Obama slips on TV: 'My Muslim faith'


Dancing Up A Storm
I didn't say Indonesia wasn't Muslim. It is. That's why I called it "the predominantly Muslim country that Obama lived in." I said that Arabic isn't the official language of Indonesia, in reponse to the other poster referring to Obama's "suspiciously" correct pronunciation of common Arabic phrases. Which was my point. Not all Muslims speak Arabic. Actually read what I write, thanks.

You are "spinning the truth" here. Obama was raised, went to elementary school there, in that Islamic sect. He enrolled in course studies, in order to learn the Koran. THAT much has been documented, got it?

What part of that information do you not understand??


Dancing Up A Storm
Gosh, this is great!

On the O'Reilly Factor, Bill just aired a tape of Pt#2 of his interview with Obama, and Bill pointed out that Obama had friendly relations with many far-left organisations, such as the DU, Daily Kos, Louis Farakhan(sp?) and other factions, all left leaning outfits.

Bill then asked Obama, who he has relations with on the other side, the conservative ones?

Obama could NOT name one! He began "spinning" like mad, saying "That's not the point!"! :killingme Well WHO DO you associate with, on the conservative side, pal?


You are "spinning the truth" here. Obama was raised, went to elementary school there, in that Islamic sect. He enrolled in course studies, in order to learn the Koran. THAT much has been documented, got it?

What part of that information do you not understand??

I fail to see how I'm spinning anything. Yes, he went to elementary school in a predominantly Muslim country, that was most likely run by Muslim schoolteachers. He took classes to study the Koran at that school. No one has denied this, Obama included and it's all perfectly understood. I happen to think that Koran study and correct pronunciation of common phrases does not a Muslim make, just as the fact that I went to Episcopal school does not make me Episcopal, nor does attending Bible study make one Christian.

But regardless of what you and I disagree on about Obama's "true" religious affiliations, I'm definitely not spinning anything. I said Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country that doesn't speak Arabic. I pointed this out because if you're going to claim that his Muslim foundations are based on when he lived in Indonesia, his pronunciation of Arabic words and phrases can't be used as "evidence" to that particular effect, because they don't speak Arabic in Indonesia. You misunderstood and thought I was saying Indonesia wasn't Muslim (?).


New Member
This is a spiritual battle from the devil that you, his followers, cannot and will not see so I don't expect anyone who thinks as you do to see the connection so save your breath (fingers). The essence of who he is, is what will destroy this nation. His covenant with the devil is invisible to the untrained eye.

you are one skeered little biatch. it is probably safest for you to go hide under your bed until the apocolypse happens and you are gwyned up to hebben.

and i hope the rest of you can see in this idiocy, how close you are to sounding the same. Obama is simply a man, a man who went to a bunch of different schools and is probably very well rounded as far as religion goes. but still a man, and a man who has been living his life as a christian for his entire adult life. anyon who has any evidence to the contrary, please feel free to post it.


Dancing Up A Storm
I fail to see how I'm spinning anything. Yes, he went to elementary school in a predominantly Muslim country, that was most likely run by Muslim schoolteachers. He took classes to study the Koran at that school. No one has denied this, Obama included and it's all perfectly understood. I happen to think that Koran study and correct pronunciation of common phrases does not a Muslim make, just as the fact that I went to Episcopal school does not make me Episcopal, nor does attending Bible study make one Christian.

But regardless of what you and I disagree on about Obama's "true" religious affiliations, I'm definitely not spinning anything. I said Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country that doesn't speak Arabic. I pointed this out because if you're going to claim that his Muslim foundations are based on when he lived in Indonesia, his pronunciation of Arabic words and phrases can't be used as "evidence" to that particular effect, because they don't speak Arabic in Indonesia. You misunderstood and thought I was saying Indonesia wasn't Muslim (?).

I have not made any claims, concerning his ability to speak Arabic words and phrases, that they be used as evidence against him. Someone else referred to that.

What does bother me - is that he claims to be a Christian, but denies any Muslim-orientated background - earlier, and then later on in his life, that he had ANY dealings, studies, or involvement with Islamic Factions. His tuition at Harvard University, was partly paid for by a known Islamic Activist(!), as mentioned in other threads. So, you believe he didn't KNOW anything about that??

Never dawned on him, not even once??

No ties to these Islamic Factions at ALL, huh? Can you really tell me, with a straight face, that this guy does not have any ties with Islam?


Harley Rider
you are one skeered little biatch. it is probably safest for you to go hide under your bed until the apocolypse happens and you are gwyned up to hebben.
and i hope the rest of you can see in this idiocy, how close you are to sounding the same. Obama is simply a man, a man who went to a bunch of different schools and is probably very well rounded as far as religion goes. but still a man, and a man who has been living his life as a christian for his entire adult life. anyon who has any evidence to the contrary, please feel free to post it.
Oh yeah, you surely would know a Christian! If you say Obama is a Christian, then I know for sure and without a doubt that he isn't. Thanks for the confirmation. :yay:


Bookseller Lady
AUUUUGGGHHHH! <bangs forhead on keyboard>

If you are not voting for Obama because you do not agree with his policies, good for you. It's your right. God Bless America.

If you are not voting for Obama because of long discredited internet/spam rumors you are a hideous waste of carbon atoms.

When I've recieved spams about Palin I've actually looked for reputable sources. I don't like her based on stuff that has been verified, not any of the garbage that has been disproven.


I have not made any claims, concerning his ability to speak Arabic words and phrases, that they be used as evidence against him. Someone else referred to that.

Yeah. I know, I was responding to that person in the first place with my comment about Arabic speakers in Indonesia. You commented saying that Indonesia was a Muslim country, and I said yes, it was.

Never dawned on him, not even once??

No ties to these Islamic Factions at ALL, huh? Can you really tell me, with a straight face, that this guy does not have any ties with Islam?

I doubt the validity of the claims that his education was financed entirely or in any significant part by al-Monsour - most of the information I can find on this subject traces either to this board or other discussion boards (including Stormfront) and that's dubious at best. So unlike the fact that he lived in a Muslim country, attended school there, etc. I would consider that still a rumor.

And I'll say, again. Yes, he has ties with Islam. He lived in a Muslim country. His biological father was Muslim, though he was not raised by him. His first stepfather was Muslim. He has not denied these things. But he is not. I don't find the distinction that hard to make.


thats gotta be the dumbest thing ive ever heard.

with out religion there is no moral standard that an individual
is expected to live by.

You do know in the Koran, it tells muslims to be the wolf in sheeps
clothing and do anything to get in power and kill all the infidels.


why would you have expected Andy to read up on a subject before posting opinions ....

The Sword of the Prophet

Islam Rising - The Never Ending Jihad Against Christianity

both were very en lighting ...


New Member
AUUUUGGGHHHH! <bangs forhead on keyboard>

If you are not voting for Obama because you do not agree with his policies, good for you. It's your right. God Bless America.

If you are not voting for Obama because of long discredited internet/spam rumors you are a hideous waste of carbon atoms.

When I've recieved spams about Palin I've actually looked for reputable sources. I don't like her based on stuff that has been verified, not any of the garbage that has been disproven.

You dont like her because of things that have been verified??? Now thats funny. The only things about her that have been verified that you dont like is that she is a conservative Republican running with John Mccain, against your boy Hussein Obama.


WorldNetDaily! :lmao:

His name is even Muslim. :lmao:

Here it is in context...

Fox News and Republican Commentators ... closely aligned to John McCain :jameo:

Like Obamanation and the Daily KOS and DU .... oh wait he said not to attack Palin's daughter ... so he is sin free in this case :rolleyes:
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If one is Muslim and converts to Christianity, they can easily be a target of a fatwah. Ie., it is punishable by death. So, what is Obama, is he still Muslim and went to a Christian church to keep his wife happy but never converted, or is he a target. We must know.

he would be an Apostate :

Punishment for apostasy

Legal opinion on apostasy by a Fatwa committee concerning the case of a man who converted to Christianity: "Since he left the Islam, he will be invited to express his regret. If he does not regret, he will be killed pertaining to rights and obligations of the Islamic law."
Legal opinion on apostasy by a Fatwa committee concerning the case of a man who converted to Christianity: "Since he left the Islam, he will be invited to express his regret. If he does not regret, he will be killed pertaining to rights and obligations of the Islamic law."

In Islamic law (sharia), the consensus view is that a male apostate must be put to death unless he suffers from a mental disorder or converted under duress, for example, due to an imminent danger of being killed. A female apostate must be either executed, according to Shafi'i, Maliki, and Hanbali schools of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), or imprisoned until she reverts to Islam as advocated by the Sunni Hanafi school and by Shi'a scholars.[15]

A minority of medieval Islamic jurists, notably the Hanafi jurist Sarakhsi (d. 1090),[4] Maliki jurist Ibn al-Walid al-Baji (d. 494 AH) and Hanbali jurist Ibn Taymiyyah (1263-1328), held that apostasy carries no legal punishment.[5] Some contemporary Islamic Shafi`i jurists, such as the Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa,[6][7] some Shi'a jurists such as Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri,[8] and some jurists, scholars and writers of other Islamic sects, have argued or issued fatwas that either the changing of religion is not punishable or is only punishable under restricted circumstances, but these minority opinions have not found broad acceptance among the majority of Islamic scholars.[16][17][18][19]

Preferred form of execution

Most Islamic scholars agree that the appropriate punishment for apostasy is beheading. However, according to hadith, apostates sometimes were tortured to death. The caliph Umar II had apostates tied to a post and a lance thrust into their hearts. Mamluk Sultan Baybars II also practiced torture of apostates. A case is recorded when a woman who had apostatised was led through the streets of Cairo on an ass, then strangled in a boat in the middle of the Nile and thrown into the river. In modern times, followers of the Ahmadiyya sect in Afghanistan were stoned to death. The execution for apostasy was abolished in most Muslim lands in the 19th century either through European pressure or through the direct European rule; however, cases of imprisonment and deportation of apostates still occurred. Nevertheless, even nowadays renegades are not sure of their lives, as their Muslim relatives frequently try to kill them.[15]

Ideally, the one performing the execution of an apostate must be an imam.[15] At the same time, all schools of Islamic jurisprudence agree that any Muslim can kill an apostate without punishment.[20]

Applying law in the Muslim world

Most countries of the Middle East and North Africa maintain a dual system of secular courts and religious courts, in which the religious courts mainly regulate marriage and inheritance. Saudi Arabia and Iran maintain religious courts for all aspects of jurisprudence, and religious police assert social compliance. Sharia is also used in Sudan, Libya and Afghanistan. Some states in northern Nigeria have reintroduced Sharia courts. In practice the new Sharia courts in Nigeria have most often meant the reintroduction of relatively harsh punishments without respecting the much tougher rules of evidence and testimony. The punishments include amputation of one/both hand(s) for theft, stoning for adultery, and execution for apostasy. In 1980, Pakistan, under the leadership of President Zia-ul-Haq, the Federal Shariat Court was created and given jurisdiction to examine any existing law to ensure it was not repugnant to Islam[3] and in its early acts it passed ordinances included five that explicitly targeted religious minorities: a law against blasphemy; a law punishing the defiling of the Qur'an; a prohibition against insulting the wives, family, or companions of the Prophet of Islam; and two laws specifically restricting the activities of Ahmadis, who were declared non-Muslims.

Under traditional Islamic law[21] an apostate may be given up to three days while in incarceration to repent and accept Islam again and if not the apostate is to be killed without any reservations. There are difference between the four schools in the various details on how to deal with the various aspects of imposing the penalties with respect to the material property and holdings of the apostate and in the status and rights of the family of the apostate. A distinction is also made between "Murtad Fitri", an apostate who was born of Muslim parents, and "Murtad Milli", an apostate who had converted into Islam initially. Some additional penalties and considerations that are mentioned are that a divorce is automatic if either spouse apostatize, an under age apostate is imprisoned till he reaches maturity and then he is killed, and the recommended execution is beheading with a sword. The examples of Apostasy given below show that these punishments are rarely carried out in toto at present, and also underline the problem in harmonizing the constitutional law and Islamic law in the various countries.

