ok I am worried


New Member
cdsulhoff said:
Thank you so much!! You explain it much better then I ever could.. :huggy: It is truly a nightmare.. Our kids are insure, We are running into somewhat the same problems.. It's not that we aren't looking for insurance. Just at this point in time I am paying for it out of my pocket..

You flowin yet?


I bowl overhand
elaine said:
Dear itsbob. S T F U.
I STFU'd about 13 hours before you posted..

But I still don't understand how someone that makes $16,000 a week can't afford health insurance..

They make choices just like the rest of us. The only differenc between them and a welfare case is a normally a welfare recipient truly can't afford health insurance, they can, they just chose NOT to buy it. The one thing they do have in common is if they do get seriously ill, you and I are left holding the bag.

She comes on here and brags about buying $600 baseball bats, and private pitching lessons for a ten year old.. making four hundred dollars an HOUR, then has the audacity to whine that she can't afford health insurance, and she's possibly pregnant.

Funny how the same people that ##### about welfare people being a Pox on society are coming to her aid.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
Funny how the same people that ##### about welfare people being a Pox on society are coming to her aid.
What does welfare have to do with CD? :confused:

I didn't have health insurance for years and the only reason I have it now is because it's a family plan for Larry's daughters. If you get sick, you go to the doctor and write them a check. If it's major, they work you out with a payment plan like they did when I broke my collar bone.

If anything, having health insurance is stupid. You end up paying more in the long run, with enormous premiums and huge deductibles. So unless you're sick all the time or have a major health issue, it doesn't make sense to have insurance.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tinkerbell said:
We got to a point where it cost $900 a month.
That's ridiculous. You wouldn't have spent near that much if you'd done pay-as-you-go.

What you do is get a catastrophic policy in case you get in a car accident or something, and pay for your routine doctor visits, medications, etc out of pocket. It will save you a significant amount of money.

And, honestly, why does everyone who doesn't have health insurance feel the need to be sheepish about it? The whole thing is a scam because 9 times out of 10 the insurance company isn't going to pay your medical bills anyway. My girlfriend found that out when she got in a nasty car accident and needed rehabilitative therapy. They also wouldn't pay when she broke her ankle tubing at the lake house with me and Larry - the insurance company actually suggested she sue us to pay her medical bills. :rolleyes:


New Member
Tinkerbell said:
I'm gonna pipe in here about health insurance for the self-employed. Why? I'm a glutton for punishment I guess.

Anyhooooo... for the last several years I could not get health insurance through my work, and my husband is self employed. He makes decent money in his work, but we are not "rich." I had to shop around and get insurance through his being self-employed and let me tell you - it was a nightmare.

See, when you are self-employed, you have to deal with answering health questionaires and you would be surprised at the number of things that disqualify you. Well, my hubby has a disqualifying event (meaning he can't have insurance at all) and I had a non-covered event, migraines - if you can believe that, meaning they will cover me, but not for that.

So, I went to trying to get group insurance, since he has employees. That has no questionnaires, but is REALLY expensive. So, we paid upwards of $700 a month to cover the family in the beginning, just for us (nevermind what the employees policies cost), and every year it got more and more expensive. We got to a point where it cost $900 a month. Well, the employees then decided they didn't want health insurance - too much money - so we lost the ability to have group insurance because you have to have a 75% enrollment rate.

So, then, we went to NO insurance. But just for a while, then I got a new job with benefits and now we are covered through my work, but if I, for some reason, can't work, we'll probably have to be uninsured again.

We kept the kids insured, because they pass the questionnaires.

But, just so you people understand, when you are self-employed, having/getting health insurance is not as easy as the stupid commercials on TV make it look. There are SO many factors that I haven't even mentioned in here. Those who have always had the luxury of getting insurance through work do not understand how health insurance works because their employer goes through all of this for you. What you pay through your work is a tiny fraction of what it actually costs your company to insure you.

This is a very good explanation of what is going on and it has gotten far worst over the past few years. There are real people in the world that don't have the luxury of getting heath insurance through an employer and for the self-employed, it can be up in the neighborhood of $1,000's of dollars to cover a family now. There has been a huge increase the past few years, which is what caused Bush to make a public statement about it. Bush stated he wanted to give deductions for people for heath insurance so that everyone has it, but I'm not sure how that will work. My gut feeling is that it will continue to go up and up and if it isn't affordable now, what is a deduction going to do? Give you about a $1,000 tax break (if that) per year?

