Obama's whining about a snow day


New Member
I don't have to say it, it's already been said.

Humor is also a way of saying something serious. -T.S. Eliot

Humor is a rubber sword - it allows you to make a point without drawing blood. -Mary Hirsch

Humor is always based on a modicum of truth. -Dick Clark

Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor; for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit. -Aristotle

Humor is something that thrives between man's aspirations and his limitations. There is more logic in humor than in anything else. Because, you see, humor is truth. -Victor Borge

Comedy has to be based on truth. You take the truth and you put a little curlicue at the end. -Sid Caesar

A joke is a very serious thing. -Winston Churchill

Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious. -Peter Ustinov

very true .... it can also be, you know, -funny-


the correct response to "orange you glad I didn't say banana" is "heh"

the incorrect response to "orange you glad I didn't say banana" is "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE AGAINST POTASSIUM LJSHEFOIU$HP(T*#Pj4ti"



very true .... it can also be, you know, -funny-


the correct response to "orange you glad I didn't say banana" is "heh"

the incorrect response to "orange you glad I didn't say banana" is "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE AGAINST POTASSIUM LJSHEFOIU$HP(T*#Pj4ti"




Main Streeter
Excuses excuses.

If Bush had said something like that, there would have been major outrage and it would have been a topic on the news shows for weeks. The Dept of Ed and all PTAs nationwide would have been screaming for his impeachment.

So :razz:

Obama sucks, he dissed our school system, and if he doesn't like it here he can take his candy ass right straight back to Chicago. Not all kids have a limo driver to take them to and from school, Mr. Ivory Tower.

If Bush had made that statement, I would've agreed with him.


New Member
I'm glad you two speak "Idiot" because I didn't understand a single word of that post.

Potassium - A soft, highly reactive, silvery-white metallic element of the alkali group occurring in nature only in compounds. It is essential for the growth of plants and is used especially in fertilizers and soaps.

LJSHEFOIU$HP(T*#Pj4ti - Banging on my keyboard in mock frustration.

any other words you don't understand?

'orange', perhaps?


I'm glad you two speak "Idiot" because I didn't understand a single word of that post.

Maybe we should just let them be - them and their elitist leader O'Chuckles. :yay: They seem to speak the same language and think they are joking and funny :lol:


New Member
Maybe we should just let them be - them and their elitist leader O'Chuckles. :yay: They seem to speak the same language and think they are joking and funny :lol:

sooooo who exactly got insulted here?

just curious.

I'm looking at various new sources and don't see anything about this on any front pages!

(although, how anyone could find -anything- on fox's page is beyond me)



where's the outrage (I mean besides from the usual somd pussies)?


Well-Known Member
No idea what a "joan" is. Is that some secret language you rich upper-class privileged people with limos and drivers speak?


Maybe that's why you don't get the JOKE! :smoochy:

Urban Slang lesson for the week - JOANING: TO POKE FUN AT SOMEONE
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Regardless of whether he has a point or not, as president he has no business criticizing the decision of local jurisdictions. It's one thing for a parent to make such a statement, but he's no longer just a parent. And in this case, DC public schools didn't even close, but the private schools did.

I agree. It's like he was ridiculing & dissing the locals. What a way to win friends & influence people. What arrogance.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Excuses excuses.

If Bush had said something like that, there would have been major outrage and it would have been a topic on the news shows for weeks. The Dept of Ed and all PTAs nationwide would have been screaming for his impeachment.

That's exactly right.


Methodically disorganized
Urban Slang lesson for the week - JOANING: TO POKE FUN AT SOMEONE
I'm as white as a bleached t-shirt and even I know what that word means because I heard it in high school... over 15 years ago.

I wouldn't agree with Obama telling local officials how to do their jobs, but it doesn't seem he did that; he was speaking in jest. There was, nonetheless, a kernel of truth to it because folks around the metro region do get panicky over every bit of wintry precipitation. (I should know; I grew up between PG and Charles counties.) Anyone who denies it need only take notice of the several threads that are inevitably started on these very forums at the mere possibility of snow or sleet. Perhaps non-locals could be cut some slack for not knowing how to drive in the stuff, but the urge to flood the grocery stores is ridiculous. Snow should be enjoyed, but unfortunately for those south and east of D.C., there only ever seems to be enough to create a nuisance and not enough fun.


Main Streeter
I'm as white as a bleached t-shirt and even I know what that word means because I heard it in high school... over 15 years ago.

I wouldn't agree with Obama telling local officials how to do their jobs, but it doesn't seem he did that; he was speaking in jest. There was, nonetheless, a kernel of truth to it because folks around the metro region do get panicky over every bit of wintry precipitation. (I should know; I grew up between PG and Charles counties.) Anyone who denies it need only take notice of the several threads that are inevitably started on these very forums at the mere possibility of snow or sleet. Perhaps non-locals could be cut some slack for not knowing how to drive in the stuff, but the urge to flood the grocery stores is ridiculous. Snow should be enjoyed, but unfortunately for those south and east of D.C., there only ever seems to be enough to create a nuisance and not enough fun.
You hit it right on. Especially the part about how people flock to the grocery stores as if we're going to be snowed back into the stone age.


I agree. It's like he was ridiculing & dissing the locals. What a way to win friends & influence people. What arrogance.

You would :rolleyes:

It was a joke people, get over it. :cds:

Besides, he was right. It's pretty ####ing sad someone from Jacksonville can handle snow and ice better than people in DC. I've seen and experienced real snow. Over 40 inches, Blizzard of 2000 - Westminster, MD.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
You would :rolleyes:

It was a joke people, get over it. :cds:

Besides, he was right. It's pretty ####ing sad someone from Jacksonville can handle snow and ice better than people in DC. I've seen and experienced real snow. Over 40 inches, Blizzard of 2000 - Westminster, MD.

He was dissing his 'hood, yo.


I grew up in Fl and still cant believe how fast this area declares a snow day. Pretty lame