Oh My... I am so Livid


Well-Known Member
migtig said:
If I am bartending, I totally expect "inappropriate behavior" from both males and females. It goes with the course of the job. But when I work in "conservative" politically correct environment in my business attire, it is not expected nor is it appreciated. It puts me in an uncomfortable situation. One I shouldn't have to be in.

i really just needed to vent about it. i am new here and don't know a lot of people.

I told my boss and he was like "what do you want me to take over his account? Just patch his calls to me if he calls again." not really the sympathetic answer i was looking for.


New Member
LordStanley said:
So the dude hit on you.... Maybe he was trying to swing a 3 way with you, him and his wife.

Is it just me? You have a playboy bunny AV, and you are acting all straight laced and playing the victim.:confused: :shrug:

there is more to this story

:drama: Oh no!!! He hit on me!! What color playboy bunny AV should I use next?? :killingme

She's pizzed cuz he's ugly!! :killingme
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vraiblonde said:
Oh sure - he was definitely crass and rude.

I guess it's because I've worked with customers in service jobs my whole life - from waitressing to sales to tending bar. You get used to the idiots and they don't faze you after awhile.


1) I could NEVER do customer service

2) How professional could this "very, professional" place had been? I would think bartending, waitressing, or jobs with heavy customer service to get comments like that on occassion, it's more of a casual relaxed atmosphere and there's a hazy line on where its okay to cross and test the waters for a potential relationshiop. If however, it is a very professional place as she claims it to be, then I'd find it NOT the norm and maybe that's why there are two vastly different opinions on this matter. So... LovinMD, how professional of a place are we talking about?



New Member
migtig said:
Do you seriously think it's okay to act like that to a woman at her place of business? Do you seriously think because a woman is being nice because it is her job, that she really wants to have crap like that spewed at her? Do you think that she wears a playboy bunny outfit to work? WTF.

If a man is truly interested in a woman in her workplace, do yourself a favor, and hand her your business card, and suggest she call you for lunch/drinks etc. Don't put her in a position where she HAS to listen to lewd and offensive and unrequested behavior at work. Save it for the lunch/drinks.
:drama: :drama: :drama: :drama:
:killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme


aka Mrs. Giant
Mikeinsmd said:
Yes, and mindsets like yours, are the reason that sexual harassment laws exist. :shrug:

Creeps, perverts and all around losers, tend to be shunned in private settings, so I guess that's why they resort to cornering women in their work place.

Thing is, if the man was g-d's gift to women, he wouldn't be acting like that.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
lovinmaryland said:

i really just needed to vent about it. i am new here and don't know a lot of people.

I told my boss and he was like "what do you want me to take over his account? Just patch his calls to me if he calls again." not really the sympathetic answer i was looking for.
But he was offering you a solution, so :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Mikeinsmd said:

:drama: Oh no!!! He hit on me!! What color playboy bunny AV should I use next?? :killingme

She's pizzed cuz he's ugly!! :killingme

so i guess in your opinion if i were out at a bar wearing a short skirt and was raped... i would have been asking for it.

you wouldn't have happend to have bought your wife a mustang recently?


New Member
lovinmaryland said:
so i guess in your opinion if i were out at a bar wearing a short skirt and was raped... i would have been asking for it.

you wouldn't have happend to have bought your wife a mustang recently?
You guessed wrong. Stop trying to make this a federal case. If GQ hottie man of the year hit on you, this thread wouldn't exist. He is ugly and you have your panties in a wad. Get over it.

I don't own a wife or a mustang. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
lovinmaryland said:
so i guess in your opinion if i were out at a bar wearing a short skirt and was raped...
Please tell me you are not equating a rude comment to being raped. That's ridiculous.

Some people are not meant to do customer service. I suspect you are one of them.


New Member
migtig said:
Yes, and mindsets like yours, are the reason that sexual harassment laws exist. :shrug:

Creeps, perverts and all around losers, tend to be shunned in private settings, so I guess that's why they resort to cornering women in their work place.

Thing is, if the man was g-d's gift to women, he wouldn't be acting like that.
She wasn't sexually harassed. Not even close.

You consider phone flirtation "cornered"????? :killingme

I'll say the same to you. Stop trying to make this a federal case. If GQ hottie man of the year hit on her, this thread wouldn't exist. He is ugly and you two have your panties in a wad. Get over it. :duh:


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Mikeinsmd said:
She wasn't sexually harassed. Not even close.

You consider phone flirtation "cornered"????? :killingme

I'll say the same to you. Stop trying to make this a federal case. If GQ hottie man of the year hit on her, this thread wouldn't exist. He is ugly and you two have your panties in a wad. Get over it. :duh:

Please check your PMer. :larry:


aka Mrs. Giant
Mikeinsmd said:
She wasn't sexually harassed. Not even close.

You consider phone flirtation "cornered"????? :killingme

I'll say the same to you. Stop trying to make this a federal case. If GQ hottie man of the year hit on her, this thread wouldn't exist. He is ugly and you two have your panties in a wad. Get over it. :duh:

I consider anybody, male or female, hitting on me in my work environment, in the course of my job, via phone, email or in person, cornered. Because it is a work situation, not a public one where I free to take "whatever" action I feel is warranted. I do feel cornered, and even threatened at times, because my JOB may depend upon my POLITE handling of the situation, because the guy is so persistent and adamant in his pursuit and the fact he not only knows where I work, but my work number, my email, my cell etc. Not like a stranger in a bar who has no clue who I am. It's difficult to handle at times when you are on the spot in your work environment.

Also, I have had GQ hottie of the year hit on me at work, and I did consider it inappropriate and it made me very uncomfortable. It also ticked me off. I am trying to do MY job, not flirt, make friends, score action or whatever. I am a professional, and expected to be treated with the same amount of respect and dignity I give others in the course of my work interactions.

The saddest thing to me is that men like you exist. The things he said to her do not qualify as "flirting". They definitely went past the line of "hey baby you are a cutie".


CageKicker Extraordinaire
"Accidently" drop the phone on the reciever... Tell him that you would enjoy that, but you're afraid that your psychotic BF would break his legs... Tell him that you don't like men... Hundreds of possibilities.

In all honesty, whether or not it's right is rather irrelevant, because it's going to happen anyway. If you're going to continue working in a profession dealing with people, you'll have to learn to deal with ***holes. If venting helps you with that, go for it :yay:

Not liking people is why I'm in the engineering field :shrug:

Half Shell

better on ice
migtig said:
:blahblah: :blahblah:

Also, I have had GQ hottie of the year hit on me at work, and I did consider it inappropriate and it made me very uncomfortable. It also ticked me off. I am trying to do MY job, not flirt, make friends, score action or whatever. I am a professional, and expected to be treated with the same amount of respect and dignity I give others in the course of my work interactions.

The saddest thing to me is that men like you exist. The things he said to her do not qualify as "flirting". They definitely went past the line of "hey baby you are a cutie".

Which is it? Are you ugly or do you get hit on all the time? :jameo: