Obama Warns GOP "Lay Off My Wife"


New Member
"She got up there in a bully pulpit sowing the seeds,"

Thats the best answer...lets Dem's talk, and listen to their words, and then be very very afraid..........


Lem Putt
It's his wife. What's he supposed to do? Divorce her?

I never knew people got together and eventually got married based on what their political views are. :confused:

Well, that explains everything. :yay:

She put herself into the public eye by making speeches. She appears on TV with him. That makes her statements relevant to the discussion.

If she wanted to stay out of the public eye, she should have kept ther piehole shut. She made her views known, which makes them fair game for discussion.


wandering aimlessly
This IS a real issue young man. You have a woman(who I swear is the one who first played Aunt Viv on Fresh Prince)who wants to be the 1st Lady saying for the 1st time she's proud of this country. She said this maybe, what, 4 months ago? So she's only 22 years old. Old Barry must be a cradle-robber.
::shocking: I thought the exact same thing.

You don't think young people actually are confusing Obama with Will too do you? :lol:


Soul Probe
She put herself into the public eye by making speeches. She appears on TV with him. That makes her statements relevant to the discussion.

If she wanted to stay out of the public eye, she should have kept ther piehole shut. She made her views known, which makes them fair game for discussion.

:yeahthat: Ed Zachary!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

"But I also think these folks should lay off my wife," he told "GMA" as his wife chuckled beside him.

...a freaking Candy Azz. What's he gonna do when Adninianjaddahadijihadi let's it slip he thinks Michelle is a MILF when they have their little 'talk'?



In My Opinion
So what's he gonna do about it? :bubble: :killingme
He's gonna be a typical racist colert guy.
he will get Jessie Jackass and Al (cant comb my hair) Sharptounge to stage protests demanding that all people associated with the GOP be fired from their jobs.


In My Opinion
It's his wife. What's he supposed to do? Divorce her?

I never knew people got together and eventually got married based on what their political views are. :confused:

Well, that explains everything. :yay:
they may not get married because of it, but they might not get married becuase of it.

lets say I was planning on being the head of the KKK, do you think it would be wise of me to marry a black woman that was the head of the Jews For Jesus organization?

seriously though, If I would have met and dated my SIL instead of pan lady back in the day, I would have kicked her right out of my car when she started that liberal crying about my silver spoon.


New Member
they may not get married because of it, but they might not get married becuase of it.

lets say I was planning on being the head of the KKK, do you think it would be wise of me to marry a black woman that was the head of the Jews For Jesus organization?

seriously though, If I would have met and dated my SIL instead of pan lady back in the day, I would have kicked her right out of my car when she started that liberal crying about my silver spoon.

I was beginning to think you already were. :shrug:


In My Opinion
"Your momma" jokes. How mature. :bigwhoop:

I think those got old in the 6th grade. :yawn:
As would your implications that someone might be part of a racist organization simply because they have morals and chose not to accept butt bumpers as normal healty people.

but, I dont expect you to understand such things.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
ABC News.com ^ | 19 mAY 08 | IMAEYEN IBANGA

Sen. Barack Obama ripped into a Republican ad today that targets comments made by his wife, Michelle, and called the GOP tactic "low class" and "detestable."

The senator and his wife discuss the race for the White House. The Illinois senator told "Good Morning America" that he expects hardball tactics from the Republicans if he becomes the Democratic presidential nominee.

"But I also think these folks should lay off my wife," he told "GMA" as his wife chuckled beside him.

Obama told "GMA" that he believes he will win a majority of the Democratic delegates once the votes are counted after Tuesday's primaries in Kentucky and Oregon. Obama is favored in Oregon while rival Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York is expected to win Kentucky.


The Republicans seem to have come to the same conclusion and a GOP Internet campaign in Tennessee has an ad featuring Michelle Obama's comments during the long Democratic campaign that "for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country."

Michelle Obama was asked about the ad on "GMA," but her husband said, "Let me just interject on this."

"The GOP, should I be the nominee, I think can say whatever they want to say about me, my track record," Obama said. "I've been in public life for 20 years. I expect them to pore through everything that I've said, every utterance, every statement. And to paint it in the most undesirable light possible. That's what they do."

"But I do want to say this to the GOP. If they think that they're going to try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign, they should be careful. Because that I find unacceptable," he said.

:bawl: Boo-freaking-hoo! Maybe Obama ought to tell wifey-poo to quit making news of herself. Gosh, it's really simple: if she doesn't want to draw attention to herself - she should quit doing public things to call attention to herself! :rolleyes:

She's the one who's out there making PUBLIC speeches & appearances. She is now a public figure, so she needs to put on her big-girl pants & deal with it.:killingme


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You know, I remember the Alito confirmation hearings, when the Democrats were so vicious that Alito's wife got upset and teary. She didn't make a stink, but the media ripped her to shreds - "If she can't take the heat..." "Possibly not cut out to be the wife of a public figure..."

And all she did was tear up a bit.

Big tough Michelle Obama, however, is not to be picked on, no matter what she says or does. Miz Thang can't hang and has to have her bebe daddy come to her rescue.



The mighty Al-Sonsie!
You know, I remember the Alito confirmation hearings, when the Democrats were so vicious that Alito's wife got upset and teary. She didn't make a stink, but the media ripped her to shreds - "If she can't take the heat..." "Possibly not cut out to be the wife of a public figure..."

And all she did was tear up a bit.

Big tough Michelle Obama, however, is not to be picked on, no matter what she says or does. Miz Thang can't hang and has to have her bebe daddy come to her rescue.


He ought to take a cue on how to gracefully handle criticism from the current occupant of the White House. Nobody has been savaged more than George W. Bush and have you ever heard him snivel and whine like this?
