Larry why do you continually state that neither of you would have talked to the other years ago? Why is that important now when you are talking to each other and appear to enjoy doing so? Is the past so relevant on the new relationship that it needs to compare to the old you? I understand lessons learned My thought is when you meet new people, move forward from there, bringing lessons learned.
Dating is hard enough without the past.
Well, she doesn't necessarily agree with me that we would not have talked years ago and, for me, it's a conversational thought and not necessarily one I am invested in as being THE truth. I ask a lot of questions sometimes and really get into the observational aspects of couples relationships because I see so many different combinations in life; long term commitments I'd have NO interest in, long term ones I admire, short term ones that don't appeal to me, short term ones that seem really like a good thing. Dating, for me, has ALWAYS been easy. My problem is finding MY long term match.
I know I do want THE one and it is the person that we can work out whatever happens and be happy with one another. That is hard for me to some extent because of my nature BUT, I don't see anyone with THE formula. Some of the best relationships I know of, I have zero interest in how they live their lives even though I love and admire parts of it. Some of the worst seem to be, as per the 'expected' text book proper relationships that it seems to me they don't even like one another anymore.
I mean, we all influence one another. All the little decisions and choices we make influence everything to some extent, sooner or later. MAYBE had I met her years ago my life takes a whole other trajectory because we would have been the one for one another in the right way, time and place? It's like coming to an intersection; one way, seemingly, is not the right path but, darn well could have been. And the seeming 'right' path could put you on a road that takes years to get off of. Some people get it right the first time and not very many of them are saying "We know the right way for everyone!" They seem to be very aware that what they do is right for THEM and maybe ONLY them.
To me, my past, my present and my future are all tied together. I can't separate them. Don't want to. There is a saying I am growing fond of; show me your soil and I'll show you who you are. That's fine as far as it goes but, soil can be improved, or degraded so, it's a starting point. The base 'you', generically 'you', is YOUR starting point. A little of this and or that, a little less of this or that at the right time and amount and you got better soil or worse. That's life, what we did. What we're doing. The better or relationships make those adjustments together and do it well. That's their magic, their ways.
Good question.