In the period of the early Islamic Caliphate, apostasy was considered treason, and was accordingly treated as a capital offense; death penalties were carried out under the authority of the Caliph, the most famous such incidents being the Martyrs of Cordoba. Today apostasy is punishable by death in the countries of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen, Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan and Mauritania. In Pakistan blasphemy is also punishable by death. Other punishments prescribed by Islamic law include the annulment of marriage with a Muslim spouse, the removal of children and the loss of all property and inheritance rights.


yeah but Christians can come and go ....

your always Jewish - wither praticing or not ....

and you are always Muslim and if you renounce Islam and Allah you are an Apostate and subject to execution ....

Islam is not just a Religion to these people ... it is a political system ...



New Member
Oh yeah, you surely would know a Christian! If you say Obama is a Christian, then I know for sure and without a doubt that he isn't. Thanks for the confirmation. :yay:

i take him attending a chirstian church his entire adult life to be plenty of evidence that he is a christian. you can argue that he isn't one and judge him all you want, but it would be easily argued that you aren't being very chirstian in your judgement and bigotry. i mean WWJD, turn his back on a convert because he chose christianity over another he was exposed to as a child?

oh, and i think you are a christian, so i guess that means you are the debbil too :killingme


Dancing Up A Storm
i take him attending a chirstian church his entire adult life to be plenty of evidence that he is a christian. you can argue that he isn't one and judge him all you want, but it would be easily argued that you aren't being very chirstian in your judgement and bigotry. i mean WWJD, turn his back on a convert because he chose christianity over another he was exposed to as a child?

oh, and i think you are a christian, so i guess that means you are the debbil too :killingme

Last night, on the O'Reilly Factor, Obama was asked how many times he attended Rev. Wright's Church Services.

Care to hazard a guess - what Obama's reply was?:whistle:


Lovin' being Texican
I believe Obama is now a practicing Christian.

i take him attending a chirstian church his entire adult life to be plenty of evidence that he is a christian. you can argue that he isn't one and judge him all you want, but it would be easily argued that you aren't being very chirstian in your judgement and bigotry. i mean WWJD, turn his back on a convert because he chose christianity over another he was exposed to as a child?

oh, and i think you are a christian, so i guess that means you are the debbil too :killingme

What I have a great deal of trouble with (and what is always thrown into the corner when the Democrats enter the discussion) is the Obama campaign team's clearly spoken denial he had ever been a Muslim or practiced the Muslim faith. Since we have ample evidence he was considered a Muslim and that he participated in Muslim rituals, I am most bothered by the outright coverup of his earlier denials.


New Member
Last night, on the O'Reilly Factor, Obama was asked how many times he attended Rev. Wright's Church Services.

Care to hazard a guess - what Obama's reply was?:whistle:

not really, but i can tell you that most men that i know who consider themselves christian dont step into a church other than weddings and funerals......

If Obama is a muslim(as you continue to insist with absolutely no evidence), his "faith" would compell him to bow down to mecca several times a day and to observe many other religious traditions. Where are all of the reports of obama praying to allah? where are the photos of him coming in and out of his mosque?


New Member
What I have a great deal of trouble with (and what is always thrown into the corner when the Democrats enter the discussion) is the Obama campaign team's clearly spoken denial he had ever been a Muslim or practiced the Muslim faith. Since we have ample evidence he was considered a Muslim and that he participated in Muslim rituals, I am most bothered by the outright coverup of his earlier denials.

that sound slike a big "so what" to me. I mean i went to mormon temple more than once as a child, and probably even prayed to the mormon jesus. But i can honestly say that i was never a mormon.

besides, isn't this what all politicains do, accentuate the positive?