Cd isn't a welfare case and if she gets sick or pregnant, it is on her and her husband's dime and certainly didn't warrant the snobbish back lashing she got bob. :smack:


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
So unless you're sick all the time or have a major health issue, it doesn't make sense to have insurance.

That's brilliant reasoning, what happens when you fall over from a freak occurence like a blood clot or a tumor?
smoothmarine187 said:
That's brilliant reasoning, what happens when you fall over from a freak occurence like a blood clot or a tumor?
You are missing her logic... she is playing the odds. She believes that the odds are low that a drastic medical fiasco will occur for any given person or family. Whereas others fear the unexpected and believe odds are disaster will strike at some point which would lead to financial ruin if one does not have insurance.


Flip Flops Rule!
kwillia said:
You are missing her logic... she is playing the odds. She believes that the odds are low that a drastic medical fiasco will occur for any given person or family. Whereas others fear the unexpected and believe odds are disaster will strike at some point which would lead to financial ruin if one does not have insurance.

After what just happened in my family,I know you cannot play the odds. And if they had no coverage, financial ruin would putting it lightly. :duh:
The older you get, the greater the gamble.


New Member
I forgot to mention that I do have a 15,000 care credit limit... Have any of you heard of Care credit.. I love this card. It is a credit card for those with no insurance and anyone else who wants it.. This has help as well. It is not insurance but it is something... I can't believe I forgot about this card.. I just got it about 4 months ago..


New Member
The only thing that stinks about this card is that I have to find a doctor that accepts it.. but so far I only had to use it once at my dentist.. This card doesn't give you discounts.


New Member
cdsulhoff said:
The only thing that stinks about this card is that I have to find a doctor that accepts it.. but so far I only had to use it once at my dentist.. This card doesn't give you discounts.
I'd give you a checkup for free. :really:


New Member
I'm new here - but I haven't heard anyone ask for money to pay for doctor's visits. I don't understand the animosity. My DH is self employed; I have a job with great benefits. It is not a luxury I have, it is a CHOICE I made. Even Wal-Mart offers bennies - if folks don't get jobs with benefits that is the choice they make. As long as they aren't holding out their hand to the state for health bills for themselves or their kids, it doesn't bother me in the least. Y'all need to lay off this poor chick!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
You are missing her logic... she is playing the odds. She believes that the odds are low that a drastic medical fiasco will occur for any given person or family. Whereas others fear the unexpected and believe odds are disaster will strike at some point which would lead to financial ruin if one does not have insurance.
Right. And the odds ARE low that something drastic will happen to you, which is why catastrophic policies are so much less expensive than standard health insurance.


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
Right. And the odds ARE low that something drastic will happen to you, which is why catastrophic policies are so much less expensive than standard health insurance.
The types of coverage vary depending on what type of high-deductible health insurance plan you choose. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida offers a catastrophic health insurance plan in most counties that is called "Essential." It has deductible of $250 and an out-of-pocket limit of $2,500 after you've exceeded your deductible. The lifetime maximum is $1 million. The plan covers hospital, surgical, and X-ray expenses, but not other services, like doctor's visits, maternity care, prescription drugs, and mental health visits. An online quote showed that the monthly premium for a 21-year old, nonsmoking female to be $29.

Sounds like the case of the $900 a month premium is the salesman selling what is best for his comission..


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
Sounds like the case of the $900 a month premium is the salesman selling what is best for his comission..
Nope - that's standard for a full-health family plan. People get it because of all the hype surrounding "health care" and insurance. You've seen it just in this thread, where people have this fear of not being "covered" for well-baby checkups, routine doctor visits, pharmaceuticals, etc. So they end up spending $900 a month to pay for a $100 doctor visit. Or, better yet, they think their health insurance is "free" because their employer pays for it.

The whole thing is a scam and a set-up, and all you have to do to realize it is watch the news and see all the "stories" about how some kid died of a tooth infection because "his mother didn't have health insurance".

I fully and with all my heart believe the insurance companies put the media up to this chicanery. And that's not even a wild conspiracy theory, because stuff like that happens all the time - you should see some of the :jameo: "press releases" we get here, trying to make a big deal out of nothing so we'll "report" it and get our readers all spun up.