Larry Gude
Strung Out
You are... missing the point. The double standard is coming home to roost and the Democratic party is where it is roosting, as it should. The same people who lauded a Farakhan and his overtly racial driven agenda and polished the turd to make it sound like something bigger or better than just that, race based, now have to confront a Rev. Wright and his direct association with their golden savior, Barrack Obama.
The undertone of racial guilt politics has now run smack up against the racists IN the Democrat party who will NOT vote for a person of color no matter what. The party has long enjoyed having someone like Sharpton or Jackson around to poke business and political foes with the race stick. Now, they are confronted with having to own up to all of this and look at the results; racism is THE central theme of the Democratic primary and it has NOTHING to do with Republicans and it has NOTHING to do with conservatives.
This is their mess. Enjoy the show.
And he was lauded, yet the Promise Keepers were excoriated by not only activist groups, but the media as well.
I'm done with racial bull####. I'm not afraid of black people or Al Sharpton or any of them. I'm done with the self-appointed "black leadership" who don't lead any black person I've ever known. And I'm definitely not going to give them a pass and be patronizing simply because they happen to be black.
I'm sick of the racial double-standard. I'm not going to tiptoe around and kowtow to the race baiters because I'm afraid they'll call me names. And I'm definitely not going to call anyone an "African-American". If you want to be African, get your ass to Africa and stay there. This is just plain old America, friend.
![]() missing the point. The double standard is coming home to roost and the Democratic party is where it is roosting, as it should. The same people who lauded a Farakhan and his overtly racial driven agenda and polished the turd to make it sound like something bigger or better than just that, race based, now have to confront a Rev. Wright and his direct association with their golden savior, Barrack Obama.
The undertone of racial guilt politics has now run smack up against the racists IN the Democrat party who will NOT vote for a person of color no matter what. The party has long enjoyed having someone like Sharpton or Jackson around to poke business and political foes with the race stick. Now, they are confronted with having to own up to all of this and look at the results; racism is THE central theme of the Democratic primary and it has NOTHING to do with Republicans and it has NOTHING to do with conservatives.
This is their mess. Enjoy the show.