Obama's Rejection Of Pastor Unfortunate


Lem Putt
Had a chat about this subject in APRIL 2007.
Pastor Wright --on the record about having to cut & run during the campaign if things get hot about his rhetoric. Mr Obama agreed.

Looks like they just kicked the plan into motion.
Did Obama know of the sentiments of his pastor?
Did he just deny it:


Do you have a link that backs that up? It'd be interseting to see it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...I've seen speaks to separation, not supremacy.

So it's okay if they're separatists, just as long as they're not supremacists?

As I am not a racist or bigot, I have no need to hold Senator Obama to a different standard than I would a white person. If a white candidate belonged to a segregated church, and the pastor spewed this sort of ignorance against blacks, and hung around with race-baiters, and apparently the candidate approved of this until he got caught, I would disparage said candidate as well.

So congrats, Barack - you can stop fighting the power now. You're equal. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have not...

So it's okay if they're separatists, just as long as they're not supremacists?

...said that nor suggested that. All I have been trying to say is that it is not fair to denounce Barrack and his church and Jeremiah White in the same context as the KKK and the history of slavery in this country. I'm saying there is a big difference in the damning actions done to blacks well through the 1900's v. the words of Wright and Obama being a member of the congregation damning the US in words.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm saying there is a big difference in the damning actions done to blacks well through the 1900's v. the words of Wright and Obama being a member of the congregation damning the US in words.

I disagree. Racism is racism, no matter where it comes from, and there's no excuse.


...said that nor suggested that. All I have been trying to say is that it is not fair to denounce Barrack and his church and Jeremiah White in the same context as the KKK and the history of slavery in this country. I'm saying there is a big difference in the damning actions done to blacks well through the 1900's v. the words of Wright and Obama being a member of the congregation damning the US in words.

You just sit around posting stuff to get a rise don't ya? :doh:


Well-Known Member
This might have some of the key info...

Do you have a link that backs that up? It'd be interseting to see it.

Contrary to Claims, Obama Very Close With Racist Preacher, Wright | NewsBusters.org

More detail of Obama trying second-handedly avoiding his Pastor's Rhetoric:
Political Punch

And for the Capstone:
"Last year, April 30th, 2007, New York Times article: Reserved "Wright, who has long prided himself on criticizing the establishment, said he knew that he may not play well in Mr. Obama's audition for the ultimate establishment job. 'If Barack gets past the primary, he might have to publicly distance himself from me,' Mr. Wright said... 'I said it to Barack personally, and he said yeah, that might have to happen.'" Well, now, this is April 30th, 2007, not quite a year ago. This is the second time now Reverend Wright has been found or discovered to have said things, that indicate Obama knew full well what Wright was saying."
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
...that's right. I mean, Jeremiah Wright and Barrack Obama/Grand dragons and the Ku Klux Klan. Hell, it's all the same...

All sin, discord, actions, good or bad start with thought. A thought put into words is looking for approval. With enough approval, the thought that became words becomes action.

Matthew 15:18-20

18"But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile the man.

19"For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders.

20"These are the things which defile the man; but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile the man."


New Member
“I have not discussed this with Senator Obama in detail, but I can see why callers of mine and other clergymen would be concerned, because the issue is standing by your own pastor,” Mr. Sharpton said.

Dayem I actually agree with Al Sharpton.........now that is SCARY!!!!!!


Ubi bene ibi patria

the NYT article;

"Mr. Wright’s church, the 8,000-member Trinity United Church of Christ, is considered mainstream — Oprah Winfrey has attended services, and many members are prominent black professionals. But the church is also more Afrocentric and politically active than standard black congregations."

Read "standard black congregations" as, the ones that know their place and don't scare the whiteys.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I wonder why Hillary's people didn't blow this one open? Since they are the dirt digging masters and all. Or did they in a round about way?

I think this has the Clinton "machine" all over it. Hannity has been on this story for a year and the mainstream media kept overlooking it.


Well-Known Member
the NYT article;

"Mr. Wright’s church, the 8,000-member Trinity United Church of Christ, is considered mainstream — Oprah Winfrey has attended services, and many members are prominent black professionals. But the church is also more Afrocentric and politically active than standard black congregations."

Read "standard black congregations" as, the ones that know their place and don't scare the whiteys.
Actually, since most black people aren't racist, I think it means "people who go to church for religious, not social/political reasons, where the congregation happens to be primarily black".


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Do you have a link that backs that up? It'd be interseting to see it.

...running out of time to post this morning, but I have this article from April 2007. You probably have to register, it's the NYT.


"...Despite the canceled invocation, Mr. Wright prayed with the Obama family just before his presidential announcement. Asked later about the incident, the Obama campaign said in a statement, “Senator Obama is proud of his pastor and his church.”
In March, Mr. Wright said in an interview that his family and some close associates were angry about the canceled address, for which they blamed Obama campaign advisers but that the situation was “not irreparable,” adding, “Several things need to happen to fix it.” <snip>

“If Barack gets past the primary, he might have to publicly distance himself from me,” Mr. Wright said with a shrug. “I said it to Barack personally, and he said yeah, that might have to happen.”


Well-Known Member
So Paster Wright,...

Why does Obama have to put distance between you and him?
He's a loyal confidant, one of your devoted flock...?

Are you afraid your rhetoric will embarrass him?
Do you wish to apologize for your tirades?
Are there other incidents that you are hoping don't make the media?
Do you feel that Mr Obama follows your teaching or is he embarrassed regarding it?

Time for the 60 minutes interview.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Read "standard black congregations" as, the ones that know their place and don't scare the whiteys.

Once more, if this were a "caucasion-centric" church that delivered this same message, the media would howl and the candidate would be finished. The "black leadership" says they don't want a double standard, but that doesn't really seem to be the case, now does it?

It's amazing to me just how far Democrats will go in their hypocrisy.