Obama Warns GOP "Lay Off My Wife"


New Member
Actually this works well into Obama's plan. Injecting his wife takes the heat off the fact that he is an empty suit. While we are talking about his wife and he is taking up for her ,there arent any pertinent hard questions being asked and he looks like a man taking up for his bride.

It works right into his hand.

If Obama doesnt want her to be a part of his campaign he should stop her from going around the country giving speeches.

First he cries about a speech given by Mr. Bush, then its his wife, the guy spends more time crying than running for President. He is Mr. Wimpie in an empty suit.

If elected this clown with the big ears could make Jimmy Carter look good.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Of course you guys would support this type of negative advertising.

This is the problem with American Politics. They're determined by what other people say (Michelle, Rev. Wright) or what someone did when they were 22 years-old. It's not about the issues, everything the GOP and the LSM have made this campaign about is all a mass distraction from the real issues.

This is NOTHING. The Democrats have the lock on politics of personal destructions - the Clintons, in fact, have perfected this particular tactic and are experts at it. But I digress.

The MASS distraction, as you put it, happens to be a very serious issue.

Mrs. Obama is not some wilting flower on the vine who needs her knight in shining armour to protect her. She opens her mouth on issues and she is the one who is out there in the public spewing her hateful, venomous attacks on MY country. She doesn't have to sit around serving crumpets at tea parties - but if she's going to put herself out there & make controversial comments & speak out on controversial issues - she dang well better be prepared to hear what people think about it.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I didn't say that. I said this campaign has turned into one mass-distraction from the issues. It's turned into what church Obama attended when he was, we'll say 22. It's turned into what Jerimiah Wright said. It's turned into what Michelle Obama has said, and all I got out of her comments was that she wasn't proud of what this country has been doing.

This election is going to be a large annoyance if it turns into mudslinging over what other people have to say. Since it is, at least Obama loves and stays married to his first-wife. :razz: :shrug:

So, now I guess he's supposed to divorce her because her political views are too extreme for the right wing to swallow. :shrug: Look around you, there are more important issues than what someone else said.


This whole campaign is ridiculous if this is what it's oing to be. :rolleyes:

:lmao: How many political campaigns does this make for you? This is politics, hun. Politics ain't beanbag.

It's always been like this. Maybe NOT as ugly or as much. (that could be debated) But, this type of thing has gone on for years. The main difference is it was not documented to the extent it is now on 24hr. cable TV and the internet.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
You're right - it's all the GOP's fault. The Democrats do nothing but talk about serious issues, while the Republicans can only engage in the politics of personal destruction.


:lol: I should read ahead before I answer. But :yay: it's the truth!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
It's his wife. What's he supposed to do? Divorce her?

I never knew people got together and eventually got married based on what their political views are. :confused:

Well, that explains everything. :yay:

Barbara Bush & Laura Bush (not to mention Nancy Reagan) are recent examples of strong-minded woman who have obvious differences of opinions / views from their husbands. (they happen to be Republicans) They often would just politely avoid questions on controversial subjects by saying they were not the candidates/President and that they supported their spouses.

They conducted themselves with dignity & decorum and were also very ladylike in their demeanors - and yet were still able to affect change & support/promote very worthwhile causes.

Mrs. Obama, on the other hand, seems to know exactly what she's doing. She #1) behaves in a very specific way, (which rubs a lot of people the wrong way) in order to promote HER particular beliefs, which may or may not be similar to her husband's.
#2) seems to enjoy behaving this way, and
#3) then goes around hooting like a screech owl when someone challenges her or says something about it.

I cringe at the thought of another national crisis and First Lady Michelle Obama running around screeching about what a terrible country this is and how we're to blame for it. :jameo:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
You know, I remember the Alito confirmation hearings, when the Democrats were so vicious that Alito's wife got upset and teary. She didn't make a stink, but the media ripped her to shreds - "If she can't take the heat..." "Possibly not cut out to be the wife of a public figure..."

And all she did was tear up a bit.

Big tough Michelle Obama, however, is not to be picked on, no matter what she says or does. Miz Thang can't hang and has to have her bebe daddy come to her rescue.


:roflmao: snap!

I remember all the nastiness directed at Alito's wife! And the horrible things they said about the age and outfits of the children, too!


New Member
This is NOTHING. The Democrats have the lock on politics of personal destructions - the Clintons, in fact, have perfected this particular tactic and are experts at it. But I digress.

The MASS distraction, as you put it, happens to be a very serious issue.

Mrs. Obama is not some wilting flower on the vine who needs her knight in shining armour to protect her. She opens her mouth on issues and she is the one who is out there in the public spewing her hateful, venomous attacks on MY country. She doesn't have to sit around serving crumpets at tea parties - but if she's going to put herself out there & make controversial comments & speak out on controversial issues - she dang well better be prepared to hear what people think about it.

:lmao: How many political campaigns does this make for you? This is politics, hun. Politics ain't beanbag.

