OK. pretty weak so far.
Here's my perspective, (to give you something more to shoot at).
But first, let me define some terms so that I can generalize and use shorthand: when I say "red state people" I mean states in which the majority voted red (Repub) in 2000. And "blue state people" means, well, you get it.
So, the bottom line is, red state people, meaning Republicans, meaning the party of self-reliance, and anti-welfare, and lower taxes, and personal responsibility, are the states that are ON THE DOLE. if the blue states were to secede, the red states would NOT BE SELF SUFFICIENT. So, despite the fact that the blue states supposedly have millions of welfare queens stealing from the system, and wasteful big governments running giant populations, and are bleeding the country dry with their liberal agenda, the fact is that the blue states more than pay for themselves. In fact, all those city folks pay for themselves AND help pay for all the farmers and moonshiners out there in the red states. And do we complain? No! We understand that it takes a government to run an organized society, and it takes money to run a government in a capitalist system, and we accept that. It is the Republicans who still want to cut more taxes, even though we are running huge deficits and fighting an endless "war", and even though most of them are living in places that aren't contributing enough taxes to pay for what they use anyway.
So to stereotype conservatives, I think the philosophy is that if we cut taxes, that the cuts will come where the waste is, i.e., the cities (blue states), but that things will remain the same where "red" people live. When in fact, it's the "red" areas that would need to have their services cut.
The other way to look at it is that since repubs have been controlling the purse strings the past couple of years, that they are just sending money back to their home districts. Which seems pretty hypocritical when you think about it.