OK so yesterday I was listening to XM and Dr. Laura

Wives are obligated to cater to their hubby's need for bangbang.

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Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
mv_princess said:
I wouldn't. but boys like to lie to get you. Then once they think they have you it all changes, guys are almost as bad as chicks.
Originally Posted by aps45819
Why would you want to be in a relationship with someone that doesn't rock your world?

If you never did you should
These things are fun Dr. Seuss


24/7 Single Dad
mv_princess said:
sooner or later most folks reach a point in life where they're comfortable with being themselves and don't feel the need to pretend in order to impress others.


mv = margaritaville
aps45819 said:
sooner or later most folks reach a point in life where they're comfortable with being themselves and don't feel the need to pretend in order to impress others.
yes this is true, and some get there faster than others. Then has to wait for everyone else.


Pete said:
was on one of the channels I scanned through so I listened.

She was reading a letter from a woman who had read her book "Care and feeding of Husbands". I have not read this book but her feeling in a nutshell is that wives are pretty much obligated to "rock their husbands world" whenever requested. No, "get off me I am tired" no more "I don't feel like it go away". The premise is that if she keeps her man happy he will strive harder to make her happy.

This woman was going on and on how she now drops trou when requested and does the bangbang on demand and how her life and their relationship is so much better now.

Now the pig in me says "A woman who would cheerfully jump bones on command. :banana: Then the logical part thinks "Hmmmmm seems like she is just a sex slave obligated to perform on command." Strange stance to be put out by a talking head advise guru.

So the question is; How many of you women agree with DR. Laura and just do it because it is what you are supposed to do because you are obligated?

:smack: Are you serious...do you know any women that do it because they feel obligated.


julz20684 said:
:smack: Are you serious...do you know any women that do it because they feel obligated.
I am not saying I agree. I am saying what the good Doctor tells women.

I do know some women withhold lovin as punishment and for manipulation though.


Pete said:
I am not saying I agree. I am saying what the good Doctor tells women.

I do know some women withhold lovin as punishment and for manipulation though.

Yeah and they are quacks too.


New Member
mv_princess said:
Sure, but he better not complain when I have one.

this whole topic really doesn't apply to me, but if I was in a relationship like that, it wouldn't last long

I read somewhere that is the best thing for a headache :shrug:


New Member
mv_princess said:
I wouldn't. but boys like to lie to get you. Then once they think they have you it all changes, guys are almost as bad as chicks.
I think I see your problem...