, the main reason he attended that church, was to placate his wife, Michelle's desires, that he attend services with her

seriously, this is a retarded issue, you guys should spend your time going after him on policies and such. he has plenty to be criticized on there....

White Buddah

I never said that. :popcorn: But YOU just did! :lmao: Try "spinning" that one! :killingme
He won't try to spin it. He'll just go onto something totally different to change the subject and attempt to get the spotlight away from him.


Dancing Up A Storm
He won't try to spin it. He'll just go onto something totally different to change the subject and attempt to get the spotlight away from him.

True enough.

However, we're talking politics here, right? Does it seem too farfetched that Obama considered using his appearance at a Christian Church, to validate the idea that he is, indeed, a follower of Jesus? That it would, or should deflect any criticism - that he MIGHT be a follower of Islamic Doctrine, that he received as a young man?

Obama is not slick enough to conceptualise that sort of notion, eh? Hint: He's not a politician for nothing! :lmao:


New Member
True enough.

However, we're talking politics here, right? Does it seem too farfetched that Obama considered using his appearance at a Christian Church, to validate the idea that he is, indeed, a follower of Jesus? That it would, or should deflect any criticism - that he MIGHT be a follower of Islamic Doctrine, that he received as a young man?

Obama is not slick enough to conceptualise that sort of notion, eh? Hint: He's not a politician for nothing! :lmao:

funny, but i am working with the facts, you guys are the ones spinning.

you are spinning his attending a christian church twice a month into an indication that he is a muslim. talk about spin

White Buddah

True enough.

However, we're talking politics here, right? Does it seem too farfetched that Obama considered using his appearance at a Christian Church, to validate the idea that he is, indeed, a follower of Jesus? That it would, or should deflect any criticism - that he MIGHT be a follower of Islamic Doctrine, that he received as a young man?

Obama is not slick enough to conceptualise that sort of notion, eh? Hint: He's not a politician for nothing! :lmao:
It's easier to get the sheep to follow when they see him at a Christian Church and hear him say he's a Christian even though they have heard about his Muslim background (that was so last week).


New Member
It's easier to get the sheep to follow when they see him at a Christian Church and hear him say he's a Christian even though they have heard about his Muslim background (that was so last week).

please show ANY evidence that obama is a practicing muslim.

If you have it i would love to see it. otherwise, his attending the "church of Christ" should be all the evidence you need to know his religion.


New Member
please show ANY evidence that obama is a practicing muslim.

If you have it i would love to see it. otherwise, his attending the "church of Christ" should be all the evidence you need to know his religion.

This is the RU, tommy. You only need evidence when you're attacking a Republican.


What I have a great deal of trouble with (and what is always thrown into the corner when the Democrats enter the discussion) is the Obama campaign team's clearly spoken denial he had ever been a Muslim or practiced the Muslim faith. Since we have ample evidence he was considered a Muslim and that he participated in Muslim rituals, I am most bothered by the outright coverup of his earlier denials.

Okay, know that I ask you this in earnest, I'm not trying to be sarcastic and I'd really like links or something if you have them. What is the evidence that he participated in Muslim rituals? Living in a Muslim country as a child is not a Muslim ritual. Learning about the Koran is not a Muslim ritual. Having Muslim family members is not a Muslim ritual. Having Muslim friends is not a Muslim ritual. Rumors of his acquaintances aside, where is the evidence that he's, you know, attended mosques regularly, made a pilgrimage to the Hajj (for non-political reasons), makes his wife and daughters observe hijab, fasted during Ramadan, etc. etc? Aka, where is the evidence that he is or was a practicing Muslim or even a Muslim on paper past his early childhood, not just someone with Muslim connections?


Dancing Up A Storm
It's easier to get the sheep to follow when they see him at a Christian Church and hear him say he's a Christian even though they have heard about his Muslim background (that was so last week).

See, you picked it up the first time you read it; no help needed to come to a conclusion. Why do you suppose it was so clear to you, but not so clear to others?

You must have special abilities :lmao: that others do not possess!


New Member
See, you picked it up the first time you read it; no help needed to come to a conclusion. Why do you suppose it was so clear to you, but not so clear to others?

You must have special abilities :lmao: that others do not possess!

so where is this evidence you have of him being anything other than a christian? you must have it, you are continually implying it.

and its not clear to others because you are the sheep, blindly following the discredited rumors you read on the internet. the rest of us actually think for ourselves.


Harley Rider
i take him attending a chirstian church his entire adult life to be plenty of evidence that he is a christian. you can argue that he isn't one and judge him all you want, but it would be easily argued that you aren't being very chirstian in your judgement and bigotry. i mean WWJD, turn his back on a convert because he chose christianity over another he was exposed to as a child?
Thanks for another confirmation TJ. So now attending church makes one a Christian??? Case closed.
...why did he have to lie about it? He could have come out and said (as he did in his book, BTW) that he studied the Koran, was a pretend Muslim as a child. Then he observed no religious faith from age 11 to 38 when he converted to Christian, and that's that.
Instead he took his normal Kabuki and denied he ever said that. Sounds like he's patterning his life after Willie Jeff.
That would go against his Democratic 2 facedness. It's bad enough that he lied about it but he always takes part of a stance on issues. "Hedging his bets" so to speak as he does (and ALL Dems do) with everything else that he claims to stand for.
so where is this evidence you have of him being anything other than a christian? you must have it, you are continually implying it.
and its not clear to others because you are the sheep, blindly following the discredited rumors you read on the internet. the rest of us actually think for ourselves.
You're unbelievable!!! "So where is this evidence..." DUH, how many slips of his tongue do you need?
His half stance on everything. He goes where the money and power is. He's half black and half white and yet he claims only black as does Halle Berry, Mariah Carey and others do because there's something to be gained in it.
He claims to be Christian & Muslim (which is NEVER possible) then falls onto which ever side he needs at the time. He definitely does NOT know the Bible.
He's says he's against gay marriages then says we need to provide a way for them to do what married people do and get what they get.
He claims to want to have kids in kindergarden taught about same sex relationships, then he made a joke about it when McCain called him on it, then said it is the right thing to do??? The man is a moron, waffler and anything else in the category of double mindedness.


Thanks for another confirmation TJ. So now attending church makes one a Christian??? Case closed.

Well, according to you, it only takes looking at the Koran for more than a second to make one a Muslim.

Oh, and the rest of the things you posted are all valid reasons not to like his politics. They aren't reasons he's Muslim. LOLZ.


New Member
I don't know if Obama is a Muslim or not, but his church does not practice what I think mainstream American considers religion.

He was a member of this church for years, his kids were baptised there, he was married there and he attended regular services with this church.

There are tapes of the American hating, "the white man hating", politics and discussions that have no place in a house of worship in any religion......

I will not vote for him because that fact scares the hell outta me...........


New Member
You're unbelievable!!! "So where is this evidence..." DUH, how many slips of his tongue do you need? .

you obviously didn't hear the interview or read the transcript.

i'm not going to explain how idiotic and bigoted you look because i enjoy watching you spout your hatefilled, but ignorant drivel.

Obama attended the "Church of Christ" for the last ten or so years. i dotn know how you could consider him anything other than a christian.

so what would jesus do, turn his back on a convert or judge him they way you are without any evidence of your claims?


New Member
I don't know if Obama is a Muslim or not, but his church does not practice what I think mainstream American considers religion.

He was a member of this church for years, his kids were baptised there, he was married there and he attended regular services with this church.

There are tapes of the American hating, "the white man hating", politics and discussions that have no place in a house of worship in any religion......

I will not vote for him because that fact scares the hell outta me...........

there is no 'mainstream american' religion .... that was one of the larger points that was made whilst founding this country.