Obama's Rejection Of Pastor Unfortunate

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I can't...

:yay: Now you get it.

...remember who said it, but last night on, I think, CNN, a black commentator said that these type remarks, Wright remarks, are not unusual at all in many/most black churches and that is part of what Obama is going to touch on today, the perceptions of blacks vis a vis America.


Lem Putt
...remember who said it, but last night on, I think, CNN, a black commentator said that these type remarks, Wright remarks, are not unusual at all in many/most black churches and that is part of what Obama is going to touch on today, the perceptions of blacks vis a vis America.

:eyebrow: "God Damn America" is not unusual? Wow.

If these remarks are not unusual, why does Obama feel a need to distance himself from the remarks?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
that is part of what Obama is going to touch on today, the perceptions of blacks vis a vis America.

Can't wait. :popcorn:

I'm getting a real education on what black people really think, courtesy of Senator Obama and his pastor. Here all this time I thought the only difference was skin color, and black people were just Americans like me.

Who knew that the biggest racial divider would be a black Democrat presidential candidate? :lol:


the NYT article;

"Mr. Wright’s church, the 8,000-member Trinity United Church of Christ, is considered mainstream — Oprah Winfrey has attended services, and many members are prominent black professionals. But the church is also more Afrocentric and politically active than standard black congregations."

Read "standard black congregations" as, the ones that don't have a theme of "God Damn America, think AIDS and Crack were created by whitey to keep the black man in check, those that believe they are Americans who go to church for spiritual teaching of Jesus and the bible and not to see some radical freak militant froth at the mouth about politics.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm feeling like...

:eyebrow: "God Damn America" is not unusual? Wow.

If these remarks are not unusual, why does Obama feel a need to distance himself from the remarks?

...I'm the only one around here who gets out much. Is this business really a shock to many people???


...remember who said it, but last night on, I think, CNN, a black commentator said that these type remarks, Wright remarks, are not unusual at all in many/most black churches and that is part of what Obama is going to touch on today, the perceptions of blacks vis a vis America.

Ahhhhhhhh, the "normalize" tactic. Make people think the outrageous is actually commonplace so it is nothing to worry about. Usually goo to name drop some celebs like "Oprah went to this church once :shrug:" to make the pill go down easier :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...I'm the only one around here who gets out much. Is this business really a shock to many people???

I'm shocked. I don't know how many black churches you've been to, but I always assumed folks were there for religion, not hate America politics.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

Can't wait. :popcorn:

I'm getting a real education on what black people really think, courtesy of Senator Obama and his pastor. Here all this time I thought the only difference was skin color, and black people were just Americans like me.

Who knew that the biggest racial divider would be a black Democrat presidential candidate? :lol:

...you think white people are Americans 'just like you'? How many people do you think are really 'just like you'? You are a social liberal/fiscal conservative, right? A good many Republicans don't see things like you do. A good many Democrats don't see things just like you. I think you could sit down with Condi Rice and see an awful lot of things in common. I think you could sit down with Janet Reno and feel like you are talking to a space alien.

Wrights (Obama's) church is a big city church; they're gonna have views right in line with much of Democrat party orthodoxy; grievance politics, group politics, etc.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I haven't...

I'm shocked. I don't know how many black churches you've been to, but I always assumed folks were there for religion, not hate America politics.


...been to any black churches. Pastor Wright is no shock to me. The ideas and search for blame of the Democratic party is no shock to me yet I've never been to a Democratic party meeting.


Lem Putt
...I'm the only one around here who gets out much. Is this business really a shock to many people???

I don't know anyone who goes to a church like that. I've been to a local church where there were 6 white people and at least 100 black people. Believe it or not the pastor didn't say "God Damn America" one time. In fact, he didn't say damn anything.

I do believe there are churches where this does happen, but I cannot believe that it is mainstream in the black community.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Ahhhhhhhh, the "normalize" tactic. Make people think the outrageous is actually commonplace so it is nothing to worry about. Usually goo to name drop some celebs like "Oprah went to this church once :shrug:" to make the pill go down easier :yay:

...the context was not that it's 'normal' as in it's OK. It was more 'it's normal and you white folks are in for a bit of a rude awakening.'

