Oh My... I am so Livid


Well-Known Member
A male customer of mine called me yesterday (to discuss buisness issues) during the converstation he said that he had just bought his wife a new convertible, and earlier that day she showed up at his work and they went and had S*X in the car :shocking: (wait it gets worse) then he proceeds to say it wasn't as good if it would have been me he was having S*X with in the convertible :barf:

Can you believe the nerve of this guy! I was so :yikes: I got off the phone as quick as I could and left work for the day.(basically scared this whack job would come by)

any suggestions how to handle this?

I never in any way gave him the impression I was interested in him what so ever.


tell him your flattered he is interested but no thanks or tell him this is inappropiate and you will have to pass him to another girl


aka Mrs. Giant
lovinmaryland said:
A male customer of mine called me yesterday (to discuss buisness issues) during the converstation he said that he had just bought his wife a new convertible, and earlier that day she showed up at his work and they went and had S*X in the car :shocking: (wait it gets worse) then he proceeds to say it wasn't as good if it would have been me he was having S*X with in the convertible :barf:

Can you believe the nerve of this guy! I was so :yikes: I got off the phone as quick as I could and left work for the day.(basically scared this whack job would come by)

any suggestions how to handle this?

I never in any way gave him the impression I was interested in him what so ever.
I feel your pain. I deal with a lot of vendors and similar things have come up a time or two. I tried going to my boss and that didn't really work, he told me to handle it. Best approach I have discovered is to be a cold biyatch when they start in, and shoot them down early, or ignore it, etc :shrug: And if they get really out of hand, I say something smart like, My SO Bubba, really wouldn't like that. Ya know he just got out of prison for putting a guy in the hospital who tried to buy me a drink. I feel so bad about that...and then change the subject. I've been blessed to have Smooth as my pimp, so i know I got back up if I ever need it. :lol:

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
CableChick said:
Not it if you're talking about Sam Elliott. :yum: He's a bit rough now, but man was he something to look at back in the day.
like when he ws in road house with patrick swayze yummy :drool:

no he didn't look like that at all. i am just so shocked, the balls on this guy :banghead:


aka Mrs. Giant
Mikeinsmd said:

If you get this worked up BC some guy flirts with ya, you have issues. :lmao:
Speaking as a woman, it's shocking when it's unexpected and in a work setting and completely unwarranted. It can be upsetting and then you get angry and upset because they not only are harassing you in your workplace - a supposed safe place, but they are intimidating you as well. If it happens in a bar or club, it's expected, but not when you are at work and told you HAVE to be nice to customers, vendors, etc.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
lovinmaryland said:
A male customer of mine called me yesterday (to discuss buisness issues) during the converstation he said that he had just bought his wife a new convertible, and earlier that day she showed up at his work and they went and had S*X in the car :shocking: (wait it gets worse) then he proceeds to say it wasn't as good if it would have been me he was having S*X with in the convertible :barf:

Can you believe the nerve of this guy! I was so :yikes: I got off the phone as quick as I could and left work for the day.(basically scared this whack job would come by)

any suggestions how to handle this?

I never in any way gave him the impression I was interested in him what so ever.

Why didn't you say something to him like "That will never happen?" Or "keep wishing." I mean, stand up for yourself, girl. If he gives you the creeps, TELL HIM HE GIVES YOU THE CREEPS.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
nachomama said:
I'd tell him to go buy me a convertible and we'll see how things go.
This, in my opinion, is the correct retort. :yay:

Getting #####y isn't the answer. They just want to flirt a bit and it doesn't hurt you to let them. Granted, this guy is a little more boorish than most, but should still be handled with a light touch.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
migtig said:
Speaking as a woman, it's shocking when it's unexpected and in a work setting and completely unwarranted.
Only the first time. Do outside advertising sales and you become a pro at sidestepping the come-on without offending your client.


Well-Known Member
BS Gal said:
Why didn't you say something to him like "That will never happen?" Or "keep wishing." I mean, stand up for yourself, girl. If he gives you the creeps, TELL HIM HE GIVES YOU THE CREEPS.

i was in the middle of working up a quote for him and he just started talking. i am a single mom who gets no child support i have a mortgage, car payment the list goes on, i need my job

i was so shocked i didn't know how to respond (with other customers in ear shot) with out flipping out on him

Nanny Pam

nachomama said:
I'd tell him to go buy me a convertible and we'll see how things go. :yay:
:confused: Do you hang out with Catt alot?

Just wondering, because that sounds like something she might say. :lmao:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
lovinmaryland said:
i was in the middle of working up a quote for him and he just started talking. i am a single mom who gets no child support i have a mortgage, car payment the list goes on, i need my job

i was so shocked i didn't know how to respond (with other customers in ear shot) with out flipping out on him

I can understand that, especially about being shocked.