I'm probably late on this discussion and it'll take hours to catch up

I agree 100% of what you said.
1) The pastor married Obama and his wife, baptized his children, he's been a spiritual mentor for 20 years and then say he's like an eccentric uncle?? WTF? Family is something you CANT choose, a Pastor is one you can. My other issue was the use of the GD word. As a Christian, I have NEVER seen anyone dare wear the cloth of God yell out the GD word - you can't even say that was taken out of context. That bothers me more than anything else whether your race be red, white or black. I think I've only used the GD word maybe 5-10 times if that in my LIFE time and I CERTAINLY was NOT representing God. He rattles it off like there's no tomorrow.
2) The other issue is the reverse racism. If it was the other way around and Hillary's spiritual mentor was yelling white power, the way Obama's preacher was, it would be viewed a LOT worse than the Obama preacher problem.
I was listening to Michael Baisden coming home last night and he has a guest on his show (George Wilbon (sp?)) and callers that call in. They have been advocating Obama and endorsing him for the past month or two. Eitherway, they were playing clips of Obama's pastor (really don't even want to call him that) and the clips were watered down versions of what was really said in his screaming rants - NOT what was said that is getting everyone upset. So the callers are all calling in saying how the media is against the black man, there was nothing wrong with what was said - what's the big deal - I go to his church too kind of comments

Then they kept making it a point to keep bringing up that even white people are calling up and can't believe the stink that was made over it. They were NOT playing the objectionable rants of the pastor at all.
This whole situation just sickens me.

I find it freightening that so many clueless uninformed people are flocking to his bandwagon.

And WTF is Dean throughout all of this Democrat BS going on? Anyone know what pile of sand his head is hiding under? If so, I'd like to kick it
I'm done with my rant

Sorry if things or views were repeated or reitterated. Just wanted to vent and chime in.