Why is this surprising anyone??? Has anyone been paying attention to the racial politics of this country the last 20 some odd years besides me???
Did Louis Farrakhan hold a march on DC to celebrate the good things about the US of A and I just missed it???


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Wrights (Obama's) church is a big city church; they're gonna have views right in line with much of Democrat party orthodoxy; grievance politics, group politics, etc.

Goody for them.

But, ONCE MORE, if this were a *white* presidential candidate... :blahblah:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I don't know anyone who goes to a church like that. I've been to a local church where there were 6 white people and at least 100 black people. Believe it or not the pastor didn't say "God Damn America" one time. In fact, he didn't say damn anything.

I do believe there are churches where this does happen, but I cannot believe that it is mainstream in the black community.

...so, Pastor Wright is some sort of rare thing? You don't think this is common place in big city churches, you know, big cites, where Democrats and race and group based politics and policies rule? The places where Democrats get 100-105% turnout on election day?


...the context was not that it's 'normal' as in it's OK. It was more 'it's normal and you white folks are in for a bit of a rude awakening.'

Why is this surprising anyone??? Has anyone been paying attention to the racial politics of this country the last 20 some odd years besides me???
Did Louis Farrakhan hold a march on DC to celebrate the good things about the US of A and I just missed it???

Oh I don't know Larry, why do you think it is a big deal if it's evidently "OK" or "normal"? Why has the news media been covering such a non-story? Why did Obama hustle his ass to a microphone to denounce Wright? Why did he dismiss Wright from his spiritual guidance committee or whatever it is called? I mean it's "OK", "normal" or common place. Nothing to see here, move along.

Farrahkah is not the issue, to my knowledge he has never run a candidate for president out and was within 100 delegates of winning. Obama was sold as the "The great Mocha Hope" and it seems he is not.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I agree...

Goody for them.

But, ONCE MORE, if this were a *white* presidential candidate... :blahblah:

...100% but if you see this sort of thing as the same as the Klan and white supremacy and slavery in this country, I can't make the distinction for you.

This doesn't make it 'right' or fair or just. It just is. For decades Democrats have been all for race and group based politics and policies that you and me and all sorts of people see as destructive and hurtful and, frankly, racist AGAINST blacks. The thing is, a Maxine Waters or a John Conyers isn't going to do well in local politics towing a line about personal responsibility and John Wayne; they are Democratic precincts and you hang with the gang or you don't get to play.

I'll be interested what you take from Obama's speech today.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Oh I don't know Larry, why do you think it is a big deal if it's evidently "OK" or "normal"? Why has the news media been covering such a non-story? Why did Obama hustle his ass to a microphone to denounce Wright? Why did he dismiss Wright from his spiritual guidance committee or whatever it is called? I mean it's "OK", "normal" or common place. Nothing to see here, move along.

Farrahkah is not the issue, to my knowledge he has never run a candidate for president out and was within 100 delegates of winning. Obama was sold as the "The great Mocha Hope" and it seems he is not.

...I must be speaking French today. Pastor Wright is not some sort of shock to black folks. Or progressives of any color. It is of a kind. That doesn't mean it is normal or OK to mainstream America. It's not. It is a shock to the system. How can he say that? It's nothing that doesn't get said in liberal/progressive circles for years and years. It's just not mainstream.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Did Louis Farrakhan hold a march on DC to celebrate the good things about the US of A and I just missed it???

And he was lauded, yet the Promise Keepers were excoriated by not only activist groups, but the media as well.

I'm done with racial bull####. I'm not afraid of black people or Al Sharpton or any of them. I'm done with the self-appointed "black leadership" who don't lead any black person I've ever known. And I'm definitely not going to give them a pass and be patronizing simply because they happen to be black.

I'm sick of the racial double-standard. I'm not going to tiptoe around and kowtow to the race baiters because I'm afraid they'll call me names. And I'm definitely not going to call anyone an "African-American". If you want to be African, get your ass to Africa and stay there. This is just plain old America, friend.



I can see what she is saying. Look at what happened to Trent Lott. He appease Strom Thurmond with some flattering speech at a party because he was 100 years old, retiring and about to croak and the entire left wing fell too the ground in convulsions. Feet were stomped, the indignity put on by the left was so thick you needed a scoop shovel.