Oive in Big Trouble?

Peter Forsberg

New Member
The league didn't really care about that hit, however, they impose a rule immediately after involving head shots.:duh:
Here is what should concern Caps fans. If Ovie does this in the Playoffs he could miss several games which will hurt his team in that series.


Had Lindros done that to a Cap, many moons ago, oh my, what bloody murder would have been called...and the beat goes on..

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hardly a launch. He pushed him at high speeds, Campbell lost it and went into the boards... I agree with Buddy Lee; if he did not get hurt there would have been no issue.

This is a hoot! If Ovechkin didn't send him into the boards he wouldn't have gotten hurt!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If guys didn't get hammered to the boards, we'd be watching figure skating.

Dale Hunter made me cringe as a Caps fan. Rod Langway made me cheer. Dale would do what Ovie did on that play, do things to guys that would get people hurt. Rod took guys into the boards, rubbed them out.

I LOVE the way Ovechkin plays the vast majority of the time, all in, balls out. He is no Dale Thug Hunter. However, in my view, the game does not benefit from the out of control, defenseless nudge/push/slam into the boards. Campbell is gone for what, 10 games, had he done that to Ovie.

I am willing to accept Catts judgement that this was not boarding. However, I accept it in a disagreeing fashion without being disagreeable.



Dale Hunter made me cringe as a Caps fan. Rod Langway made me cheer. Dale would do what Ovie did on that play, do things to guys that would get people hurt.

Maybe next time a men's Hockey game is on you should switch over to the Oxygen Network so your vag doesn't get twisted out of shape.

I'm just sayin.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Maybe next time a men's Hockey game is on you should switch over to the Oxygen Network so your vag doesn't get twisted out of shape.

I'm just sayin.

Very brave and tough of you. With someone else's ass. 'Gladiator' your favorite 'sports' movie?


Very brave and tough of you. With someone else's ass. 'Gladiator' your favorite 'sports' movie?

ObGraves: No, Captain Oveur. I do not like movies about Gladiators.

I've played Ice Hockey before. I took a couple of hard shots, so it's not me being a total sideline prick.

Besides, I was only ####in' with you. Don't take it personally.