Obama Warns GOP "Lay Off My Wife"


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, I am not looking at her head!!!!!!! She could put a paper bag over it for all I care. I just want the rest, plus, she's stupid as hell... did I mention that? :evil:

I'm just afraid somebody would start playing Slim Whitman and


Green slime all over my................


Power with Control
She is being attacked.

u must've missed it when she was called a "washer woman."

As usual in these cases, its whats was NOT said that important. Saying she was "called a washer woman" doesnt tell the whole story.

First, she wasnt called a washer woman, it was said "she speaks like a washer woman", not quite the same thing.

Second, lets talk about who said this. It was this guy

Frédéric Prinz von Anhalt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Come on now, some used up euro-trash bozo says this and we act like it's worthy of comment. This wasnt a column in the Washington Times.
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