It's always been like this. Maybe NOT as ugly or as much. (that could be debated) But, this type of thing has gone on for years. The main difference is it was not documented to the extent it is now on 24hr. cable TV and the internet.

Again, as an UNDECIDED voter, I want to know about the issues, not about: Jerimiah Wright, McCain's ARMY service 40-something years ago, Michelle Obama, Barack's a muslim :jameo:, Barack Obama hates America :jameo:, McCain lied about his military service (so says Bruzilla Obama), and all the countless other distractions.


In My Opinion
:lmao: Wow, just think - we might get a combative First Lady. How positively quaint. :dead:
just wait for the first white house dinner when some foreign head of state says something she takes as wrong.

OH NO HE DIT INT (bounce head back and forth like chickens going after corn) move fingers in circular motion ending in a double snap.


No Use for Donk Twits
Again, as an UNDECIDED voter, I want to know about the issues, not about: Jerimiah Wright, McCain's ARMY service 40-something years ago, Michelle Obama, Barack's a muslim :jameo:, Barack Obama hates America :jameo:, McCain lied about his military service (so says Bruzilla Obama), and all the countless other distractions.

Well Andy, you're one of the few folks with a brain then. Most young folks don't know economics worth a darn. Most want to know what the government is going to GIVE them, not who is going to pay for that gift. Most don't realize lower tax rates result in higher revenues for the government and that tax policy is about control of social behavior, not revenue. Most don't realize Social Security has been the biggest ponzi scheme foisted on the American public EVER. And who is going to pay for it?

Most older folks have made up their minds about values one way or the other. I don't know a single person who agrees with one party or the other 100 percent. Hell, I don't even agree with my wife, and vice versa on many political issues. She's more conservative than I am! Values hopefully drive politics, but lately both parties have been looking out for their power, their perks, their legacies and to hell with the American people (who they supposedly serve). Sorry, rant over.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Again, as an UNDECIDED voter, I want to know about the issues, not about: Jerimiah Wright, McCain's ARMY service 40-something years ago, Michelle Obama, Barack's a muslim :jameo:, Barack Obama hates America :jameo:, McCain lied about his military service (so says Bruzilla Obama), and all the countless other distractions.

And I'm saying (some of) those are issues. Too. Also.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
just wait for the first white house dinner when some foreign head of state says something she takes as wrong.

OH NO HE DIT INT (bounce head back and forth like chickens going after corn) move fingers in circular motion ending in a double snap.


Remember the 2 snaps in a zee?


New Member
And I'm saying (some of) those are issues. Too. Also.
What, that his parents are muslims? Uh, not all muslims are terrorists, people. :doh:

He doesn't wear a flagpin? Okay, most politicians that spew their self-righteous :bs: don't wear a flagpin.

OH...OH...OH, this is important, he was once a muslim. He converted to Christianity, perfectly acceptable.

I've already given my opinion on Michelle Obama and Jerimiah Wrong.

Bruzilobama says he lied about his military service. Still hasn't offered any proof. :coffee:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
What, that his parents are muslims? Uh, not all muslims are terrorists, people. :doh:

He doesn't wear a flagpin? Okay, most politicians that spew their self-righteous :bs: don't wear a flagpin.

OH...OH...OH, this is important, he was once a muslim. He converted to Christianity, perfectly acceptable.

I've already given my opinion on Michelle Obama and Jerimiah Wrong.

Bruzilobama says he lied about his military service. Still hasn't offered any proof. :coffee:

Some of the peripheral or extentuating details attached to these issues speak to or are related to character and/or reputation and they are very much worthy of scrutiny and discussion.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
What, that his parents are muslims? Uh, not all muslims are terrorists, people. :doh:

BTW, I'm not an ignoramus, a child or a dolt. I've never said that all muslims are terrorists. I was speaking in general terms when I said "those are issues", too. also.

But since you brought it up - if he was a muslim and converted - then I believe in this day & age that would be considered newsworthy and should be scrutinized. YES, because the terrorists who attacked our country were muslim. But NOT because I think all muslims are terrorists. Big difference. Sorry if it offends the sensibilities of some people, but toughsky youknowwhatsky.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Again, as an UNDECIDED voter, I want to know about the issues,

What issues do you want to know about, and what is your plan to ensure the candidates are telling the truth and will actually follow through?

I'd rather hear about a candidate's personal life, how they comport themselves and who they choose to surround themselves with. That tells me more about them than whatever lie their campaign people come up with.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I'd rather hear about a candidate's personal life, how they comport themselves and who they choose to surround themselves with. That tells me more about them than whatever lie their campaign people come up with.

There it goes AGAIN! More far right wing GOP character assassination and dirty, inside the beltway, Rovian politics as usual!



Power with Control
Wait wait wait, you mean to tell me that a politician might not tell me everything I want to know about himself or herself? :doh: I might have to learn things on my own, and actually use this newfangled "judgement" I keep hearing about:jameo:

I dunno, sounds like a lot of work............:confused: Not sure if I'm ready to invest that sort of time into something as trvial as choosing the leader of the free world, cant I just do whatever the TV people tell me to do? :dance: