Obama's whining about a snow day


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PREMO Member
I heard... uh....um...uh...um...uh...um.

Especially, after he commented on the uh...um....snow and the uh...um school closing.


He may have been "joking" but he is still showing a lack of understanding for the regional issues. The fact that we rarely get weather like this, so our reaction to it is going to be different than Chicago.

We rarely get weather like this ... :cds:

... yeah this weather comes every year. :killingme:killingme


Well-Known Member
He may have been "joking" but he is still showing a lack of understanding for the regional issues. The fact that we rarely get weather like this, so our reaction to it is going to be different than Chicago.

The fact that he interrupted a discussion on economic policy to just throw that out there just goes to show he doesn't have the political savvy to just keep his mouth shut when the comment serves no purpose and could actually have some ramifications. What happens next time we get weather and the school systems don't close because they don't want to offend his majesty? What happens when a school bus wrecks on an insufficiently treated road and someone gets hurt?

Chicago has more snow removal equipment and can react to the weather faster because they are used to it. The snow plows in the DC met have been sitting virtually idle for the better part of 3 years. It doesn't make sense to maintain the same level of equipment that Chicago has and so, it takes the area a little longer to deal with it, but now some people are going to make their next decision based on not offending the president and not on the realities of conditions in the area and the local level of preparedness.
Regional issues? :lol: I've lived here for several years, and we've had snow and/or ice every one of them. If this is new, it's been new for a long, long time, and maybe we should learn how to get used to something that happens every year.

However, he didn't interrupt, he ended a conversation he didn't want to have any more with a humorous little anecdote instead of a stern look and a "ask something else". He's actually demonstrating that he's learning political accumen.


Adding Diversity to SOMD
Regardless of whether he has a point or not, as president he has no business criticizing the decision of local jurisdictions. It's one thing for a parent to make such a statement, but he's no longer just a parent. And in this case, DC public schools didn't even close, but the private schools did.

I thought those two little girls who are always with him where his daughters???? I guess I was wrong :shrug:
I think he might want to get off the main streets and see what a lot of D.C. is like when you aren't riding in a motorcade. Then take a look at their budget for snow and ice removal and then he can make fun if he sees fit.


Bead mumbler
I am sick and tired of hearing (not just Obama) people from New England, the upper midwest laugh at "DC drivers" in the snow. What most of these morons don't understand is that the majority of "DC drivers" are not from DC!!!!! DC and the surrounding burbs contain people from all over the world--not to mention all parts of this country. Alot of people move here to work. People who have never even seen snow much less friven in it. So STFU and think before you morons embarass yourselves. A small portion of the population of DC and enviorns are actually from here.


No Use for Donk Twits
I don't see why the president isn't allowed to have an opinion about the schools in his area of residence :shrug:

He can express any opinion about anything he wants, just as we can (for now).

However, some believe the peons can't voice our opinions about a thin-skinned person who can't tolerate criticism but loves to shoot his mouth off at everyone with whom he disagrees.

How much smow they get in Hawaii where he went to school? Punahou sure ain't in Chicago!


In My Opinion
I am sick and tired of hearing (not just Obama) people from New England, the upper midwest laugh at "DC drivers" in the snow. What most of these morons don't understand is that the majority of "DC drivers" are not from DC!!!!! DC and the surrounding burbs contain people from all over the world--not to mention all parts of this country. Alot of people move here to work. People who have never even seen snow much less friven in it. So STFU and think before you morons embarass yourselves. A small portion of the population of DC and enviorns are actually from here.

To drive in the cold weather without out operating heat in the car.
Origin, freeze, and driven.

I friven all the way over here.


Main Streeter
Maybe he should just take his ass back to Chicago. :rolleyes:

Sorry, WTOP moved the article and I can't find it.....basically he said that if this were Chicago his girls would not only be in school, they would be playing outside at recess. And that DC needs to toughen up

He's right. When I lived in Washington County, it snowed quite a bit more than it does in SoMD and we went to school. Snow days meant that there was at least 6 inches of accumulation on the roads. Now days, it seems like they're afriad the school bus tires are going to melt if they come in contact with snow.


New Member
He has to keep his opinions as a parent separate from issues that are political....for example, the prudent reaction here would be to call the school and express his displeasure at their decision, NOT announce it to the news media.

Since when did school closures become a political issue?


New Member
I am sick and tired of hearing (not just Obama) people from New England, the upper midwest laugh at "DC drivers" in the snow. What most of these morons don't understand is that the majority of "DC drivers" are not from DC!!!!! DC and the surrounding burbs contain people from all over the world--not to mention all parts of this country. Alot of people move here to work. People who have never even seen snow much less friven in it. So STFU and think before you morons embarass yourselves. A small portion of the population of DC and enviorns are actually from here.

All it takes is a little common sense to know that if it is snowing out to drive SLOWER!!!! After one winter in the DC area you would think people would learn. Are people here not smart enough? And like one other person said, this happens every year. When is this area going to realize it and start making adjustments with their snow removal plans. I would hate to see what would happen if we really got snow down here.


My husbands from Illinois. I lived there for 5 years. He makes jokes like that all the time. It's true, if this was Illinois it would be business as usual.


Bead mumbler
This clearly ought to let you feds out there know where you stand. Don't count on any delayed arrival policies or government closings due to weather.