ok I am worried


Well-Known Member
bohman said:
Did I miss some prior beef between you two? That seems like a lot of crap to hand somebody who's already worried about possible pregnancy.

Wow. The small-minded people here have responded vigorously to my idea that maybe decent people don't kick somebody when they're down.

BSGal, Elaine, Pete - did you also get some really hateful red stuff? I don't even know any of these folks personally. Maybe CD actually is a bad person, and I shouldn't stick up for her. Again - what am I missing?

to karma dummy: My av's mustache rocks and you are jealous. :lmao:


New Member
BS Gal said:
:lmao: 46. Giant has it on sale for $5.99 this week. I am trying to stay out of there. It's stacked pretty high now.

46 rolls....speechless. How many people live with you?


Well-Known Member
bohman said:
To karma dummy: My av's mustache rocks and you are jealous. :lmao:
My future SIL lives in Brewer's Hill in Baltimore. There is a huge sign with your avatar on it. I think there's a bar that uses it for its logo. :yay:


Well-Known Member
sockgirl77 said:
My future SIL lives in Brewer's Hill in Baltimore. There is a huge sign with your avatar on it. I think there's a bar that uses it for its logo. :yay:

Sure is. And he winks at night. His smiling face is on every can of National Bohemian beer, which used to be brewed in Baltimore. You'll see him all over Baltimore, especially Fells Pt.


yeah yeah
If you are at least 14 days past your ovultion day (at least 2 1/2 weeks late) you should be able to show up on a pregnancy test- as your hcg levels would be high enough to detect in urine. It can however take a bit for hcg to raise if you have other lower variables. But- in normal circumstances- you should be able to show up on a pee stick.

Basically count back 14 days from the day you are normally suppose to get your period. (this is based on a normal cycle and all that lovely mess).. that would have been when you o'd. Then, try and remember if you did the bang bang that day or within 4-5 days before or 1 days after that 14 day mark. IF so, there could be a chance of pregnancy.

From fertility friend

Your fertile window is made up of the days in your menstrual cycle when pregnancy is possible. The length of this fertile phase is determined by the maximum life span of your partner's sperm and your egg. Sperm can survive a maximum of five days in fertile cervical fluid and your ovum can survive for up to one day. Your theoretical fertile window is thus six days long, comprised of the five days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. You only have a chance to conceive when you have intercourse on these days. This means that pregnancy is technically possible from intercourse on any of these six days. The likelihood of actually becoming pregnant, however, is dramatically increased when you have intercourse in the three days immediately leading up to and including ovulation. This makes a practical fertile window of just three days.

here is some other stuff...



Well-Known Member
bohman said:
to karma dummy: My av's mustache rocks and you are jealous. :lmao:

Huh. I just now saw the face in your av. This whole time I was thinking it was some jacked up panda bear or something. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Cowgirl said:
Huh. I just now saw the face in your av. This whole time I was thinking it was some jacked up panda bear or something. :shrug:

:killingme Well, that's an idea. Maybe the angry people will like me more if my av is a panda?

Nah, screw 'em. I like the Boh man.


I am so very blessed
FlipandFlop said:
I will put this here so BG can view it. You need English 101 :smack:

ok I am worried 07-23-2007 05:22 PM badgirl you really are a ass a fat one to
I'm not really sure why you felt the need to drag me in to your little dose of "drama de'jour". I purposefully stayed away from this thread because I didn't want to participate in hearing you bemoan the activities in your cervix. Frankly, I don't care. :yawn:

I just jumped on the forums a short time ago. You see, I had to take my son to the doctor's appointment this morning. I make it my priority to maintain appropriate health insurance for my family. Bubba's not only covered by my insurance plan, but he is also covered by Bob's health insurance. :biggrin:

Oh, and I am NOT FlipandFlop. I did actually see FlipandFlop this morning while I was out and about, though. I really do like FlipandFlop. But, alas, I am not FlipandFlop. Get your MPD ownership straight, why don't 'cha?


Well-Known Member
And still the hate pours in. Keep on bringing the red. The juvenile and obscene writing that comes along with it only serves to show that I was right to speak up in the first place. Vrai would probably give me a time out if I copied it onto the public boards; it's dirty as hell just like the writers.
Last edited:


Flip Flops Rule!
bohman said:
And still the hate pours in. Keep on bringing the red. The juvenile and obscene writing that comes along with it only serves to show that I was right to speak up in the first place. Vrai would probably give me a time out if I copied it onto the public boards; it's dirty as hell just like the writers.

I haven't given you any YET but if it makes you whine like this, I think I might find it amusing enough to slam some your way.
What you call haters are really baiters and you got caught hook line and sinker. Don't choke on the bait :killingme


Flip Flops Rule!
BadGirl said:
I'm not really sure why you felt the need to drag me in to your little dose of "drama de'jour". I purposefully stayed away from this thread because I didn't want to participate in hearing you bemoan the activities in your cervix. Frankly, I don't care. :yawn:

I just jumped on the forums a short time ago. You see, I had to take my son to the doctor's appointment this morning. I make it my priority to maintain appropriate health insurance for my family. Bubba's not only covered by my insurance plan, but he is also covered by Bob's health insurance. :biggrin:

Oh, and I am NOT FlipandFlop. I did actually see FlipandFlop this morning while I was out and about, though. I really do like FlipandFlop. But, alas, I am not FlipandFlop. Get your MPD ownership straight, why don't 'cha?

:love::kiss::love: to your family. Sorry the karma crammer thought you gave them crap when you weren't even in it. :lmao:


Baby blues
I'm gonna pipe in here about health insurance for the self-employed. Why? I'm a glutton for punishment I guess.

Anyhooooo... for the last several years I could not get health insurance through my work, and my husband is self employed. He makes decent money in his work, but we are not "rich." I had to shop around and get insurance through his being self-employed and let me tell you - it was a nightmare.

See, when you are self-employed, you have to deal with answering health questionaires and you would be surprised at the number of things that disqualify you. Well, my hubby has a disqualifying event (meaning he can't have insurance at all) and I had a non-covered event, migraines - if you can believe that, meaning they will cover me, but not for that.

So, I went to trying to get group insurance, since he has employees. That has no questionnaires, but is REALLY expensive. So, we paid upwards of $700 a month to cover the family in the beginning, just for us (nevermind what the employees policies cost), and every year it got more and more expensive. We got to a point where it cost $900 a month. Well, the employees then decided they didn't want health insurance - too much money - so we lost the ability to have group insurance because you have to have a 75% enrollment rate.

So, then, we went to NO insurance. But just for a while, then I got a new job with benefits and now we are covered through my work, but if I, for some reason, can't work, we'll probably have to be uninsured again.

We kept the kids insured, because they pass the questionnaires.

But, just so you people understand, when you are self-employed, having/getting health insurance is not as easy as the stupid commercials on TV make it look. There are SO many factors that I haven't even mentioned in here. Those who have always had the luxury of getting insurance through work do not understand how health insurance works because their employer goes through all of this for you. What you pay through your work is a tiny fraction of what it actually costs your company to insure you.


New Member
Thank you so much!! You explain it much better then I ever could.. :huggy: It is truly a nightmare.. Our kids are insure, We are running into somewhat the same problems.. It's not that we aren't looking for insurance. Just at this point in time I am paying for it out of my pocket..