Larry Gude
Strung Out
Ask yourself just how much you really will change for someone without resenting having to change at some point down the road.
Another good question.
I won't change much at all and neither will she. The thing is, how do I deal with it? How does she? In the past, I would get defensive and insecure and feel the need to be right. Vrai has a wonderful saying that goes something like this "Do you want to get bent or do you want to make a deposit?" She's found a guy who, it seems by nature, is a dude who is only interested in making deposits and has no time for getting bent. I've not yet had the pleasure of meeting Mo but, he sounds like a hell of a guy and I know Vrai well enough to know when I think she is full of #### or not and I think he's perfect for her. I actually use him as a bit of a motivator. A chick I met on my journey had a take on that and hers was "is this a hill worth dying on? If so, fine. If not, forget it. Let it go and never give it a second thought." Point being there is a LOT of stuff that may or could annoy us that is absolutely not worth the time of day in the broader scheme.
So, B and I, she said, again "You better be careful what you wish for..." and I stopper her and said "OK, let's walk through a potential conflict..." We talked through some real world issues I've had in the past and some that she had. So far, so good. There seems to be some innate deeper compatibilities as well, how we both naturally deal with some things.