OK folks, opposites??? She and I could not be more opposite. I suppose we could but, it would be hard.
She is neat and tidy. Likes nice things. Is not a procrastinator. Is not much of a drinker. Is an achiever. Very accomplished. Been around the world. Lots of been there, done that and I scare the #### out of her because she's never hit it off with anyone like this in her life and she says she shouldn't like ANYTHING about me. Very blunt about it, too.
I'm a lazy bum redneck beer swilling, procrastinating, disorganized slob. And I am thoroughly enjoying our differences. I've reached a point where a lot of, if not all, of my insecurities are gone. I no longer need to be THE man. I know longer need to be RIGHT. I no longer need to be THE BOSS.
The business transition has a lot to do with it, my partner and the enormous skill set he brings. Getting a GM in place who really gives a #### and is taking over her role. My age, the demise of the last relationship where I was THE everything and she was imply overwhelmed with the intellectual differences, constantly feeling inferior and me reaching a point where I could trying to manage that and simply realized I wanted, needed, more.
This chick is so much smarter than me it's off the scale. Bossy as all hell and she's clear how EVERYTHING would have to change were we to have any sort of future. Well, not everything. She likes and is attracted to the basic me, just not the lazy slob part who is comfortable with the mess. I'm not. Not really. Just not motivated enough to change it. Rather go for a ride, play guitar.
To the point, I know I am ready to live more of a supportive role and not be THE MAN and she's terrified that I won't be able to handle her, at all. So, we're discussing conflict resolution, how we'd handle potential disagreements. Maid is an easy solution for part of it. She has no problem being the 'reminder' person. I NEED that.
So, will I chafe over time? Will she get sick of me being lazy? Or, is this opposite a perfect fit? She needs my chill out. Some of it, not all of it. I need her structure, some of it. Not all of it.
In the mean time, I'm getting all the stimulation I crave, intellectually, physically. And I don't fear my inferiority because I'm not focused on my shortcomings. I'm focused on just me and the strengths I have.
None of this is in search of answers any time soon but, me being me, I think about this stuff and I'm crazy about her. She being her, she absolutely thinks about this stuff and she keeps asking if it's supposed to be this easy, so comfortable and I say why not? She says this is either going to be incredible or a disaster.
What do y'all think about nearly absolute opposites?