OK so yesterday I was listening to XM and Dr. Laura

Wives are obligated to cater to their hubby's need for bangbang.

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Working for the weekend
I actually have that book, curiousity got the best of me so I bought it. I did not agree with everything she says, but still found it interesting. Relationships are a two way street, as explained in the book. Your hubby does not like going to pick up your tampons, but will if you need them. He also does not like spending every holiday with your family, put paints on a fake smile and does it. Am I alway in the mood when he is? Not always, but doing things you may not feel like doing goes both ways. :wink:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
harleygirl said:
Relationships are a two way street
Very true - it's the "obligation" I object to. Dr. Laura makes it sound like another chore, like doing the dishes or something, instead of something nice you do for the one you love.

And plus that, sex is different. I do the dishes for him, he picks up tampons for me. I make nice with his clients, he makes nice with my parents. THAT is a tit for tat - sex should be mutual.
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Fat Momma

Pete said:
was on one of the channels I scanned through so I listened.

She was reading a letter from a woman who had read her book "Care and feeding of Husbands". I have not read this book but her feeling in a nutshell is that wives are pretty much obligated to "rock their husbands world" whenever requested. No, "get off me I am tired" no more "I don't feel like it go away". The premise is that if she keeps her man happy he will strive harder to make her happy.

This woman was going on and on how she now drops trou when requested and does the bangbang on demand and how her life and their relationship is so much better now.

Now the pig in me says "A woman who would cheerfully jump bones on command. :banana: Then the logical part thinks "Hmmmmm seems like she is just a sex slave obligated to perform on command." Strange stance to be put out by a talking head advise guru.

So the question is; How many of you women agree with DR. Laura and just do it because it is what you are supposed to do because you are obligated?

I dunno know, I have no problem with it. If he is in the mood, then I am going to love making him happy and me too in the process. If I am in the mood same there. But on demand? Naw, seems like she is using it as a bargaining tool.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

Ahhh! The good ole days!



New Member
I wouldn't put it in terms of "obligation" but I think if your spouse "wants some" then why not accommodate. How hard is it anyway? (no pun intended)


New Member
mv_princess said:
this whole topic really doesn't apply to me, but if I was in a relationship like that, it wouldn't last long

I second what princess said.

If a relationship reaches a point where the posted question comes into play, determining who is obligated to do what is probably not the place to start. There could be alot of reasons this happens & could be any sort of issue that needs to be addressed. If the relationship is otherwise happy, I say find a good way to re-light the fire & enjoy.

If that doesn't work, there are alot of alternative routes I'm sure. What are they? No idea. Generally doesn't come into play. What would I do? Princess said it well enough.
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New Member
Wait, can I delete that post? Something tells me I will, eventually, settle into a long run with someone and Lady Karma is gonna F with me pretty good for my sarcasm.

Actually...nevermind. I've made enough spoken comments on the topic that the above comment will probably HELP my cause.


Asperger's Poster Child
What about the idea of women craving sex for their own satisfaction, not necessarily to keep a man happy?

Dumb question - was that Laura Ingraham or Laura Schlessinger?