Officer Day (Pax River base pig) is RACIST


33 yrs & we r still n luv
Richard Cranium said:
I'd be interested in seeing this specific officer's record of tickets/arrests by race. I think the rest of you would be surprised as well.

As far as smcop....did you earn your bonus yet?

You really don't think this information is stored in this manner do you? Wouldn't that be racist?

Then again, you must be racist to require it be supplied to you in that fashion.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
I'd be interested in seeing this specific officer's record of tickets/arrests by race. I think the rest of you would be surprised as well.

As far as smcop....did you earn your bonus yet?
Hey Richard, I haven't written a ticket in two months. But I have made numerous arrests. You can't touch my integrety! I know who I am, what I am and am proud of it. I tell no lies and can moraly and leagaly justify everything I do!

Richard Cranium

New Member
Tell you what, I'll make it easy for you. Take a look at "Md. Transportation Code Ann. § 25-113 (2002), Race based traffic stops" then tell me what you think.

Richard Cranium

New Member
smcop said:
Hey Richard, I haven't written a ticket in two months. But I have made numerous arrests. You can't touch my integrety! I know who I am, what I am and am proud of it. I tell no lies and can moraly and leagaly justify everything I do!

Good grief, set up your radar in the library parking lot and spend an afternoon with Merriam Webster.


Richard Cranium said:
Tell you what, I'll make it easy for you. Take a look at "Md. Transportation Code Ann. § 25-113 (2002), Race based traffic stops" then tell me what you think.

I think you are a jackass. :shrug:


Richard Cranium said:
Now I'm a jackass for doing some research and posting the correct transportation code? Thanks.

Ask and you shall receive. :lol:


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Good grief, set up your radar in the library parking lot and spend an afternoon with Merriam Webster.
Your a sad sack of a human being. You are a liar, and make up these things to incite people. I can't believe I buy into it as well, but am glad to see that so many people see you for what you are, which is pathetic. So explain it Richard, how do you know he let one person go, then gave your friend a ticket? Were you there when he let the first person go? Were you with your friend? How is it you know these things. Just answer that question?

Richard Cranium

New Member
smcop said:
Your a sad sack of a human being. You are a liar, and make up these things to incite people. I can't believe I buy into it as well, but am glad to see that so many people see you for what you are, which is pathetic. So explain it Richard, how do you know he let one person go, then gave your friend a ticket? Were you there when he let the first person go? Were you with your friend? How is it you know these things. Just answer that question?

Maybe, just maybe....I know others who work security on the base, and they've clued me in? Just a thought....douche.