Larry Gude
Strung Out
ObGraves: No, Captain Oveur. I do not like movies about Gladiators.
I've played Ice Hockey before. I took a couple of hard shots, so it's not me being a total sideline prick.
Besides, I was only ####in' with you. Don't take it personally.
It's not personal, it's a forum and I don't know you in real life. It is impossible, contrary to many on here, for it to be personal.
If you played then you know there is a point of vulnerability going into the boards; either you are under control and can take the blow, no big deal, or, you are falling/out of control and you are at the mercy of your fellow competitor.
Ovie's body language after the play told me he knew it was borderline and he instantly felt bad the guy wasn't getting up. Dale Hunter would have raised hell that it was a dive.
That's why I conceded to Catt; it was not a dirty play. It was everyone playing hard and Ovie plays just a bit harder. I'm just saying they gotta draw the line somewhere and 8 stepped over it, if just a bit. If they let it go, the rest of the night, the game turns into a 'get Ovechkin' fest.
And THAT irritates my vageen.