Off to a great start...


Active Member
Larry why do you continually state that neither of you would have talked to the other years ago? Why is that important now when you are talking to each other and appear to enjoy doing so? Is the past so relevant on the new relationship that it needs to compare to the old you? I understand lessons learned My thought is when you meet new people, move forward from there, bringing lessons learned.

Dating is hard enough without the past.

They both have huge egos and that's how they stroke them.

"I've always known how beneath me you were, but now I'm magnanimous enough to accept your idiosyncrasies and date you!"

"And I've improved and grown as person - now I don't hiss and growl at people and I am better than I ever was before! I know it because you'll date me!"

"I know! We're so wonderful and unique!"

And it gives them something to talk about, about their amazing blossoming relationship. Not a bad thing, really.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ok, so, that wasn't it. I found myself conflicted, focusing more on her business skills and thinking of that it terms of my business needs. That simply wasn't fair so, I walked away from that relationship.


I am so very blessed
Ok, so, that wasn't it. I found myself conflicted, focusing more on her business skills and thinking of that it terms of my business needs. That simply wasn't fair so, I walked away from that relationship.

But you got laid, so it wasn't a total waste of time. Right?
Ok, so, that wasn't it. I found myself conflicted, focusing more on her business skills and thinking of that it terms of my business needs. That simply wasn't fair so, I walked away from that relationship.
So are you saying you stopped wanting her for sex and that you just wanted her mind or are you saying that both were fine but you were really impressed with her business sense? If it's the second, you are a dumb#@&% if you gave up a perfectly compatible woman just because she was good at more than one thing and you deserve your long-term relationship with Rosie Palmer.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So are you saying you stopped wanting her for sex and that you just wanted her mind or are you saying that both were fine but you were really impressed with her business sense? If it's the second, you are a dumb#@&% if you gave up a perfectly compatible woman just because she was good at more than one thing and you deserve your long-term relationship with Rosie Palmer.

how stupid do you think I am, really?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Ok, so, that wasn't it. I found myself conflicted, focusing more on her business skills and thinking of that it terms of my business needs. That simply wasn't fair so, I walked away from that relationship.

So was the conflict a deal breaker or something you could have possibly worked through? What was her take on it? With a younger child in the picture, I'm sure she has her hands full at times.

I use to think that was time wasted but I've come to realize that all those people you meet serve some sort of purpose in life. Some are much more purposeful than others.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If Monello got tired of my crap and ran off with an inflatable Pony, I doubt I'd go back to the dating sites. In general it was exhausting and frustrating.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If Monello got tired of my crap and ran off with an inflatable Pony, I doubt I'd go back to the dating sites. In general it was exhausting and frustrating.

I've got too much going on for anything that isn't fun and energizing. So none of it has been a drag so far. Just say thanks and c yah! No harm. No foul.
If Monello got tired of my crap and ran off with an inflatable Pony, I doubt I'd go back to the dating sites. In general it was exhausting and frustrating.
I think you are okay... I don't think he could get an inflatable Pony to fully appreciate his carved pineapple with it popping...:huggy:
Here you go, Larry. Hope this helps.


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