SmallTown said:
Exactly. Not rocket science. The issue isn't about comparing funding from one state to another. It is about 1 state not being able to spend within it's means, and it just so happens that going by the voting records of the last several elections, these same states with their hands sticking out are the ones who are generally against federally funded programs to individuals. OF COURSE they are against federally funded programs for individuals, because it make take away money from them and they may have to be more efficient.
Wrong. It has nothing to do with self-sufficiency. For instance, Alabama has a number of major government installations in a small population. Therefore, they receive a large part of the public dole because federal employees (military and NASA for instance) take up a greater proprotion of the population (among the other issues of population density, etc..). The benefit received from the dollars in those states, national defense and space technology) are not benefits to the state but to the country. Therefore, you can not identify that as a state issue. Those number do count money spent on federal employees, buildings, land, etc... Again, this will have a greater effect on lower population states because large cost items of the federal government are averaged into a state with less population (and thus, dollars).
If it was just about Welfare funding, we could have a different story. The fact is that there is no sort of relation. You just can't take the simple picture and pound it into that thick head of yours.
So, for instance, a lot of agriculture money goes into the red states (along with military). Those benefits can not be partitioned to just those states receiving the money. The Blue States are paying their portion for the NATIONAL benefits being earned from those states.
Now, if you want to go look at welfare spending, we can get another picture.
How about medicaid spending per capita?
Whoa! Is that NY at number one!?! Rhode Island, Maine, Mass, and Conneticut also in the top 6? Only one red state in the top 6?
How about state and local welfare spending per capita?
Wow! Look at all those blue states in the top 10 of that list!!!
Hint! Those high in medicaid, state, and local welfare spending will be the highest overall in federal welfare spending across the board since state/local spending on welfare gets most its money from the fed.
But, thanks for playing and remember, getting a clue is not just a right but a privilege.